

Cold is a narrative podcast series focused on missing persons cases. Investigative journalist and host Dave Cawley takes on a single story with each season.

Season 3: The Search for Sheree follows two suspects in the 1985 disappearance of Sheree Warren while examining the dangerous escalation of domestic abuse and sexual violence. The Cold team seeks to answer the question: what really happened to Sheree Warren?

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Season 2: Justice for Joyce Yost delves into the details of a murder-for-hire plot and attempts to find justice for Joyce – a woman who bravely reported her kidnapping and rape only to vanish without a trace.

In Season 1: Susan Powell Case Files, the Cold journey begins with Dave’s investigation into the unsolved disappearance of Susan Powell… and the man with the most to gain from her death.

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Recent Reviews
  • slava800
    So real!
    I am completely disturbed after season 1. It was so well done and so real! I felt like I was right there. It was very horrific and raw and real. I will always remember Susan Powell and her kids. Those poor innocent children. It’s absolutely devastating.
  • PattyA1026
    Best podcast, hands down. Dave has a perfect narrative voice and explains it so you’re visualizing the subjects and story in your mind. Well done! Michelin star worthy for podcasts 💕
  • Aim bobame
    Dave is an exceptional researcher and writer. He expresses the utmost respect and consideration for the victims. This is one of the most thorough and thoughtful podcasts I’ve listened to. Also it’s really nice that there aren’t adds every 10 minutes.
  • Ldotzlaf
    This is how it’s done
    This podcast should be the gold standard for how cases like these are explored in this format. So respectful, mostly facts instead of personal opinions (and clear when opinions are shared), so much respect for the victims, clearly meant to move the cases forward, extra trigger warnings, and so much care taken all around. Not to mention the pledge to women spoken to by the narrator. 🥹 All around a job well done. Thank you!
  • rottmom71
    Amazing details
    Recently I stumbled upon this podcast and in honesty almost passed on listening to season 1 because I was familiar with the story. However, I began listening anyway and am very pleased to hear some police interviews, and other case details that I’ve not heard covered in other podcasts or media. This is a well researched and detailed look at not only the suspected crime itself, but what Susan went through before her disappearance. Thank you for giving her a voice.
  • ashhanne
    I’m listening to season 1. He gives so much emphasis to who Susan was and it’s just so well done. Bravo.
  • laurieonWARM
    Thanks for the update
    Thank you Dave ! Your ending g so so powerful! Men standing up For women is the only way we can turn this around!! Blessings to you and your work!!
  • chime hater
    Season 4????
    We need a 4th season please, Dave Cauley!!! ASAP!
  • Bedrock2012
    Well written
    This is well written. Dave reminds the audience of who each person is when they come up again. I found that really helpful for understanding. The only negative I have to say is that it is a bit too drawn out.
  • Sparky811
    Thorough and well written
    I started this podcast a while back but I stopped because I know how this ends. I wasn’t in the right mindset to handle what I knew was coming. When I returned to it I was reminded of how incredibly powerful a storyteller Dave is. And this is a horrific story. While I thought that I knew most of the details, this podcast brings so much more to light. I highly recommend that people honor Susan Powell by listening to it. We all want Susan to be found so that she can be returned to her family. It has been too long.
  • Kelly_330
    Riveting story.
  • Loren Zoe
    True crime perfection
    Love this podcast!
  • Kristen RitLor
    First review
    Started listening to podcasts over the last year. Easily the best thought out, most well produced and written to this day. Thank you for telling the story of the victim so well
  • Masasgirl
    Great interviews and details
    I’ve listened to another podcast regarding Susan Powell but it didn’t have this much care, research and detail. Great job! Two asides: Detective Maxwell should be a narrator for books! Great voice. And can I also say that this there no escape from Wil Wheaton! Is that not his voice reading some of the narration? 😆 Sounds so much like him.
  • /apps.are.awesome/
    I used to think West Valley botched the Susan & Josh Powell “debacle”. It was amazing to hear just how complicated and challenging it was for law enforcement. This case shows sociopaths don’t respond the way everyone else does and it can make investigating and prosecuting next to impossible. I really admire detective Ellis and appreciate his willingness to speak openly. He and the rest of them persisted in doing their best at a very hard job. Hope I can say the same at the end of my career. This podcast is well put together and presented. The case was so tragic, messy, and troubling it left us all wondering. Thanks for enlightening the public, despite the still unanswered questions.
  • KayyBirddXO
    The best!
    I love this podcast, I love the deep dive into each victims life & tragic story. I love all the unreleased information we get with each case, all the new people that step forward to give more insight on the case, all the real audios, all the family members and friends that work with this podcasts in correlation to the case. This is a podcast that puts in the most effort to make these stories of each case well told with evidence and hard facts. Also, I love his voice, it’s definitely a voice that is podcast worthy.
  • Truckerpodcastjunkie
    When is Season 4?
    I love this podcast. All 3 seasons were so well done and I can’t wait for the next season to come out! Impatiently waiting…
  • crusany
    Must listen!!
    You think you know this case until you hear this. THE best deep dive on this case out there. An absolute must listen.
  • onyx blacknight
    Awesome Podcast
    This show is one of the best productions I have heard for podcasts. It really gives a thorough insight for the cases. I highly recommend this program!
  • kgzlydlyslys
    Two words…
    DEEP DIVE!!!
  • tracyd1013
    FF through when
    5 starts all the way around, but when Josh talks-I have to fast forward. The delivery, the heavy breathing-makes me want to drown my phone in bleach. #NotTodaySatan
  • Teon77
    Powell Case: Outstanding podcast
    So well done; excellent/extensive content and well presented. So much more of this tragic story to tell. I thought I was well informed on this case, this podcast was extremely informative and comprehensive.
  • its bridget!
    All 3 seasons are fantastic. Incredibly thorough reporting with great delivery.
  • kmehawkeye
    Great reporting
    Many times when I listen to podcasts about cases, I feel like a lot is left undone. I enjoyed your thoroughness and detail and compassion as you investigated this case! I really also enjoyed how you ended the series by giving your opinion, even though with disclaimers and talking about the importance about supporting women in the situation’s. Well done!
  • ckey98
    Wishy-washy conclusion to Season 2
    Season 2 Justice for Joyce was impeccable until the final episode when the narrator became wishy-washy on the issue of the death penalty. Why go through all of that painstaking storytelling only to say that he won’t take a stand on whether the murderer ought to have been executed? Justice for Joyce would be swiftly ending the life of the evil man who violated and murdered her - not leaving him on death row living on taxpayer dollars for decades. All of the facts had been delivered clearly and without bias. Unbiased journalism can still come to a conclusion at the end while allowing the listener to come to his/her own conclusion through unbiased delivery of the facts.
  • AshleyAnnBerry
    Absolutely amazing
    So I’m a little late to Cold and I started with Sheree Warren and the worked my way back. All seasons where phenomenal. It’s clear that you’ve got a background in journalism and I so appreciate that you were doing more than just regurgitating facts about the case. I’m an avid true crime consumer and I know that some retellings can be distasteful. I never once got that feeling from you. You were always kind and so respectful and as a woman it was great to hear the recognition of the dangers so many of us face. I just finished the Susan Powell Case Files and it was equal parts amazing and heartbreaking. The story just shatters my heart but you went above and beyond on your research and reporting. You should be so proud of yourself. I imagine it’s difficult immersing yourself in these cases so sending all the love. But this is the type of true crime content that makes a difference. Thank you.
  • bozanich
    A friend recommended this series to me after I expressed how bored I had grown of my murder podcast pool. I am excited once again to listen to a new episode!
  • beckagski
    Favorite true crime podcast I’ve heard yet
    All 3 seasons are riveting. I finished all 3 in 2 weeks. I’m now left wanting more. 5+ stars!
  • DenverNon-hiker7
    Ok, but, Disappointing rhetoric
    Decently well-researched series and interviews, but I absolutely hate this talk of “innocent” or “well-behaved” girls because it perpetuates the damaging idea of the perfect/sympathetic victim. No victim is any less or more deserving of empathy or thorough investigation just because of their lifestyle or perceived innocence. There’s no such thing as bringing an attack upon themselves with what they’re wearing or what they do. Also, the father-daughter writing team really needs to expand their vocabulary beyond using the word “creepy” a million times to describe details of the case.
  • Erushurerx
    Season 1 - Fact extraction from verbose narration required
    I have no doubt that Josh Powell killed Susan Powell. The story is one of tragedy and sorrow. The format of the podcast, though, is tedious and distracting from the facts of the case. The Cold podcast, at least Season 1, isn’t really about details/facts/evidence of cold cases as much as it is creating a narrative around a cold case based on the people who will sit down for an interview. Facts are interspersed sparsely between excessively loquacious narrations to fill time. While Season 1 has plenty of documented evidence presented, the listener must extract it from the narration. Since this is a ‘KSL’ and, as such, a mainstream media production, it isn’t surprising that ‘a’ story is being told instead of ‘the’ story…’the’ story being a presentation of the facts at face value. It reminds me why I don’t watch or get any news from KSL anymore. While worth the listen to hear the facts, realize that the process of stripping away the crime novel prose, alliteration, and unnecessary tangents to separate fact from conjecture is mind-numbing at times. Had the podcast been presented in a more straightforward manner it could have been completed in 3-4 podcasts. I’m sure, however, this was likely not the desired runtime for the producers. Still, with the exception of the final episode, it was worth the listen to hear many of the facts surrounding this terrible event. I would recommend skipping the final episode. It’s flawed conjecture distracts from the rest of the episodes.
  • Coldjustice
    Dave is the real deal
    Dave Cawley is a true investigative journalist in every sense of the word. Every episode is impeccably researched and eloquently delivered. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dave is able to help solve these cases. Thank you for a great, if at times heart wrenching listen.
  • Squeekeekleen
    One of the best true crime podcasts
    I enjoy this podcast more than other true crime podcasts because Dave is factual, weaves the stories together based on timelines and important information, and doesn’t lead the listener down red herring plots just for the sake of drama. He also doesn’t make wild speculations about the facts and is honest when he is surmising about what happened. Overall enjoyable to listen to despite the delicate subject matter.
  • andrea 804
    Very good podcasts. Although probably very difficult it would be interesting if there were others.
  • BlinkThisBabe
    10/10 would recommend
    This podcast is amazing! I can’t stop listening to it.
  • reggeee
    What im about to tell you has never been revealed…
    Good show, but the host is so full of himself! “ look at me look at me”😂😂
  • Umbra Listener
    Cold Cases
    Dave, you were blessed with a wonderful voice to tell these interesting stories. I loved listening to all of your seasons and look forward to hearing more.
  • MydnyghtRayvyn
    Season Three is Great!
    I am really enjoying season three. I just can’t stop listening. The reporting is very well researched and laid out. It is a really interesting case and each episode makes you want more. There is just one small thing, the voice actor reading Kerry’s (sp?) statements needs to tone it down a bit. I understand that the actor is playing a part, but he’s playing a part in a true crime series. The overacting is adding an element to Kerry’s statements that may have not originally been there. The actor doesn’t have to be completely flat voiced, but a little temperance would be appreciated.
  • adanigs
    I've listened to all 3 seasons. This review is specific to season 3. Agree 100% with Jim Clemente's assessment - Cary Hartmann is the perp in Sheree Warren's disappearance. His gaslighting and controlling the conversation from the very beginning, as well as his needing to think about accepting the plea agreement show his guilt. Great reporting of the case Dave. I came to that conclusion because of you giving all the evidence. He should be tried for this murder.
  • Mermaidlippie
    Great job!
    Really good job at sharing this story
  • MommyNeedsMoreCoffee
    One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. The research is impeccable and complete. The pacing is perfect. The stories are woven together with finesse. Dave Cawley’s presentation is calm, centered, and professional. His voice is easy to listen to. Love all the detail and use of real voices when possible. One of my favorite podcasts ever.
  • Colin’s my name
    Super good just finished season 1
    Anyone that wants free access to season 2 it’s all on YouTube
  • Brittiefofo
    5 stars
    The best true crime podcast I’ve listened to. And I’ve listened to them all.
  • Ready for something else
    Skip season 3
    The first 2 seasons were amazing, not sure what happened to season 3. It felt drawn out and very repetitive. I swore if I heard the percent sign analogy one more time I was going to lose it. I’m not sure what happened in post production but it felt as though the last 6 episodes were only made to hit an obligated number in the contract.
  • lizziebeth12
    Well researched and reported
    I just discovered COLD during season 3, but was able to download season 2 on Amazon (I have no interest in season 1…I remember it too well). Anyway, I find the Sheree Warren case tragic and fascinating, and I’m so glad KSL Is brining new light to the case. One thing I seemed to have missed: Cary Hartman’s admission to raping Sheree during a 2005 parole hearing. I keep waiting for discussion of it, but nothing. He’s out of prison. He doesn’t need to be and hopefully won’t be much longer.
  • Kezialyn
    So good!
    I haven’t been so hooked on a podcast in a long time. Just finished a long road trip and binged season 1 and 3. Can’t wait to listen to episode 2. I switched to listening on Amazon music since prime members listen ad free.
  • freshtotri
    Season 3 is a no for me.
    I love true crime pods, and not the chatty friends kind, but true journalism. This story is just boring, at least in the way it is presented.
  • Kitten10182000
    Riveting investigative journalism
    I thought I knew almost everything about this case. I was wrong. Very wrong.
  • pjbrock
    Yes Bundy
    He was killed on 1-24-89 not 1-29-89
  • Abu Zaytuni al-Nasri
    LDS material
    Totally biased and uncritical view of the LDS Church. Unlistenable.
  • ⭐️Miss GumShoe⭐️
    🏆Investigative Journalism at it’s VERY BEST!🏆
    I have listened to Season 1 of Cold probably at least 10 times all the way through. It’s definitely one of the most informative podcasts I’ve ever heard. I often thought throughout the episodes that Dave Crowley must eat, sleep & breathe his stories in order to deliver the kind of details he packs in his reporting. I’ve followed this case extensively since Susan went missing years ago & would’ve considered myself very informed & highly aware of the whole story, intricate details & the people in it…that was until I listened to Dave Growly tell the story in COLD! I learned an incredible amount of new info & details and heard so many stories I had never heard about Susan, Josh, Steve Powell & so many others involved in this case. COLD is by far the BEST investigation & reporting of this case I’ve ever come across…and I’ve watched/listened to them all! I’m so excited to begin Season 3, The Search for Sharee Warren because if it’s even 1/4 as good as Season 1, then I’m in for quite the treat!! Thank you Dave Crowly. You deserve so many awards for your investigative journalism & reporting of this story.🥇🕵️‍♂️✍🏼🏆📰🏅
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