Eat My Globe

Food #208

In Eat My Globe: Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Food, Simon Majumdar will talk about an ingredient, a dish, a theme, a person or a nation and the fascinating story of how they became part of the world that we often take for granted.Over the course of the show, he shall be examining some of the great tales of food history, the origins of some of your favorite dishes and drinks, and the people who helped to create them.He will also share fantastic trivia that you can use to bore people with at parties.Twitter: @EatMyGlobePcastFB & Instagram: @EatMyGlobeProduced and Distributed by: Producergirl Productions

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Recent Reviews
  • my dog diesel
    It’s so so good… his knowledge is INCREDIBLE….
  • Jahafer
    One of the best
    -I love Simon’s love of food, culture, and the world that comes through in every episode and topic. A little foodie, a little history, a little culture. All rolled into great conversations
  • Craig/Peeve
    My Podcast About Food
    Simon Majumdar is widely known as a judge on Iron Chef America, Chopped, Beat Bobby Flay and many other food shows. But Simon is really a food historian. He has travelled the globe and studied American regional cuisine in depth. He has a sharp English wit that gives this podcast a fun flair. Is it possible to hear a twinkle is someone’s eye? In this podcast, it is audible.
  • Fuccn pissssed
    I am a fan of Simon and admire his wealth of culinary knowledge but this podcast is very scripted, seriously one note and monotone at best very hard to get excited and see it thru
  • Enigma47
    A true podcast gem
    While Simon may put on a tough exterior on Food Network, he is not only personable in the flesh but also conveys his kind persona via this podcast. This is my go-to relaxation podcast after a long day in the company of a fine spirit or wine. I put in my AirPods and proceed to let Simon’s wisdom flow… If you enjoy history and/or cooking, I promise that you shall not be disappointed. Thank you Simon for doing this podcast and I thoroughly appreciate and anticipate future episodes!
  • Jeff Endrizzi
    Simon Majumdar proves episode after episode he’s willing and able to dive deep into topics and brings food history to life. He’s a real treasure.
  • Eating in
    Some troubling items
    Peppered with anti-Christian bigotry, in some cases leading to historical revisionism, such as a false rewriting of the crusades.
  • Coler_77
    Great Podcast!
    I really enjoy Simon’s style of presentation and the subjects of each show are alway so fascinating!
  • jennylynnegulb
    This Podcast Has Something for Everyone!
    I highly recommend this podcast to everyone. The amount of research and analysis that goes into every episode is mind-boggling. The information is always presented in a coherent, well-organized, AND entertaining manner. It’s seriously impressive. I was afraid this would be a little too “foodie” for me, but I’ve not found that to be the case at all. Various aspects of food are obviously the main interest but every topic is presented from so many interesting and meaningful perspectives so that the information is very accessible. This particular episode had some tidbits on embalming, some myth-busting, some interesting facts about how spices helped develop and impact economies … Mr. Majumdar’s interest in these topics is contagious and the meticulous attention to detail regarding how these topics are researched and presented is incredible. I almost feel guilty about the amount of work that must go into each episode! Thank you for such high quality work!
  • ronmintz216
    Hey ... Bruins are all over the place, even outside LA! Great podcast; thanks Not related to this show, but as a follow-up to the curry show, it would be interesting to see how other former European colonial powers in Asia — I’m thinking Portugal, the Netherlands, and France — adapted curries from their former colonies to their home country appetites compared to the UK and North America. Thanks for considering this.
  • theycallmenick1987
    My Absolute Favorite
    I have been a fan of Simon for as long as I can remember. He has a way with food that is hard to describe. Not only does he love food, but he loves it in a way that puts most food lovers and bloggers to shame. When I discovered that he had a podcast, I literally jumped for my phone and downloaded the latest episodes. I was seriously hooked within the first few minutes. His episodes are ridiculously thorough, extremely well thought out, and he presents the history of food in a way that is absolutely captivating. Simons voice is like a drug to me, and frankly I could listen to him talk all day long. With his podcast, I can do just that and learn some amazingly colorful history of food in the process. Do yourself a favor: Hit that subscribe button, download some episodes, and see why he is, in my opinion, one of the greatest authorities of food in the world. You won’t regret it.
  • RoadsScholar
    Ambassador of Good Will & Food Anthropology
    In addition to being a preeminent ambassador of food anthropology, Simon is simply, truly... undeniably... a remarkable human being. He is a paradox—a stranger to whom I would offer the key to my refuge, my home. Because there are some souls we encounter in life whose depth of pure goodness requires no acquaintance to be plainly evident.
  • theoriginalphillyboy
    Notice all 5 stars, editors involved?
    It’s a passable pod. Love his voice and accent, but 5 stars across the board? No. Some subjects are really not interesting. No new pods for a while, not going to regret deleting it and gaining memory on my phone.
  • NVLupine
    Fascinating and Informative
    Simon Majumdar does a fantastic job of finding intriguing, fascinating information on what most people would call common ingredients and cuisines. His narration style holds my interest and his puns are perfect.
  • tutuyoyo
    Fascinating Food Talk
    I’ll admit that sometimes the subject of the podcast doesn’t sound interesting to me but once I start listening I discover all sorts of information that is fascinating and I pass along to friends and family. They think I’m a treasure trove of food information but it’s actually because Simon Majumdar passes along fun and palatable nuggets of information. One of my favorite podcasts.
  • Adrian69690
    Not bad podcast from an annoying character
    Nice to see that very annoying and pedantic person who used to me a know it all on various food discussion boards has made something of himself. Ah! Those wonderful days when he would block people on social media for having a different opinion. Podcast not bad though.
  • Sue SL
    Great food history
    I have always appreciated Simon as a judge on Food Network and I love cooking and history. This show is one of my favorites; I learn a lot and find it very entertaining. It’s good to learn about the history of some of our favorite things.
  • NewlyHooked
    Fun Facts
    I first learned of the Eat My Globe podcast when Alton Brown posted in Instagram that he would be a guest in the show. I knew if Alton was a fan, then I probably would be, too. Alton is one of the biggest influences on my interest in cooking, food science, and creativity. Simon is now right up there with him. Simon’s delivery of food history & fun facts is creative, lively, and educational. Do yourself a favor and listen!
  • pianowulf
    Fantastic Food and History
    Simon Majumdar weaves food and history together in a story full of fascinating facts about food. You will learn many things about food that you never even thought of and have a whole different outlook on food when you are done listening.
  • Secrets&Cream
    I have always enjoyed Simon Majumdar’s books, and it is a delight to hear him read in his own voice. Great info as well.
  • leahmancl
    Great for foodies!
    I saw Alex Guarnaschelli recommend this podcast on Twitter and now I’m making my way up to current episodes from the beginning. I’ve been loving every episode and learning more about the food we all know and love!
  • mdsatx
    The AB Pantheon
    Wow. I thought the History Channel program “The Food That Made America” was good, but this episode was the truth. Blown away by many of these accomplishments, and am eager to do more research myself. Because it was asked, I’d keep Kellogg off the list purely for where we are today in American culture - *still* working towards acceptance of everyone. While his contribution *was* huge for a very long time, are we still a cereal loving country? Seriously asking. Have cereal sales numbers increased, dipped or stayed the same over the last 2 decades?
  • Csteved66
    Fun and informative history of food
    Simon has a wealth of information about the history of food, and delivers this information in a fun and engaging way. His podcasts are a great way to learn something new and I always finish listening wishing I was near a restaurant or store!
  • PatrickmMurray
    An absolute treat
    Simon is fantastic and enthusiastic. If you love history and food, this is a podcast that will scratch both of those particular itches.
  • Arezou
    If you love history and food this podcast is for you [and me!].
  • B34552
    Love this podcast
    Great history and research presented in a easy to follow format. I also like how personable the host is and how much detail he provides for each topic. I will recommend this to others.
  • @GootieCooks
    Simon keeps my Sanity while commuting through LA Traffic! He also educates and inspires. ❤️❤️❤️ this Podcast!
  • Keller1892261
    Absolutely engrossing
    Fascinating delves into the histories and origins of various foods & food traditions. Simon is a knowledgeable and charming host for this show, and his perspectives and anecdotes all contribute to making this my new favorite podcast.
  • yakgirl52
    Glad I found this!
    I'm enjoying these stories and the way Simon tells them. Great job!
  • KatrinaGS
    The Perfect Steak Of Food Shows: delicious and wonderfully filling
    Simon’s unique voice in the very bloated and egocentric “food world” is a breath of fresh air. Finally someone who knows more about food than just its ingredients is bringing its history, culture and eccentric stories to life. There should be a TV series that goes a long with it. Brilliantly produced.
  • jordanhandy
    Simon knows his stuff
    Whether it’s appearing on Food Network as a judge or traveling the world eating everything— Simon knows his stuff and has first hand knowledge and experience from everything he talks about.
  • Ochismo
    Culinary brilliance with a historical taste!
    As a professionally trained Historian it is refreshing to see a culinary podcast that approaches interesting and relevant topics in a way that is not only interesting but as accurate as historical analysis can be. Fun listen and/or read for any culinary or history fan! 5 stars for sure!
  • cyberduck07
    Rate my globe
    If you like Simon then you’ll love this podcast. If you don’t like Simon you will still learn A LOT about the subject at hand. Also why don’t you like Simon?
  • MarkEatsItAll
    Think you know food? Think again!
    This series is fantastic. Informative, in-depth and fully entertaining. Simon takes you on a journey that explores each subject in a way that is both familiar and fresh. I highly recommend this to food lovers, history buffs and anyone who loves a good story. Enjoy.
  • chkleinf
    Makes both hubby and me happy!
    We love listening to Simon. I love food and my husband loves history and culture, so we are both happy, and we have found all the episodes really interesting. And it doesn't hurt that his English accent is plenty easy on the ears. :)
  • zbob1
    Simon Majumdar has a lot to offer. Give his podcasts a listen.
    Simon’s podcasts are thoroughly researched, informative, and entertaining. Highly recommended.
  • Nik_merc
    History & Food, Brilliance.
    They say nostalgia and food combined is one of the best feel-good factors out there. An inspirational and intriguing journey into the world of food, leaves you drooling for more.
  • Sheffield Spice & Tea
    Excellent series
    So far, so fascinating. Excellent research plus personal experience commentary on the topics. I thought I knew sandwiches then I learned more. Same with gin, which I’m not well-versed but more so now. These topics are written as I would write them so you have historical perspective plus personal experience. Looking forward to more episodes.
  • L.J. Anderson
    Can't Wait for Next Episode
    Each week I have truly enjoyed listening to Simon Majumdar's Podcast over a cup of coffee. A new ritual I have develped happily! Not only one of the greatest judges on Food Network. A brilliant author, world traveler and now a BRILLIANT podcast! We learned the Science of food through Alton Brown and now we have the History of food through Simon Majumdar. Doesn't get any better than this! Can't wait for the next Episode.
  • JJTomko
    Great podcast from a man who really knows his food history.
  • yosefsilver
    Wonderful insights and excellent story telling
    Simon has a gift for sharing his culinary knowledge is a way that makes every dish sounds mouthwatering and inspiring. Listen to this podcast might just inspire you to cook up a storm or invite friends over for dinner. And I assure you, everyone will enjoy every last bite!
  • QuiGonTimm
    Love this show!
    I’m always fascinated by history, especially from a sociological perspective. Food is so central to that! You must join Simon on culinary explorations. You will be entertained and probably hungry!
  • Boonai1
    Love it!
    I could listen to Simon talk about food all day. He’s so informative and what he talks about is so well researched that it makes me appreciate what I eat but most especially, appreciate the people who puts a lot of effort to prepare them. Love it!
  • ShreeinMagTown
    Fascinating food history!
    What an interesting podcast! It’s so fun to learn the history of foods we know and love. This show is so well researched, entertaining and informative. Simon makes for the perfect narrator. Looking forward to more episodes!
  • LSC7
    Perfect food podcast
    Sounds amazing and I already learnt so much about a type of food that had connections to my ancestors that I never knew. He's an amazing foodie and his breadth of knowledge is amazing.
  • IMJ_Mike
    Simon says, learn about food
    This isn't a cooking podcast. This is a wonderful mix of the history and anthropology of everyday food - at least that's my take after the first episode. Majumdar brings his usual friendly demeanor and enthusiasm to create an entertaiing and maybe more importantly, educational experience. He dives deep enough into the subjects without grinding through the esoteric and putting the listener to sleep. Hopefully, this will be a long lasting project as this might be my new favorite podcast about food. Well done Simon.
  • Snoopywoodstockus
    Wonderfully infomative
    Simon Majumdar shows his depth of knowledge and put in the time to resarch his subject. Wonderfully infomative, without being dry. Do yourself a favor and give this a listen. You won't be disappointed.
  • grandama911
    There is no going wrong with Simon!
    I’ve been searching for a new food podcast for awhile now! Eat My Globe is fulfilling that need! Simon is knowledgeable and presents the information in a clear and concise format.
  • sassycornflake
    Can’t wait for more!
    I’ve always looked forward to Simon’s appearances on Food Network and follow him on Instagram, so I was super excited when I heard about this podcast. I can already tell I won’t be disappointed!
  • Stevie g!
    Simon is a boss
    Worth a listen if you’re a foodie in any way.
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