All Things Comedy Live


All Things Comedy podcast network founders Bill Burr and Al Madrigal are joined by fellow comics for an unconventional hour long show.An All Things Comedy podcast.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dmbiz4
    The Dynamic Duo
    Arguably the funniest podcast ever! Bill and Al are the perfect comedy odd couple. Sad it was discontinued...
  • Sonic1400
    I’m into comedy
    Hey guys I’m here for some laughs during Quarantine anyways guys go subscribe to Sonic Song182 because I’m about to make a joke from them Hello this is Shadow The Hedgehog welcome to my Shadow AMSR where I eat eggnog for an hour now where’s my dr kelp? I can’t eat my pizza without my drink this is my Shadow AMSR now I’m eating a cherry fruit roll up Hahahaha I learned these jokes from my good old friend SuperVintedo64 go subscribe to his channel #ShadowsUltimateAMSR #Shadowforpresident #ShadowsUltimatejokes #imthecoolest be geriatric! Maria be geriatric! If your not geriatric your nobody! anyway Taco Bell fourth meal! anyways peace out!
  • Banuelos de Monte
    So freakin funny
    Can’t believe it took me this long to discover this podcast. I am a big fan of Al Madrigal and Bill Burr and I would binge listen to this at work multiple times. Not a typical podcast but more like a comedy record. Who doesn’t love listening to comedy and with no freakin commercials. I enjoy Conan O’Brien but those commercials take so much fun out of it.
  • TP38
    Good stuff
  • D:A:C
    Seriously, more please.
  • Hey224456
    Very funny
  • Yeahjoeyeah
    Awesome. Incredibly funny.
    Wish I found it sooner, please make more
  • Myblueballshurt
    These guys are top notch! I just wish they would do them a little more frequent
  • Vermont Knolls
    Give it a shot.
    I was very hesitant to subscribing to this podcast. Didn't know who Mr.Madrigal was. I saw him on Ari's show this is not happening and he killed. The next day, a total coincidence he was on Duncan's podcast and I listened to it and he left a very good impression. I even bought the book he recommended, which I'm still waiting for cus Amazon messed my order up. Anyways I digress. Bill Burr is on this podcast who is just hilarious, has a silver tongue, and is so pessimistic it will crack you up. All my favorite podcasters are on here and I cannot wait for future content. Don't sleep on this it's gonna be big.
  • Mhsccer21
    Here for ol' Billy Boy
    Every episode so far has been great! Hopefully more are on the way. If you enjoy Bill Burr and/or Al madrigal you will love this podcast.
  • jbailey78
    So good, So Hilarious!!!
    Bill Burr and Al Madrigal have great chemistry! Excellent guests! Every episode is hilarious from start to finish! I’ve listened to every episode at least 3-4 times! Don’t miss the Sinbad episode, but seriously, any of the episodes are absolute gems! Thank you Bill Burr and Al Madrigal!
  • Portland Girl
    Funny but too few
    Hey guys! How about a new show. For listeners, I highly recommend subscribing. Periodically a new show appears and its a nice treat.
  • Memal25
    Billy and the gang are so funny
    Great improv/standup show. Highlights
  • bohler86
    funny podcast!!
    found myself laughing to all of these so far. hope they keep coming out!!
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