Chapo Trap House

News #161

Podcast by Chapo Trap House

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  • PooterPotamus
    is an absolute treasure protect him at all costs
  • RogerThat
    Murder isn’t Funny. Sorry Guys.
    Calling the two attempted Donnypants assassination attempts “hilarious.”? A father was murdered in cold blood and two others critically bullet-ridden. Hard pass on your brand of “humor.” Mmmmmkay… buh bye.
  • While Post
    Right all the time except when they’re wrong, in which case they’re condescending. They make a point of showing how little they care (Trump is such a laff) except when they clearly care more than anyone else. Endless mocking of other politics people, which is whatever, but it’s all just so facile to be this righteous and doom-pilled when you clearly have never really tried engaging with power and all you’ve ever really done was make a podcast.
  • Fernando Infanzon
    Unbearably dumb…
    Hey guys, I think they dislike Israel. Not sure if anyone’s picked up on that yet.
  • President Of Gaming
    Never ending cynicism
    This podcasts aims to take every shred of hope that you have for the future and say “here is why it won’t get better” To an extent I understand that after 2020 you might want the dem establishment to get their comeuppance. I am even on board with bashing Biden because he should have stepped down earlier. Now that he has and Harris is the presumptive nominee I am bewildered as to why she is still not good enough to say there is a shred of hope. It’s like no one will ever be good enough for them. If it was AOC they would be talking about how she has fallen off. Never any positivity ever. How about recognizing that Harris will likely be better than Biden or at least will certainly be better than Trump. They hate liberals so much that they don’t even want to acknowledge an objectively better situation for the left if Harris gets in. At this point they are just overly cynical so they can brag about being right if she loses or vindicated if she is not good on a particular issue. They triumphantly declare that she will be just as bad on Gaza as Biden as if they will be rewarded for being right. Why even talk about politics if nothing can ever get better? Do you think Gaza will be better under Trump? Don’t you think that if there is even a 1% that Harris is better that you should just vote for her and cross your fingers? You guys never change your attitude towards liberals and I honestly think they hate liberals more than republicans at this point which is just crazy. You need to do some reflecting guys.
  • Bunny Cub
    $172,000 a month for this?
    I’d talk like this if I made that much too. Basically a bunch of rich white guys saying they won’t vote. They’re also the laziest millionaires ever they do nothing interesting with their money.
  • Landeez
    Fallen off hard
    All of the worthwhile hosts are gone, so now we’re stuck with a couple of 90 IQ middle-aged rich kids who’ve never held a real job and would love to tell you how they hate Israel.
  • the real raskol
    I’m out
    Without Christman I don’t understand the appeal of Chapo. Get well soon Matt!
  • Joey Tux
    I think I’ve outgrown this show.
    Under Trump, they were a source of catharsis. When Bernie was running, they were a source of hope. Under Biden, they were like a friend I was attached to even though whenever we talked we made each other feel worse. Then in 2022 they convinced me to sit through Avatar: the Way of Water in theaters, and that’s something I don’t think I’ll ever forgive.
  • jballsa
    Where’s Matt!
    I used to listen to this all the time tuned back in but not Matt? What’s up with that ?
  • esidarap
    Once funny, now boring
    Filler banter from self-anointed experts with no actual real-world experience in — apparently — anything. The bit used to be funny, but now it just seems trite, tired, boring, and stupid. Like the dude in (their) frat house who never grows up. The various spin-offs and guest appearances by unknown liberal luminaries just further dilutes the show. Too bad. It used to be edgy and fun. Now it’s a just a borefest from people who clearly can’t think past the cash cow that keeps their mortgage current.
  • HurricaneBrax
    To quote the current generation “mid”
    This is just a bunch lispy 1/2 “tags” attempting to be the new hot take bros. Almost makes me hope for round 3 so some of their friends can culled.
  • Bleeee23
    Audio hard to hear in 4/224
    Not sure if the audio engineer will see this, but I think the noisegate was too aggressive or something, maybe just dial in the attack and release. It was pretty hard to discern certain words at the end of sentences, particularly with Felix. Love the show, keep up the good work
  • Mikey Da Blaster
    Irony Poisoned "Political Analysis"
    Do you want to hear what a bunch of straight, white, cis gender males have to say on politics? Me neither. Matt C's gave this show a patina of intellectualism that no longer exists. Mark my words: if Biden get re-elected they'll be disbanding the show within a year.
  • Myrnoid
    When it’s good it’s good
    It’s like a dog that’s getting on in years; you learn to appreciate when it’s really *on* because you’re in some way aware that your time to do so is limited. Get well soon Mr. Cushman
  • PetePPetePPete
    A nihilistic but clear-eyed view
    Not much to offer in the way of solutions, but that’s the world we live in as oligarchies are becoming monopolies and we approach the singularity of capitalism. At least these guys find some humor in it all. Dim-witteds will say this podcast is a played out trope of nihilist masculine, leftist politics.. but I’d love to find out where else this is actually being played out. Everywhere else I look is full of cosmopolitan, bourgeois neoliberalism. Keep up the struggle.
  • bjohns383
    Still Good
    I haven’t seen a single one of those movies and I listened to every minute of that oscar episode. turns out these guys are still pretty funny.
  • Godot2
    Rewrote my Brain
    Chapo Trap House endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. Chapo was always here. Before man was, Chapo waited for him. The ultimate podcast awaiting its ultimate listener. That is the way it was and will be.
  • kat8478493
    Maybe you guys should quit? Before we come with the pitchforks.
  • ElGrande62
    Booooo Booooo.
  • uuhdgjbi
    Still good most of the time
    Long live chapo
  • League 23243
    Fake laughing for the guests
    Stop this
  • debobebfo
    In the absence of Matt Christman, this show has taken on new, amazing directions. It’s inspiring to hear two adult men struggle through their dyslexia for an hour—special needs children around the world have something to aspire to!
  • flexismart
    It’s an insufferable sausage fest of pseudo intellectual maybe-isms. Blech!!
  • AckAckAck138
    El Dorado talk...
    And no love for Bull? Arthur Hunnicutt was the man. From his early days in the medicine shows to the silver screen! But praise the dook
  • cranberry1026
    Boring in its misogyny 🥱
    Stavros is so tiresome and yall just let him go on and on. Wrap it up
  • agatha mystery
    Not the same lately but quite funny when they “turn it on”
  • kdm91212
    One of my favorites
    Longtime listener. Just one of the best.
  • MadmanDrew
    Bleak, pessimistic, and nihilistic.
    I found the podcast to be juvenile and nihilistic. The hosts are insufferable and every time I listened to an episode I would come out feeling terrible. It comes across as bleak gallows humor that mocks the world being terrible while not offering a way forward. I’ve found leftist podcasts out there that can poke fun at our broken system while still encouraging listeners to fight on every front. This is not one of them.
  • Pig man69
    Chapo’s Trap House, More Like Crapos Trap House
    Now that Matt is not around, the tide has gone out and we can all see these morons are swimming naked.
  • Glizzimus Aurelius
    Johnny Royale
    Why trough empty
  • 5 Travel Weary Cowboys
    I love the slop
    Piggie needs more slop
  • Cheefguy
    So edgy
    I feel extra edgy listening to this show now that they’ve revealed themselves to be antisemites
  • Broses Malone
    Movie mindset
    My favorite episodes are the movie mindset ones, especially reversal of fortune. Some episodes are kinda mid but for the most part its a good podcast. The guy with the lisp is the funniest one. Amber says “ummm” a lot, every third word is “ummm.” Felix has a cat name.
  • erik hillman
    Rape apologists
    They love terror and rape
  • Jacqueline8765
    The smugness is intolerable
    Like, ugh.
  • Slimdickly
    Matt is the Man! Come back soon
    Best podcast period
  • Hzjsuzqiue
    Get well soon Matt!
    Wishing you and Amber and baby health and happiness!
  • WarioArgento
    Get Well Soon
    Much love to Matt and Amber and their child.
  • yeah yeah real mature
    Ad busters but somehow gayer
  • center leftist
    funny goofs
    Just writing this cuz i saw someone say you only listen to this if you think things like hitting cyclists with your car is funny. Here to say that as a cyclist i think hitting cyclists with your car is in fact very funny.
  • Exhenduction
    Code Red
    Sometimes, I drink mountain dew code red. The Pepsi co changed it to “Mtn” Dew now, which makes me very confused. It is delicious too, fwiw. Sincerely, Horacio
  • ~b1989
    the world has moved past it’s need for this podcast
    it’s tired
  • Chris Mobberley
    Funny podcast that uses humor to Inform.
  • AlexJonesStalinist
    Pretentious psuedointellectuals blabbering on about things they don’t understand. Only reason they got this far is dynastic $.
  • JoannaDonohue
    Going Downhill
    Used to be funny. Now they carry water for the decrepit empire, which is funny in a different way. Anyway, proof of concept that commies can make a buck.
  • Cashew Ears
    went downhill hard
    was once entertaining but isn’t worth your time unless you think rightoid humor about hitting cyclists with your car is funny
  • Beisbolyfe
    I’m a piggie
    Thanks fellas. AAA slop. 🙏🙏🙏
  • ktbear16
    Prison for Holmes?
    I’ve listened to y’all off and on for years and I remembered why I’m off. Insurance companies for prison. Sure. Elizabeth Holmes for prison your iffy about? Really? That NYT article got to your feels.
  • statedept1515
    Unintelligent morons talking over each other
    Sorry to be so negative, but these people aren’t just silly and wrong—they’re gross morally and really mean.
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