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JaxRPExcellence In Higher EdI’ve been listening to this podcast for many years. Bonni is a kind, gracious, and personable host. She is also generous in sharing her own expertise and modeling how to be vulnerable as a human (which all of us professors would benefit from continually learning). I have learned so much from the conversations on this podcast - tools, tips, perspectives, and paradigms. I love how it helps me keep current with the pulse of higher ed and helps me continually learn and grow. Thank you Bonni!
The VVPAmazing quality and insightful conversationsTeaching in Higher Ed is a go to podcast to learn about professional development. Bonni is a highly competent and kind host.
Hi it’s karenA Whole New WorldAs a respiratory therapist who has transitioned to a college instructor, I am often lost in this whole new world. I have learned so much from Bonnie and her guests. I especially enjoy how she asks her guests to recommend something we should try. I’ve tried so many new things thanks to this one question! And Bonnie’s husband Dave has a great podcast too called Coaching for Leaders. As teachers we are both coaches and leaders! Thanks Bonnie and Dave, what a team you are!!!
189766ShanHelpful, pragmatic, and realI’ve made the transition from graduate student to assistant professor, and this podcast has greatly assisted my growth as an educator. I listen to every episode. Thank you, Bonnie!
Rex A. Holiday, Ph.D.NGo to the I want
August ConsumerGoobleygookAs a retiree enrolled in a Masters in Education, I can no longer be fed the academic babble that professors delude themselves with. And students pay so much for an inflated diploma. Some professors are full of air-hot air, and themselves. There are valuable podcasts and YouTube presentations- thank God in the internet and professors who can teach. I’ll leave this one to go on to them.
Samuel J. FrameGoing in the wrong directionI’m a tenured full professor who has been listening to this for years. I’m signing off now and unsubscribing. I’m tired of all the episodes that do nothing but promote terrible books and don’t provide me with anything helpful anymore.
David M. T.Consistently delivers quality contentI’ve been a listener for years and the show always delivers. Provides timely and impactful information for those of us who teach in higher ed.
paulviggGreat podcast, but...When I listen to a podcast, my only goal is to learn one thing I can use in my teaching. And this podcast usually gives me more than one! I have also purchased several books based on this podcast. My only complaint is that when someone is being interviewed, they should do more talking than the interviewer. In several instances, Bonnie gets caught up in the enthusiasm and takes over the discussion. Sometimes I feel as though teachers are frustrated actors who enjoy talking on the stage. Other than that, it’s awesome.
KT1904Relevant and RealisticI recently discovered this podcast and I am in love. I feel like a first grader who comes home from school every day gushing about how, “My teacher said...” Although I work in K-12 Education, absolutely every episode I have listened to has been interesting and relevant to my work. I have been spreading the word to friends and colleagues, and although they may be getting tired of, “I heard about it on the TIHE podcast,” there have been episodes that I could recommend to specific folks and I have therefore been successful in recruiting additional listeners. Bonni invites fascinating guests and she consistently crafts insightful interview questions that bring out both the knowledge and the passion of those guests.
pxjunkieI found you!I just started listening, and I'm so glad that I found it. It's 100% related to what I do, and I can see that the podcast has a bevy of interesting topics. I'm delighted to be consuming this material!
chaseD702My only complaint...Is that I don’t have enough time to catch up on all this useful info! I’m using it to curve my medical education experimentation and curriculum. Not many in such professions stay undated on the education aspect. Luckily, podcasts and other information tech is breaking down the boundaries.
JP742Thank you!Thanks for helping me through my first year as an Assistant Professor! As a former K-6 teacher for 14 years, I had many strategies up my sleeve. This podcast helped me develop new strategies for my “taller” students!
LincMom209Gets the thoughts flowingI’m a high school teacher, but I love to know what’s going on “above” me. And it’s a amazing how many of our struggles are the same!
buskillaMost ValuableAn incredibly useful and fun resource for faculty! Most treasured.
Ethics ProfGreat for this new instructorI found this podcast just as I was entering my first semester of teaching at a community college. Bonnie has been a wise guide for me as I try and help my students learn in today’s changing educational environment. I am a better instructor for listening to this podcast. It’s a great mix of practical tips, strategic thinking, and encouragement.
CCG29Great Professional DevelopmentI’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast. Bonnie asks thoughtful questions of her guests and listens to the answers. As an adjunct faculty member, it’s often difficult to connect with colleagues about teaching practices. This podcast has been wonderful professional development and has helped me grow as an educator.
H.U. Ph.D candidateGiftThank you so much for continuing to have this podcast. As a newer faculty member I am finding everything to be so helpful. I know I will be going back to listen to many of them multiple times. Your enthusiasm and dedication to helping us “be great” is so appreciated.
Bill GarrettBe BetterBonni Stachowiak isn’t just a skilled pedagogue, she’s also talented at using her network to line up some of the best interviewees around. Even when I’m not really interested in the topic of the day, I find that I go away with a better framework for teaching and being.
kelseypaizGood content, bad sound quality at timesI love this podcast and the various different topics Bonni covers week-to-week, but sometimes the sound quality of the guests she brings on is so bad that I have to skip episodes because I can't easily follow the conversation. Truly a bummer when that happens.
BachertFamGreat PodcastThis is a great podcast that touches on so many ways that help faculty to be better at our craft! I appreciate that almost every week not only a subject around teaching is talked about but also tools that help me be more productive. Thank you for the excellent podcast!
Freq RoelofsLots of good ideasThe mission encapsulates what I am striving to accomplish. Lots of interesting guests and useful resources.
JSomething2013ProfessorI just discovered this podcast and it has already changed my teaching!
mswoffJust What I Needed!I love this podcast and have learned so much from it. Bonni's style of interviewing, conversing, story-telling, and explaining is engaging for me as an adjunct instructor. I've used many of the technology tips and tools, to great effect, in my classes. The guests are knowledgeable and gracious with their advice for those who, like me, are aware that a terminal degree doesn't necessarily make for a good teacher. Don't miss subscribing to this one.
OutahearAmazingI am a first year tenure track teacher. I’m an instructor that is focused on what students can do in the classroom rather than what information I can give them. Along that line of pedagogy, this podcast has been absolutely life-changing to my skills as a teacher. Episodes support my orientation to having classes based on collaborative learning, give me motivation to be a better teacher, and each one increases my creative thinking. I’m actually going to be adding some of the episodes to my tenure portfolio as examples of my continuing education in the area of excellence in teaching and learning. Finally, I’ve found company with this podcast after a really challenging day of teaching—one of those days when it all feels pointless. The episodes give me that “not alone” feeling. Highly, highly recommend.
Marshall J ThompsonMost Helpful PodcastThis is easily my favorite podcast. I have been working my way from the beginning of the show, and at this point have made it up to August of 2017 (almost caught up). Having now listened to over 150 episodes I can say that what impresses me most is how the show balances regular return to central teaching themes along with constant new ideas and material. I always get something new from each episode, but not at the cost of losing a common thread of the core principles of effective teaching and organization.
ElizabethMSPWorth Listening to on a Regular BasisThis is a great podcast. I have learned a lot about newer ideas in college level teaching as well as new digital tools for staying organized as a busy professor. I particularly like the part of the show where Bonni Stachowiak gives recommendations for books to read or apps to check out and her guests give their suggestions too.
jasonpauljohnstonTons of resources for educators! Always the latest info!I love this podcast. It always has the latest information, current technology and insightful research. Bonni is an excellent host, fantastic guests and the podcast is top quality. Always something to learn here!
Joel SchildbachExceptionalI discovered Teaching in Higher Ed and Bonni Stachowiak this past summer when searching for podcasts to keep my mind engaged (I'm a professor and administrator at an R1) while working in the yard or painting the porch. I wasn't much impressed with the podcasts on higher ed until I fired up this one. What a revelation. The conversations are enlightening, the guests superb, the recommendations always helpful. Thank you, Bonni, for your excellent work.
KCBradBGreat PodcastI still love this podcast. Great material, interviews, and resources. Keep it up!
Luke 1505Great resourceA must listen podcast for new instructors. Tons of resources.
BigGthePTWonderfully ApplicableI have become a better more reflective teacher since finding this podcast a little over a year ago. You and your many wonderful guests have directed me to search out many resources that I did not realize were out there. Thank you Bonni.
ProfMark00Consistently great content and perfect formatBonni does an excellent job with this podcast. The length is just right for my commute, guests are excellent and the episode notes make it easy to go back and follow up . Top notch quality all around!
Cmur771177So professional and helpful!I am learning a ton from these podcasts. I listen to and from work every day. Lots of experts who give great tips and advice. Some of it is very philosophical/technical and wordy and difficult to apply to what I do teaching high school, but some of it is more grounded and super helpful! Keep up the awesome work!
aryburnGreat for Professional DevelopmentBonnie is awesome and I love this podcast. I spend hours each week in commute from home to university and my favorite podcast to listen to is Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed. This podcast is great for higher ed educators that are looking for new ideas to implement in classroom and non-classroom environment. Thanks Bonnie.
fbuggey93EdTech Across the DisciplinesHad to listen to this podcast episode for class, and it was incredibly insightful and rewarding. I don’t (think) I’ll be teaching after I get my Masters in Higher Ed, but hearing of the different technologies, especially a few I’ve used personally and as a student, but hearing the connection between technology and teaching students gave me ideas and makes me think of how I’ll be able to use these same technologies as tools in a student affairs position. I would definitely recommend this episode to other higher ed and Student Affairs professionals/practitioners.
SPinMiInspiringI listen to this on my morning commute. I always feel inspired to try some of the things Bonni and her guests talk about in my classes right away.
KimberlyFrench1Great ResourceSo many podcasts for practical application of technology and pedagogical practices in higher education. Organized, clear presentation of interesting ideas.
dbruffGreat resource for educatorsBonni has a fantastic podcast, featuring interviews with thoughtful educators from all parts of higher ed. I always learn something useful when I listen, and am inspired to help my students learn even more.
BrokethemoldGreat TopicsI love what a diverse podcast Bonni hosts. She does a lovely job giving me ideas to make my job as a community college adjunct professor more fulfilling, as well as helping my students be successful! Thanks Bonni on 150 episodes.
LeisureProfGreat conversations about teachingI sometimes have engaging and interesting conversations with my colleagues about teaching, and I'm always happy when that happens. This podcast gives me the chance to listen in on other people's conversations about what they do, what works, and what doesn't. I have taken some of that advice into my own classroom. Every summer, I set the goal to read one new book about teaching, but this podcast gives me a weekly shot in the arm throughout the year. If you like the podcast, consider joining in the ongoing conversation on Twitter or on Slack. The TIHE community is filled with smart people who care about teaching.
Jazz926InspiringThis podcast provides a wonderful weekly reminder of why we do what we do and how we can do it better. Bravo!
Slancas4OutstandingThis podcast, the inspiring guests, and the ever-enthusiastic host Bonni have helped to shape my teaching practices on a weekly basis since I began in higher ed four years ago. It's a must for anyone in the field do teaching in higher ed!!
Oo7sliceGreat curation of higher education experts and topicsOne of my favorite education podcasts. Bonnie does a great job welcoming and guiding guests to her show and allowing them to share their expertise with the audience. She also includes recommendations with every episode, many of which have allowed me to find new content, tools, and things to try out. If you're teaching in higher education, try this one out!
MoeMac76A True Teaching and Learning CommunityI found this podcast as I was transitioning out of K-12 and into Higher Ed two years ago and remain a loyal listener. The topics and conversation that occur here are relevant and practical. Highly recommended.
PedagogyNPublicHealthTeaching in Higher Ed 101Most teachers/instructors/professors who go into teaching in post secondary/college/university type settings have little to no experience in teaching and come into teaching with the idea of its all about content delivery and knowledge transfer. Most graduate degrees for education are more geared towards administrator positions.... so where is a teacher supposed to get educated on empathy and great educational tools?? Through networked learning usually, and this podcast is an amazing resource. Since I have started listening I have been exposed to knowledge, tools, and insights I might not have ever known or been able to feel. I can not say enough good things, passionate things even, about this podcast, Bonni, and all of the guests she has had. I am constantly recommending it to co-workers and even my own professors.
Dr. Chris HeardExcellent podcast for higher ed facultyI discovered the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast fairly recently and have been hooked since the first episode I heard. Of the several higher ed podcasts I subscribe to, this is my favorite. I recommend it highly! Every episode is well worth the listen.
OttuschThank you!I have a note pad on my phone just for notes from your podcast and the people and resources recommended. I am constantly learning. As an incoming faculty member every grad student should listen to this.
Anthony MetivierIntresting and engagingI was a film studies professor in my previous career, and this is a great podcast for honing your ability to faciliate learning. The episode on teaching students how to learn is my personal favorite - especially the part on us educators needing to free students from our own (sometimes limiting) expectations - great stuff Bonnie :).
KelliUSCSo helpful!I recently discovered podcasts, and most importantly this excellent podcast which has turned my commute into professional development time! Bonni's choice of topics and speakers is fantastic! I want nearly every book and resource mentioned.
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