The Hunting Collective


The Hunting Collective with host Ben O'Brien covers the ideologies and philosophies of the modern hunter while touching on key ideas like conservation, our value systems and how to construct a better public image. A recurring cast of top hunting voices help drive the conversation and keep things pretty damn interesting. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • Walter in Idaho
    You invite Gilbert on your show, yet you arrogantly demean his 40+ years of knowledge on the subject with your ā€œopinionsā€, call his expertise ā€œbombasticā€ and you wonder why heā€™s upset šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Also stop the baseless russian bullsh$t about euro wolves killing people. Stick to your white claw and chewing tobacco
  • I love this app! The best!
    Hit & Miss
    Thatā€™s the most accurate thing I can say is that itā€™s hit and miss. When itā€™s at its best itā€™s really a fantastic podcast. When itā€™s at its worst then itā€™s a real tough listen.. unfortunately that swing is episode to episode and thereā€™s not a lot in between best and worst. If youā€™re like me then thereā€™s a long stretch where you get more than you bargained for with personal politics sold a little condescendingly as the only right outlook on politics/life/hunting. There are a lot of hypocritical hunting ethics and outlooks especially in the early days of the podcast and slightly condescending hunting ā€œpurismā€ that didnā€™t really float my boat. If you donā€™t mind filtering through the bad to get to the good then I would recommend listening overall.
  • NiMiDesign
    I've been listening for years, lots goes into making this amazing content -nothing else like it!
  • Jackson McNicklebach
    Whatever this show claims to be, itā€™s not
    I first heard Ben on the meateater podcast and wanted to give this a shot bc Ben was hilarious on that, so I was hoping that humor/charisma would carry over to this show. Unfortunately I was sorely disappointed and this show is too serious for its own good. Iā€™ve listened to dozens of episodes waiting to get hooked and feel that I gave the show its fair shake, but itā€™s not going to happen. The interview with Wes Siler is the straw that broke the camelā€™s back for me. That guy was one of the most pretentious, unlikable characters Iā€™ve heard and seems to share a lot of the same view points as Ben, bc Ben didnā€™t challenge him on anything. Ben doesnā€™t strike me as being genuine in any sense of the word. I donā€™t think itā€™s even malicious, I just get the sense that he doesnā€™t even know what heā€™s about. As an east coaster I was hoping to have something I could relate to and enjoy, but this isnā€™t it. Personally I donā€™t need another public lands circle jerk, that is sooooo played out at this point. Itā€™d be cool to find something lighthearted and interesting. It is concerning when this and other meateater productions only seem to grow a set of balls is when anyone challenges their sacred goat: Public lands. Otherwise if your an animal activist, gun rights activist, or New Jersey cat lady, they seem to all of sudden become neutered. So far Iā€™ve been pleased with the bear grease podcast and Clay has the charisma that I was hoping Ben would have (fingers crossed that one doesnā€™t drink the kool-aid too). If the meateater team isnā€™t already fielding focus groups and consumer research, they would be smart to do so, so they donā€™t alleniate their base. Itā€™s concerning to see them trading their ā€˜Montananā€™ in favor of ā€˜Manhattanā€™.
  • justin_lantz_1
    I donā€™t understand
    I truly donā€™t understand exactly what audience this podcast is trying to attract. Bens internal conflicts that are expressed service no general purpose that I have found after multiple attempts to listen. Maybe I am missing some history on Ben that I need to know, but honestly it was hard to follow along with the episodes I did try and listen to, with that said, you got my follow as I believe Meateater does serve a greater good to the future of hunting and fishing.
  • trashgapp
    Liberal blowhard
    This is the worst podcast I think Iā€™ve ever hear. A liberal America hating blowhard trying to infiltrate the American culture of hunting is ridiculous. Just go away ben! A better job for you would be don lemonā€™s gopher on cnn. Get out of my woods!
  • Bobby Wakelee.
    So long old friend.
    Anyway, it seems as though we are old friends and hunt together for years. IMO your best work was during the early part of the pandemic when you did daily pods to help get us through it. Now that we are seeing some normalcy, bang. Guys punched. Good luck Ben. I know youā€™ll make Meateater better!
  • Returning Hunter
    Great discussions
    I just came back to hunting after a long hiatus and found this podcast. Sad to hear it will soon be over, but Iā€™m looking forward to enjoying all the past episodes. Itā€™s been great to listen to the discussions on honoring the animal and the similarities between a hunterā€™s ethic and a veganā€™s. While I am blessed with an incredible and thoughtful father who taught me his own strong hunting ethic, I was often dismayed to find that this seemed absent in the community at large, or if present not emphasized and rarely talked about. If weā€™re going to preserve hunting for our grandkidsā€™ grandkids, this needs to be the first thing we teach our new hunters.
  • MacaroniTony
    Gonna miss ya
    Hate not having this to listen to n the future. Hope the old ones stay available. Thx Ben
  • Ddouglas502
    I am so sad thereā€™s only 2 episodes left. Ben Oā€™Brien has a great perspective on the life of an outdoorsman and conservationist. Heā€™s very good at putting things into the perspective of a family man in this space. And Phil T Engineer is a great co-host. Grounds us all when weā€™re speaking the language of the outdoorsman to people with an interest but no experience. I can only hope the show ends with Phil killing a great bird and feeding it to some of his gamer friends... Dungeons and Dragons forever Phil! I suppose.
  • bowmantindall
    Awesome viewpoint, end of an era
    I have been a loyal listener since the very first podcast, Iā€™ve truly enjoyed how ben has gone through some difficult subjects and always made for a great conversation. I was quite saddened to hear the news this TuesdayšŸ„ŗ RIP THC cult! Ben, Phil, and mango will be dearly missed every Tuesday morning
  • fourZerosix
    Sorry not sorry
    I used to enjoy Bens podcasts but now it has gone into the liberal toilet that meat eater tends to swim around in...unsubscribed
  • Raypatr
    Funny and Thoughtful
    THC has completely revamped the way I think about hunting and conservation. This is one of the best podcasts in the Meateater Family and I look forward to new episodes each Tuesday Morning. Give it a listen and keep an open mind. Whether I agree or disagree I always appreciate the perspective and learning something new.
  • joshrt1984
    Liberal hack
    Show has gone downhill. Used to like this show a lot and have been on board for the last 2-3 years, but this is awful to listen to now. Unsubscribed.
  • Bigwillienumbnuts
    Can be fairly hypocritical.
    Their opinions can be fairly hypocritical. Listen to episode 169 and listen to their defense of crossbows and how theyā€™re using the SAME EXACT justifications as vertical bow hunters. Quite a bit of ā€œholier than though.ā€ They do touch on current issues, but don't expect to hear from anyone who disagrees with them, or someone that actually does what theyā€™re against.
  • molliesmom34
    I was today years old when I realized you voted for Biden. I honestly thought you were smarter and more nuanced than that. I have listened to this podcast for some time because of your nuanced views and especially because of your open conversations on veganism. Iā€™m a vegetarian hunter, Iā€™m as gray as they come! Iā€™m nuanced, I believe in climate change. I donā€™t believe any wolves, bears or coyotes should be killed YET I DIDNT FOR FOR A LIVING BREATHING DEMENTIA VAMPIRE !!!!!! So so sad.
  • bowhunting1
    Amusing yet enlightening hunting podcast
    Do I disagree with some of Benā€™s points? Yep! Do I agree with some of his points? Yep! Do I cancel him because we disagree on things? Nope! In fact, I encourage different view points. Admittedly, itā€™s not the most informative podcast, but itā€™s amusing nonetheless.
  • Chairhead30
    Long time listener and hunter, this podcast has been on a downhill slope lately. used to listen to this podcast to relax and get away from politics not to hear about it. Sorry Ben but Iā€™m unsubscribing.
  • Mad puppet
    I hope he takes your ar-14 away
  • @natedogg_86
    Iā€™m an Idaho guy now but grew up in the Appalachians of Western NC. hearing Bojangles on this weeks podcast made me wish I could give you ten stars instead of five! Keep asking tough questions, having great times, and Phil get your excitement up for that turk!
  • chuckfin
    Favorite podcast
    This show is great to get some hunting talk on the days Iā€™m not in the field, or on my way out to a hunting spot. These guy not only have some get stuff to say about there hunting knowledge and experiences; they are also hilarious and always give my something new to bring up when Iā€™m talking to my friends that donā€™t support hunting as much as I do.
  • Buttfunstuff
    Corn pop
    Corn Pops a bad dude and he believes in the 2nd amendment! Cā€™mon man.
  • Fritz Feulner
    Phil? Who gives a F?
    Iā€™m sorry, but I just donā€™t care enough about this Phil character to spend my listening time here. Heā€™s clearly good at audio engineering; let him do that and spend time talking to guests who actually know the subject matter. #valgeist
  • hkf423
    Anti Gun / Anti Farm
    Over the edge. If the constant misinformation on modern farming practices wasnā€™t enough now we find out they are liberals. Finding out you support shotgun joe is a bummer, dragging someone super pro 2a on the next week really showed the kind of person you are. I have unsubscribed to ALL meat eater podcasts and will no longer purchase those stocking stuffers from meateater..... I will not support a fudd. I didnā€™t come to your podcast for politics.
  • War Material
    Waste of a hunting show
    Used to be a good show until they showed their true colors. I can respect that, but telling us listeners if we do not agree then unsubscribe! Knowing a good majority of us hunters do not want our 2A rights infringed but they support the very party that aims to infringe our 2A rights. I guess it is different for guides that attain celebrity status. Itā€™s cool, sorry for the fall of a good thing.
  • 2nd amendment Amercain right
    2nd amendment is my right
    A hunting podcast that supports political people that are trying to take our Second Amendment rights away wow sorry to hear that.
  • Lawnboy801
    Jumped the shark
    I listed for great hunting perspectives and stories. Not politics. Itā€™s hard to get away from the suffocating discussions of politics. Podcasts are a great option. THC was a great podcast. But obviously they couldnā€™t resist jumping on the political train. So Iā€™m jumping off by unsubscribing. So sad.
  • midgetmanforTrump2020
    Darn good & entertaining
  • Azul2342
    Hypocrisy collective
    Unsubbed. Sorry Ben, you gotta read the room. ā€œStrong 2a supporterā€ yet proudly votes for the most anti 2a jackass. Also I suggest other Meateater pods to not give this Phil engineer a mic. But considering how progressive yā€™all are now, Iā€™m sure some tranny will be teaching me how to prepare raccoon tail, the ethical way next week. Peace out ya sellouts.
  • Zachary W '93
    The irony.
    Votes for ol joe, then has a guest on talking about how he fled England because of their gun restrictions. CMON MAN.
  • 270SB
    They are true to themselves.
    Itā€™s called respect and these guys have it. They respect all points of view even those they disagree with. That is why I will continue to listen and recommend this podcast to others.
  • janaooche33
  • backpacker04
    Getting Worse
    Starting to wonder if this is even a hunting podcast anymore? Itā€™s getting quite strange.
  • nksmith70
    Great podcast. Thought provoking content
    Appreciate your openness to discussion and even hosting people with differences of opinion. And you are not rude and you donā€™t belittle your guests. You try to understand each other respectfully. Keep up the great content. Need more dr Phil medicine woman.
  • wwwade
    Not a hunting show - political blah!
    Holy crap - whereā€™s the hunting ? heard enough of the politics for at least a year . Very thankful the other ME content is less political .
  • TX moose hunter
    Cant support a Biden voter
    Will be unsubscribing and canā€™t support somebody who wants to support the socialist agenda of Biden and the democrats who have already started to chisel away at our second amendment rights.
  • PorkRonin
    No Ragrets
    Great podcast, been listening since episode 1 and I have no ragrets.
  • livingongolf2
    Deleting This Podcast
    I canā€™t bring myself to support this Podcast any further. Sorry guys, but voting for Biden is not the move; following status quo just because youā€™re a bit uncomfortable is just weak in my opinion. Thanks
  • mmueller313
    Thoughtful, insightful, a touch of goofiness
    Good podcast. Great conversations, especially about things and perspectives not normally brought up in the hunting world. We need more of this.
  • Xswimmer
    I just canā€™t listen anymore
    Iā€™m a lifelong hunter with a lot of windshield time at work and I listen the all of the Meat Eater podcasts. Iā€™ve been a subscriber for a year and caught myself dreading to listen to another episode of THC. Plain and simple... itā€™s just not entertaining and does not not hold up to the other podcasts produced by Meat Eater.
  • Haggisdhkfafvjgdz
    Great podcast, enjoyable to listen to. Phil the engineer carries the show and probably deserves a raise, but the host is ok too.
  • Brett Vaughn (CBVTV)
    Just listened to the one with Casey from hushin ...being a content creator myself in a small hunting niche the motivation helps...thanks I will be listening to more ā€œborn 100 years too late ā€œ Brett Vaughn
  • Tim from upstate
    How did you let ashleigh win Phil
    Phil, you really let me down with your nomination for the worksharp not so sharp moment winner of the year.
  • RobPags
    Dont listen to the naysayers
    Idk what the heck the reviews saying you guys are ā€œtoo sillyā€ are talking about. Love all things meat eater and what you guys and Rinella along with everyone behind the scenes have built and have going on. Have lots of Steveā€™s books. I would say this podcast is hilariously quirky and fits right into all things hunting/outdoors right along side all the other meat eater podā€™s. I listen to Meat Eater, Kenyonā€™s Wired to Hunt, and THC the most. Im an avid whitetail bow hunter and waterfowler, angler when i get the time and i appreciate good humor and THC is a great mix of all that good stuff.
  • HuntersHoller
    I thought about what to write... both as a compliment to show and response to negative nannies. This weekly 90 mins of talk, is something that entertains, teaches you things you might not know, and gives you an insight to other peopleā€™s lives and perspectives. Whether your traveling in the car or listening from home, it just works on all levels. To those who have their complaints, I say this: listening to this show, whether itā€™s silly banter or a deep interview, listening to this show reminds me of one of the best things about hunting... and thatā€™s kicking back and listening to your friends at hunting camp just rambling about all sorts of things. I donā€™t need 90 minutes of techniques week in and week out... I need 90 mins to be entertained and laugh. Thanks Ben and Phil.
  • anonymous_hunter
    3rd favorite podcast on the network
    More Phil, more Mango, less of Philā€™s cats. Keep it up.
  • RunSoSlow
    Too immature
    Tries to hard to be funny, way too much talk about poop. Maybe his target audience is teenage boys? He does get some interesting guests on that have good info if you can get over the host.
  • cobhub
    I really want to like this podcast, but...
    The host wants to tackle interesting topics relating to food (vegan, anti hunters, factory farm, etc.), but he seems ill prepared to do so. And, the constant attempt to be funny (pooping in the woods) an old and tired bit. I gave this podcast a fair chance...but itā€™s simply ehhh...
  • Ryanwk628
    Skip to the guests
    THC has some good interviews but I have to fast forward through all the preachy exposition. It comes off as self-obsession guised as introspection. The interviews are solid once you get to them
  • Petnany
    Coyote Hunting and First Lite
    I am a rancher and a hunter . I support hazing and protecting against any predators but not for sport . I am for meat and support meat but not trophy . The natives always thought is Europeans were wasteful and they are right . Second the hell with First Lite hunting club . They are a bunch of entitled little flip flop wearing effeminate men who brag about shooting porcupines to ā€œprotectā€ a yurt šŸ™„ they also like to display baby fox and bay wolf pellets on their desks. Had I known this was sponsored by them would not have given a listen . Kudos to those on this podcast who have brains that are evolving to understanding our Mother Earth . Lots of ranchers welcome coyotes and predators undertaking the balance they welcome in help of dispersing valuable seed and keep grasslands and plains healthy along with healthier herds keeping animals on the move versus sendantary . Any way . Love Dan Flores . Love men who have brains .
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