The Body Image Podcast

Nutrition #189

The Body Image Podcast is a podcast about body image and the many layers that go into making peace with our bodies. Like intuitive eating, self-compassion, mental health, self-care, body and size acceptance, embodiment, rejecting diet culture, and more. Podcast host, registered dietitian, nutrition therapist, and certified intuitive eating counselor, Corinne Dobbas, MS, RD, talks with guests to help unpack these layers while discussing what positive body image means and looks like in real life. The goal of The Body Image Podcast is to help listeners better their understanding of what it means to make peace with food, heal their body image concerns, and reconnect with who they are as a WHOLE person. You can learn more and get full show notes at

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Recent Reviews
  • Corinthos Coffee
    LOVE this
    I started listening with low expectations since I didn’t know the host and just did a random “body image” search. The first episodes were a bit annoying solely because of the audio (one voice with low audio levels) but I’m so glad I kept listening. These are great conversations that have introduced me to people and concepts I’m sure I wouldn’t have otherwise come across. And after listening to one show I didn’t think I would relate to (about pregnancy- I don’t have or want kids) I learned not to judge an episode by it’s title. So far they have all been worth listening to. I see Corinne hasn’t posted in a few months. I hope she keeps going because this is a truly valuable resource.
  • thompson801
    Amazing podcast!
    Absolutely loving this podcast! I’ve learned so much about many different faucets of body image which has been so helpful as a clinician. This knowledge is so helpful as a therapist and my personal journey of body respect/love/acceptance.
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Corinne, host of the Body Image podcast, highlights all aspects of nutrition and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Nicole Ayers
    So Glad to Find This Podcast
    We need to hear more compassionate voices, like Corrine's, guiding us to make peace with our bodies. There's so much joy on the other side of acceptance, and this podcast is a wonderful nudge to help us along this path of self-acceptance.
  • soyler1
    Healing for my soul
    I have absolutely loved listening to this podcast! It has been like a breath of fresh air. If you are looking to break free from the diet culture and mindset and find peace and healing, I would highly recommend subscribing! I have learned and gained so much insight into what things I want to work on, and how to go about doing it. Thank you, Corinne!
  • newyorkstoragebox
    Corinne sounds like she has good intentions, but guest Kristina Bruce wasn’t as size inclusive in her language in S3 Episode 21. The way she brought up thin privileges was well done, but throughout her narrative, she continued to present other points—points that SHOULD have been applicable to anyone—from the perspective of someone looking to lose weight, unfortunately forcing her podcast episode to fall into the massive pile of “body positive” content on the internet that tries and fails to be inclusive.
  • gughjitfvrt
    my fave podcast to listen to in the morning and while i’m working out!!! so inspirational and makes me remember who i’m working out for and why i care for my body!!
  • Allison Herschlein
    Best Podcast
    This is my favorite podcast to listen to! Every episode touches my life and teaches me what I need to know. I am grateful to have found this podcast!
  • princesaveronica
    The body image podcast with Ingrid.
    I have struggled with anxiety and body image all my life. I’m 33 and I’m ready to face this beast that is leading the battle in my mind. This was the first and best step. Thank you for this podcast ❤️
  • Didi_Marie46
    So happy I found this podcast. Wonderful and inspiring conversations that have been so helpful in my journey to making peace with food & my body.
  • LindaT319
    Wonderful conversations
    I listen to a lot of health, food, and body image podcasts and I am thrilled to find a new favorite to dive into. Such wonderful guests and important conversations. Keep up the great work Corinne!
  • Hannahnnnns
    HeartSpace Podcast
    I love HeartSpace podcast because it’s so real and has truly been so helpful to me in my recovery. All of the advice and information that Corinne and her guests talk about are things that you can’t really find anywhere else. Thank you for making this podcast such a comforting tool.
  • mckaylasimone
    Obsessed 😍
    I am so happy I found your podcast! I just got done listening to the podcast with Karen Diaz and she was amazing and so much stuff she said really resonate within me!
  • BShellyLMHCRYT
    ED Therapist Approved!
    As a therapist who specializes in eating disorder and body image, I have found this podcast to be an incredible resource for myself professionally and for my clients!
  • Dalburn
    One of my very favorites!
    Corinne has an authenticity that is so refreshing, and I love meeting her fascinating guests. Listening to the HeartSpace podcast makes me feel part of a supportive community of women who truly care about honoring their internal truths and creating their most extraordinary lives.
  • micky333555
    Thank you!
    So happy I found your podcast! I listened as I ran this morning and it helped me so much! I repeated many times on my run that health is NOT defined by a number and I’m running because I LOVE my body and NOT because I’m trying to change it. Thank you 😘 I’ll be back!
  • Lori in ND
    Season 2 is here!
    I’m so excited season 2 is here! I just finished episode 2 with Emily Fonnesbeck. I have two full pages of notes and feel so empowered. This work is important and I feel so hopeful. I know I can trust my body and make peace with food if I show up and put in the time. Thank you, Corinne, for being the person who is teaching me to heal myself. ❤️
  • Provlovemav
    Corinne is an awesome host
    Corinne is awesome and she's not afraid to go into deep and important topics.
  • laeddie
    Positive energy for health
    If you’d listen to the podcast just for Corinne’s contagious energy, it would be completely worth your time. She makes you feel that everything is going to be okay. Top that with top notch experts and research-based information and you have a true win-win. I’m a fan!
  • Callie mcmaster
    Delightful and delicious
    I simply love Corinne!! I have been following her for a while and her perspective on health and happiness. This podcast is so refreshing and I am so thankful that Corinne decided to make a podcast. Definitely give this podcast a listen.
  • Kmasci
    Refreshing and fun!
    I’m loving this podcast! Corinne has great guests and covers so much, I love the questions asked. Inspiring and refreshing! Can’t wait for more episodes!
  • @kelly.powers
    Great podcast!
    HeartSpace is simply lovely. Corinne is warm, kind and very down to earth. She's funny and approachable. Listen if you want to connect with others and fill your heart with love. This podcast will help you grow and cultivate more self-worth. I couldn't recommend it more!
  • Sarah Koszyk
    Loving these topics
    These topics have touched my heart and really brought a lot of insight. I loved listening to Elizabeth Shaw and Corinne talk and hear Elizabeth share her stories about infertility. These shows are very powerful and real. Listening to people share their experiences (both positive and negative) helps bring light and understanding and make us realize we all have struggles and we can raise one another though support and compassion.
  • ShawSimpleSwaps
    A friendly voice, empowering hope!
    As a recent guest on Corinne's latest podcast, I have such respect for what she has chosen to do in her series! I'm honored to have had the opportunity to speak with her, but most importantly, to hear the stories of various individuals that help create conversation around topics that are so frequently taboo. Grateful for this space Corinne has created!
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