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MikeYayoHire a sound engineerThe sound is so bad on these. You have a huge podcast you gotta get a sound engineer. And stop with the phone call interviews. Send them a mic and do a zoom atleast.
KBear830Great podcastGreat wrestling podcast
IHateAds27OldAll of these episodes are from his old podcast like 8+ plus years. Why we uploading these almost a decade old
Cflow221Snowflake AustinLost all respect for Austin. He has become Californized and is nothing more than a snowflake. The tough guy image was all a mirage to his true inners. Probably crying since Trump won
ProperXDGood show just rerunsIt’s sooooooo annoying…
bronx Vet08Great showWhat more can you expect? I love listening to the amazing stories by the Great Stone Cold Steve Austin.
RockreturnsAustin rulesGreat job Steve! Your doing a great job on this podcast and the fact of the matter is (you’ve probably already done this) bring the rock, and that’s the bottom line because stone cold said so!
jckid45Is he done?!Will we ever get an actual “new” episode. Or is Austin done recording for you guys.
pizzaliveroneAustin the manLove watching austin his personality is awesome and i just love catching up with him since you don’t see him much now days.
Morp24Was Good Now RerunsWas good now its just reruns of classics. Steve Austin gave up on this podcast which a shame.
LandsharkoGreat podcast to the point in your face by a wrestling legend.Tremendous show legendary wrestler Steve Austin delivers a stunner of a podcast .
Kayleeanna MarieSTONE COLD SAID SOReally like this pod keep it goin Steve
Shady Grove RebAwesome stuff to listen to!Really enjoy it all, but especially the hunting stuff. Love hearing the stories about hunting camp! If you manage a piece of property and prep it for whitetail you can certainly identify with Steve’s takes!
🤠cowboy859ky🤠Stone cold is the bestLove the podcast while I’m at work… just wanted to know when you’re going to have Kurt angle on the show
Bryce GoddardGreedWho runs this podcast? Whats with the content drip of decade old episodes? Not to mention the fact that this podcast is now deleting older episodes.
sagewithahellyeahThe coolest guy everI absolutely love this guy he is just the best
H.hernandez19Childhood!I have been a huge fan of yours since I was a little girl. I grew up with nothing but boys in my family, so I had to be tough. Listening to your podcast makes me think back to being a kid again & the better days. I just want to thank you for that. My son is 8 years old & he absolutely loves you.
Jprez254Steve Austin PodcastBig fan of Steve Austin! Love the attitude era & am old school guy so I love all those guys back in the attitude era. Love the podcast & keep up the hard work Steve!!
RussssshFive Star PodcastBeen a fan of Stone Cold since I was 9 and I will continue to be! Amazing podcast!
Steve4:20STEVE IS THE GOAT!Hi Steve, Even though all your shows are repeats, they are still worth listening to again. How are your folks? Lawler had a heart situation and is in the hospital right now. You were a so-called heel, but the fans loved what you did to your boss! WHAT?? How about Part 2 of your book? Amazon still sells the audio version of your book, so you should still be getting royalties on it. You’ve done many things since the last book that your fans would love to read what you’ve been doing since the last book. I think Simon and Schuster would love to publish it as your book was a best seller. Dennis
moulton2001BMFStone cold is the best , these podcasts are like you are sitting right there !!!
Cory370NopeLook I love stone cold Steve Austin but there is so much old material and then which may not be his fault there is only like 24 episodes like they deleted so much old that I got to go on YouTube to listen
JoeyBagofDonuts1991Podcast is dead, but the classic content is still good.Please release new content.
WTCMEDIC911Need new material!!!Been running the classics long enough. Tell us your done and pull the plug. Or get us some new material please.
AudioConsumerThe Bottom Line is…You gotta get this podcast! Download and listen to the baddest mother who’s ever done bad tell stories of wrestling’s greatest triumphs. We are lucky to have Stone Cold tell us about so many great moments. The guest interviews are incredible, he has a real skill for it. Start listening now!!! Austin 3:16 says listen to this podcast!! @Robert_Negoesco
VsilWhen it was!All good things eventually come to an end. Will always be a fan but I’m leaving like Steve left years ago.
Ben-in-CharitonCrap or get off the potEither close this podcast down or put up new material. This has gone on long enough.
Mike & MoiOldEverything is old classics why nothing new? If there isn’t going to be new ones close up shop
evilmetsfanSAS unleashedWas unmatched entertainment until the WWE got scared of TK and lock ole Stone Cold up in an ivory tower. I hope one day I can cry my eyes out from laughing like I did. Anyway 5 stars for SCSA the true greatest of all time.
Chubby LumpkinsWhy continue with repeat old episodesWhen if ever are we going to get any new material from stone cold these classic episodes are getting old
shadyfalconPODCAST IS NO LONGER ACTIVEStone Cold podcast was great just a heads up he stopped doing it because of his schedule. So that’s why nothing new.
RamzClos3 and twenty bandGreat show caught me by surprise early this morning love the tones made my morning drive fly by, Thanks
PMB1981New episodes???I listen to the Steve Austin Podcast weekly. I love wrestling and listening to Stone Cold’s views and opinions. The only problem I have with the show is the only episodes I can listen too on here are all old shows. I can’t get one single new episode that is current. I have heard episodes that are replayed numerous times dating back to 2012. Why are the current episodes not available?
Carmen Livigni1Excellent showI just started listening to Steve Austin podcast and found I really Love it. I’m not a big wrestling fan, but my husband never misses an episode of any wrestling event and I usually end up half watching with him. I like that Steve gets a lot of background information on these wrestlers and I get to learn a little bit more. Great job Steve! Truly enjoyed your podcasts
konveraesssNew episodeNew episode is the absolute best podcast ever I have ever listen to this podcast is my absolute favorite
whitethunder762The episode with jim Ross had three voicesThe three voices were Steve Austin. Jim Ross and Steve Austin’s breathing 😅
skullboy0Wish I could run “Best of” at my job for six monthsWas a good run while it lasted Edit: Wish I could take a six month vacation running “Classic Mike” at my job & then come back & run “Classics” for half the week Will download episodes that interest me instead of subscribing
Big Mo DizzelBrother JeffGreat episode! Love the obvious chemistry you guys have. Great you share the platform to let him showcase his talents with us too! Thanks for the great entertainment as always! WHAT!!!!
darren eubankNew podcast soon??You need to get Ted back on the podcast soon. Need Ted Fowler back on more!!
Start Today HappyGreat StoriesLove to hear the stories, about the events I saw when growing up. Keep up the great work.
Dbe9804PodcastVery enjoyable
wwewwewwewwewweweewwewweweeWweWwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwe Wwr Wer Wwr Wer Wwr Wee Wer Wer Wer Wer Wwe Wwe Wer Wwr
XVIIINeeds new episodesI understand he has a show on the peacock app, but this is a review for his podcast, which hasn’t been updated in over a year..
DanielmolotovWe need TedCan we at least get some re runs with Ted Fowler 316 on here?
moosecraft3213BooI hate this
Voodoo child 82One of the best podcasts everI want to hear the one with jocko again
gjxdhjnc2020How can we get the 2020 episodes?
DoubleD5401If you’ve bored with reruns...Check out the Broken Skull Seasons on Peacock.
Nick V DonleyNew content pleaseWay to long without new content.
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