Unexpected Elements

Science #175

The news you know, the science you don’t. Unexpected Elements looks beyond everyday narratives to discover a goldmine of scientific stories and connections from around the globe. From Afronauts, to why we argue, to a deep dive on animal lifespans: see the world in a new way.

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Recent Reviews
  • whattheduck?
    Was hopeful
    The subjects are intriguing and I would like very much to listen however, not everyone has a voice for radio. The amount of irritating and chalkboard nail screeching voices have be turning out sadly. Love science and off beat ideas but can not listen.
  • Dresden8
    Fascination Fulfilled
    I always appreciate the turns this podcast takes to explore the known and bring forth the intricacy of the seemingly unknown connecting it back to relative terms. See plankton to mountains. Enjoy!
  • LizzBBBB
    Unexpected Elements!
    Fav podcast to listen to before sleep. After each episode I learn many interesting facts on an assortment of topics after just 1 episode!
  • Sijacko
    Could be a good show but the BBC’s neo-Marxism constantly shines through. They are more interested about how science interacts with social justice and the relationship between historical oppressor/oppressed. Typical neo Marxist agenda - the presenters are probably so indoctrinated they don’t even realize.
  • Sanjeev Keizer
    Hi Keizer
  • Elegant Ethical Apparel
    A must-listen podcast
    A must-listen every week. Love this show. I enjoy this show and learn so much every episode. Thank you. One request please spell Maasai the way the people themselves spell Maasai. Thank you, Asante and Ashe.
    Show for children?
    Or people with child like intelligence? Or just produced by people like that?
  • hbofffglllkjjggf
    what if climate change caught covid
    vary it up a little bit!
  • Informed0pinion
    Covid and climate change
    Useful for keeping up to date on Covid and climate change but that’s about all. Good content but repetitive.
  • noob_of_death
    Might be one of the best Science pc’s
    I listen to mostly plant and insect pc’s so the diversity I hear on BBC is welcomed.
  • Polyplane
    Love the science
    I realize that many prefer to get their science from politicians these days so it’s great to have another science podcast venue.
  • hfhdrjudsde
    Good podcast
    I will gladly change my review to five stars if I hear 4 episodes that aren’t on COVID-19 and climate change
  • Strongbow73
    Liberal garbage with a British accent.
  • vajskrifbej
    Good podcast.
    Links in show notes?
    The content and reporting are great. The show notes would be so much more useful if they included links to publications, preprint, websites, etc.
  • skaptasticvoyage
    sponsored by big banks
    immediately makes every thing you present questionable.
  • hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose
    New listener
    I’d gladly change my rating to five stars after you have 4 episodes in a row that don’t focus on COVID-19 or climate change. There are far too many podcasts in my feed dealing with these 2 issues, please tone it down a bit. The other episodes from this podcast are great.
  • Rock it rocket
    Great Pod.
    Always informative. 🙏🏽👍🏽
  • zoagreen
    Refreshing and Worthwhile
    One of my favorite times each week is when I have a chance to listen to the BBC Science Hour. The creators of the Science Hour have an excellent ability to make their stories accessible, relevant, and human. Over the years, I have listened to *many* other science podcasts, and the Science Hour is top of the lot!!
  • OhioShrimper
    Properly good information
    A great way to start the week. A summary of the latest science and a wonder-filled delve into some perplexing Qs by the Crowd Science team.
  • paigey33
    Truly wonderful
    Fascinating and refreshing questions from a scientific inquisitive perspective.
  • Trinchuckle
    Fascinating and wonderful information, clearly presented. I especially liked the episode on procrastination.
  • luca487075
    The sound
    The quality of the sound is so bad that I can’t listen to this. Which is a total shame because you’re wonderful.
  • Sally and Gary
    Biodiversity episode fails
    The biodiversity episode fails to identify the real cause of the loss in biodiversity. 7-8 billion people will burn through all natural resources, including plants animals and wilderness, in a few generations. I think the microbial biodiversity might delay this or even prevent it. Glad I won’t be around to see it.
  • etherdog
    Roland on science
    I am grateful to the boffins at the BBC for giving Pease a chance. He is a great interviewer who elucidates the scientific nubbins from his interviewees
  • KevinICdesigner
    I come here for science, get too much politics of the left
    Stop wasting my time with leftist politics. Just give us the science or else relabel your brand as political drool.
  • How-dee-
    This is informative, interesting and well presented. One of my favourite podcasts.
  • pinkmonk
    Great News
    Good reporting on various scientific fields. I follow the news avidly but I always learn something new with this podcast.
  • Gestaltian
    well put together. journalistic and reporting excellence. awesome!
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