Becoming Something with Jonathan Pokluda


We’re all becoming something. What are you becoming? It's our goal for you to intentionally become the person God has called you to be. We'll release an episode each week with answers to real questions that college students and young adults are asking us. Listen in as Jonathan Pokluda, Nate Hilgenkamp, and Kathy Davidson help you navigate life in your 20's and 30's!

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Recent Reviews
  • The farm for me
    Amazing podcast ♥️
    I love listening to you guys. I enjoy the fun banter in the beginnings of your podcasts and the wisdom you guys share. Also the fact that you guys are so open about life it’s really helpful for me and a lot of people. Please do not stop the work that’s Gods given you JP, Nate, and Cathy! Love you guys, can’t wait for the next episode 🫶🏻
  • I love u Lord
    Ready for a Revival
    I fear the danger of reaching self sufficiency in my walk with God. “Lord, please become more beautiful than useful to me”. Matthew 5:3
  • Onfire4God!
    Need y’all to
    P L E A S E S I N G M O R E.
  • Norah Faye
    favorite podcast EVER!!!!
  • Gabby Hess
    Honestly you guys are such a blessing to young adults! Have been listening to yall the last 2 years and just attended BeSo Live last week. Absolutely love the wisdom the three of you have 🫶🏼
  • app revewier 1
    From a 26 year old in Dallas
    1. Love the podcast, I feel convicted and more knowledgeable after every episode. 2. Do not stop the banter at the beginning of the show. It helps the listeners get to know you and connect with you as people. It’s my favorite part of the show in some ways because I come from a family who joke with each other a lot. If listeners don’t like the “fluff”, they can skip it. (Maybe use time codes) 3. I never thought I was truly addicted to gambling until I listened to your podcast and now I think I might’ve been.
  • Sbranish
    Best Podcast EVER
    You said something in the Episode about great sex, it was along the lines of “giving biblical truth between the laughter, friendship & sarcasm” and that is the PERFECT summary of your show! I love it so much!! So much wisdom with so much charisma and joy!
  • Andylova
    Love it!
    This is a phenomenal young adult Podcast!! I recommend it to fellow young adults. They are unashamed to touch on real and relevant topics. I actually don’t mind the small talk at the beginning. It helps set up the juicy stuff later.
  • christa.parham
    5stars but plz no singing!!
  • 8815T
    Enjoy the podcast!
    I enjoy the podcast but agree with a previous review that the banter at the beginning is way too long. I would much prefer jumping straight into the podcast discussion.
  • Eab0202
    Have been listening to Becoming Something for a few years now! & I listen on Apple Podcasts. I’ve sent way too many episodes to close friends so a few now listen regularly :) Has led to so many fruitful conversations! So grateful for how each of you faithfully preach God’s word with grace & truth. I’ve had lots of hard convos after listening to episodes on confession, repentance, etc and have acquired some incredible tools to use when discipling others! The first few minutes are fun & encouraging. I love inviting new believers into a Christian community and showing them how joy & laughter permeate our conversations— the first few minutes are that for this podcast! Thank you for your steadfast commitment to equipping the next generation! Myself & so many others have benefitted greatly from y’all’s teaching & words of wisdom and truth! Love from AU in Wilmore, KY 🙌💗
  • GL183828
    I listen on Apple podcast
    I listen on Apple Podcasts I found this podcast from watching The Porch ministry years back. Love how y'all handle the word of God and you’ve helped my spiritual walk so much. If anyone is reading this I HIGHLY recommend this podcast above any other for any Christian at any point in their walk in their 20s and 30s especially. The living waters podcast and you guys are my go to podcasts! Love from Ohio!
  • Arnold S. 😉
    Love it!
    Absolutely love the podcast. Been listening for a couple of years. Would love to hear a podcast on how to practically preach the Gospel in our everyday lives. Thank you!
  • 2Bartman3
    We were faithful listeners until…
    Good morning, My wife and I write this in love. We’re in our mid 30s in Connecticut, so may not be target demo and potentially an outlier. Both working people with limited margin. So we prioritized this show. And we were faithful listeners until the intro got too long and it seemed 10-15 minutes sometimes would be fluff. Frankly, you’re all awesome but we’re not here for that. Save the banter for off recording and dive right into the topic, using scripture as a foundation. Thank you, Bart from CT
  • granny273&49478338
    Thank you
    Thank you guys for all your do! Have listened for awhile and have been encouraged and strengthened by your podcast. 1) I listen on Apple podcast 2) Becoming something was original brought to me by a close friend texting me a episode.
  • Hehxbdysbd
    Where I listen
    I listen on Apple podcast
  • HMCagle25
    You cannot be a Christian and vote for Biden 🙄
    This weeks episode was extremely disappointing. The brief politics talk was just plain idiotic. Dems support mass murder of the unborn, they literally dismember these kids in the womb. They support the LGBT alphabet and trans morons which is obviously not biblical. They’re allowing mass illegals which is against the LAW. DemocRATS do not follow the word of God. Kathy’s uneducated opinion, she didn’t know the word CAUCUS or how to pronounce Ramaswamy who is extremely brilliant and while not a Christian has morals and values very similar to ours. The “news” app she mentioned is straight propaganda and we were warned about MASS DECEPTION which is what the “news” is. Please do some actual research and know what each party supports before putting this out to your many followers. Man, I’m so disappointed. This is the most important time in history, look up the WEF and their plan for us “peasants”. Vote SMARTLY, with FACTS 🙄 and prayer.
  • haleylamb
    Perfect start to my morning
    I don’t listen to many podcasts, but I love this one. When I feel disconnected or struggling in a certain area of my life I can always find an episode that relates to what I’m going through. (Listening on Apple Podcasts)
  • cpiccioni
    Becoming Something
    1. I listen in Apple Podcasts 2. When I read Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer, and in his first few pages of the book he said we are all “Becoming Something”, I thought of y’all. Dream come true when Nate called him out for it 😂 Keep it up!
  • Th@tDad
    One last time
    I almost never listen to podcasts, but my wife texted it to me and insisted I check out this one. So much truth in this conversation. The freedom of 100% isn’t even a comparison for the 99%. I’ve needed a replacement for social media and doom scrolling, so thank y’all for making it easy. I’ll enjoy more episodes on the regular. And not least of all, I got to find out that there is a place for us vertically challenged people in volley ball.
  • Celiab45
    Where I listen
    My husband and I listen on Apple podcast! Y'all discussion about deep topics that bring us to really think. Also, yalls laughing is so contagious we love it!!
  • anonnnnnyyymousssss
    Where I listen & how I found you
    I listen on Spotify & I only found you guys bc one of my friends took a screenshot & posted it on her Snapchat story to share how a specific episode was good. & then I was hesitant to listen bc I thought yawl were Baptist (if you are great) but I definitely assumed there wouldn’t be any bread or meat if you know what I mean lol. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. This has become one of my fave podcasts to listen to! I listened to the episode 151: How to Abide and it marked me. Because that’s my word for the year, Abide. The girl (idk her name, sorry lolol) was talking about abiding & said “Jesus + nothing” & as soon as she said that, the Holy Spirit inspired me to name that my podcast. And so I abided & didn’t let fear hold me back from what I know God is asking me to do. Then I bought everything I need to start a podcast after years of dreaming and praying about it. I’ll be releasing the first episode soon :) also super funny, I went to passion, was marked by Jonathan pokludas message & didn’t realize that he was the host of becoming something until I came back home and saw his name again 😂 blessings to you all if you read this far hahah. ♥️
  • jenna in ky
    Great Show, Skip the Intro Banter
    The first five minutes of every episode seem to be pointless bantering between the show hosts, and I especially don’t love how they make Nate the butt of all of the jokes. If you can get through or skip this part, the show itself has wonderful content that I know will have a great impact on young people who need encouragement and guidance toward God amidst all the distractions and lies they’re facing today.
  • MadsU2422
    The Lie of “One Last Time” is the best episode yet
    My husband and I have been avid listeners to the Becoming Something Podcast for a little while now. Both of us have listened to this episode three times each. There is so much power and truth in what these three talk about. Thank you so much for having this discussion. I’ve been praying about who to share this episode with - truthfully I think anyone and everyone I know can benefit from it in some way. My husband and I have both been praying for God to reveal to us the areas where we may have to “back up [our] No’s.” Again, thank you three so much for this discussion and this podcast. You’ve had such positive impacts on many peoples faith and their walks with Christ.
  • Grady Camp
    life changing…
    I don’t think I’ve ever left a review on anything before, but this podcast has genuinely transformed my life. The ways God has continued to work in my life through this podcast over the past few years have been unbelievable. I graduated from a small Christian high school, and by the time I left, almost everyone there had begun listening and fallen in love with this podcast (I’m still trying to convince the board to incorporate it into their curriculum, but we’ll see haha). God is doing big things through this ministry, and I truly believe that you will not only benefit from listening to Becoming Something but that it just might change your life as well.
  • Tabbersz
    Listening in from Apple Podcasts!
    Each episode has been so thought(& spirit)-provoking. I find myself without a ton of discipleship but I find podcasts in general to be a wonderful supplement to discipleship. Thank you for being out in the Podcast World. Can’t wait for more! God bless each of you. 💕✨
  • Matthew Gruver
    Apple podcast baby. Show out b-ham. Love JP since the Porch days
    Much love
  • tyhelton
    5 Stars
    Big fan of the show, started from beginning and have listened through just about every episode. It’s a listen that’s relatable, engaging, humorous, and life giving. Also, I’m really really glad that Kathy is back. She keeps the chemistry together, and no offense to the female guest speaker who took her spot- but I thought the vibes were a little off, and to be honest I am wrestling with how to feel about bigtime Christian influencers who constantly showcase their products and themselves, who are making a large profit off of their fame… if it is for God’s glory or their own..? Or is that not for me to judge at all? I am unsure and so I hope to not be too cynical or wrong in any way, but I do feel a lot of more quiet people who don’t use social media as much feel a similar way as many of the videos I see of influencers on media I cannot help but simply feel uncomfortable or cringe a bit.. Anyway, glad Cathy is back- she’s down to earth and keeps it real fo sho.
  • Koob96
    A must listen!
    I realize the opening to this podcast says for 20 and 30 somethings, but it works for mid forties too! The banter hooked me the first time I listened. I laugh and learn with each episode!
  • Allisonz13
    The best and most helpful!
    I listen to this podcast daily! It gives me a good laugh and most importantly has transformed my walk with the lord. They break it down so easily, and I’m so thankful that they do it out of the kindness of their hearts. It helps me get to know them past who they are on the stage and feels like I’m having a conversation with fellow Christian friends! I recommend this podcast to everyone!!
  • Gagagagagagagagahagagagagagag
    Love it
    I love this podcast so much. It has genuinely helped me grow my relationship with God. The podcast is entertaining and informative. I always look forward to listening!
  • wildflowers18
    Love it but less guests!
    I’ve been listening for a while and I love this podcast! But I agree with another review, I like the podcasts the best when it is just the 3 of you. I love how practical the advice is and appreciate that aspect of it!
  • AbigailThomas123
    Ignorant on mental health issues
    No one should EVER speak on mental health especially saying “most mental health problems come from a place on pride” in his book “Why do I do what I don’t want to do” when has has zero training or validity to what he’s saying. The undertones in the way he speaks are extremely judgmental and I am a devout Christian born and raised in this south. He is a prime example of a toxic Christian leader.
  • Packing Girl
    Discipleship in DC
    I am an attorney in my 30s in Washington, DC. I can’t count the number of times I have been walking up to a law firm, a think tank, the Capitol, or the Supreme Court with my AirPods in, listening to BeSo. So grateful for how the BeSo team is discipling listeners around the world, all from Waco, TX. (I’ve also turned a lot of my lawyer friends onto BeSo - your legal following is bigger than you think!)
  • bdrjkncrtjnbv
    Super Refreshing
    I’m a stay at home mother with 4 kids, i’m in my late 20’s and this podcasts helps me add joy into my life to love others and live the way God intended.
  • utter2424
    Dear Nate,
  • beaknn
    Navigating Life's Big Questions
    This podcast is a haven for young adults and college students seeking purposeful direction. The real-life questions tackled are incredibly relatable, and the guidance offered is both practical and spiritually grounded. An essential listen for anyone navigating their 20s and 30s. Five stars!
  • Sam Peacock
    So good!
    I’m 26/married & this podcast has been one of the most influential resources for interpreting the Bible & my walk with God. I appreciate the vulnerability & wisdom that each person brings to the table!
  • Joe Cinags
    Great counsel!
    This podcast has helped me tremendously in many areas from dating to just my general walk with Christ!
  • Luke#6
    Christian Development
    This is a GREAT resource for young adults. As a discipler I love to use this podcast as a reference. And personally, it’s been really helpful for me as I grow in Christ. They put ideas and concepts into words backed by scripture. I highly recommend starting from the beginning of the podcast. I started listening back in 2019 and the podcast came out with two different episodes on breakups and then I went through a breakup. Super helpful resource in how to walk through that well. The only thing I could say against it is that I don’t like the guest speakers. I thoroughly enjoy when it is just the three of them, but there’s so many guest speaker episodes lately and I feel like that just detracts from the value of the podcast. Overall, I love this podcast and the people!! My ex introduced me to this podcast and if it wasn’t for her, I would’ve missed out on so much. And today, my wife and I value this resource to this day. God truly has a reason for everything. Thank you, JP, Kathy, Nate, and all others who make this podcast into the amazing resource it is!!
  • Grant W. Jackson
    Best Christian Podcast for Young Adults
    Every single episode has helped me grow closer to God, and I’m excited to see how the Lord will use this platform to spread the Word!
  • MrScubasteve
    Love it!
    They discuss so many topics in depth. Probably the most informative Christian podcast I’ve listened to.
  • Dave Wernli
    I wish this podcast was around in my 20s and 30s
    Thank you for talking about topics the church too often shies away from. You keep the conversation honest and real. And funny. Your banter is hilarious; the three of you have something really special. This podcast inspires Christian 20- and 30-somethings to life their faith, being real and honest, with an uncompromised love for Jesus. Kudos!
  • DerpyDev
    Literally my favorite podcast!
    I never knew a podcast could both open God’s word to me so deeply AND make me laugh out loud! Thank you guys so much for blessing the world with this podcast and for being so raw and HUMAN with us. You guys make being a Christian feel so much more accessible for those who worry they need to be perfect before they can be loved by Christ. AND you remind us that being a Christian can be fun! I can’t thank you enough. Ps. We miss you, Kathy! 💖
  • Karla Anduray
    Thank you so much for this podcast! I have received so much wisdom from it! May God keep using you all! Thank you for applying biblical truth and biblical knowledge to problems young adults face every day. This podcast has been such a blessing. JP is a wise, Godly man! He speaks biblical truth. Nate is a hilarious and wise Godly man as well. (Thankful that he’s in this podcast!) Kathy is a lovely, wise, Godly woman and such a sweetheart. You all make a great team! Grateful for all of you, and thank you for speaking truth into our lives. Update: I missed Kathy so much!!!! 😭😭😭❤️ Thank you for bringing her back.
  • Emily4047
    I am so thankful for this podcast, theses three people are not afraid to speak the truth, and the truth into our lives! I like you guys said in episode nine the church totally is missing how significant single people! And how much we get passed over by the church just because they aren’t married! But I am totally ignoring that, and just focusing everything I have on Jesus Christ and our relationship, but thank you for bringing it to light and thank you for everything you guys do!
  • ur momsfavorite
    Love it!
    I love how you bring up things that other pastors are scared to talk about. I’m 14 and I love this podcast. Jonathan has actually inspired me to quit porn.
  • Brooke Mihalick
    Simply the best!!
    10/10 recommend this podcast. They cover such good topics and are soo real and honest, nothings ever sugar coated or fake which I love. I have grown so much in my faith from this podcast & it’s great to start the morning listening to this :)
  • Jaycowayco
    Best podcast!
    I LOVE this podcast! So thankful for how real all 3 of you are, and also how committed you are to God’s Word. I listen to you all several times a week on my daily morning walks. I wish we could be best friends!! 😂
  • Jildance
    #1 podcast for 20s and 30s!
    This podcast is so real. I love it because it always makes me laugh and teaches me to look at different topics in ways I have never thought about before! Even if a topic is not “relevant” to me I still learn so much and am pointed back to Christ every episode. Becoming something is my favorite part of Mondays! It has helped me grow in my faith more than I can express!
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