French Through Stories


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Recent Reviews
  • Burtonian Musician
    Love this podcast
    I love working on my French with stories by this French man! He does a great job speaking slowly and clearly and the line by line translation is very helpful. I enjoy his stories as well. I enjoyed his reading of Le Petit Prince as well. I read that back in high school 40 years ago!
  • NiniOcha
    Thank you for providing these lessons. You are speaking clearly in a way that I can understand - this helps me to learn correct French pronunciation and grammar. And the stories are always interesting and educational. Merci!
  • Tbeck1
    Ce podcast est, tout simplement, l'un des plus beaux du monde. J'ai créé une file d'attente avec les trois premiers chapitres du Petit Prince et je m'endors à sa voix presque tous les soirs. J'espère qu'il continuera à lire plus - mais en particulier - plus sur le Petit Prince ! J'aime beaucoup ce podcast.
  • NickPappa
    C'est manifique
    C'est un bon traducteur
  • Fleur française
    Revenez !
    Vous nous manquez. Oh, s'il vous plaît, revenez. Il n'y en a pas d'autre avec un format comme le vôtre.
  • Primeperiwinkle
    This is EXACTLY the thing I need. Oh please come back! Find a way to monetize, make a website or something! Your material is wonderful. I used the same technique to teach myself Spanish. I hope you make more.
  • Pugsly42
    Le Petit Prince
    I love your format for reading this book! It’s been so helpful for me as I continue to work on my listening skills. I haven’t found any other resources like this. Could you please try to pick up these episodes again?
  • Tafel 22
    Le Petit Prince
    Please read us more Chapters... we got as far as #3 and would like to hear more. Merci Beaucoup!
  • asianbrain
    The choice of the readings and poetry are so good
    One of the readings: La Longue Route, was so good. This podcast not only helps you learn French, it really introduces you to some amazing French literatures. From little prince to victor Hugo’s poem. The writing was so beautiful, it was enjoyable to memorize it, and you didn’t even feel like ‘learning’ French, but truly enjoying it. Please add more and often please.
  • Sheribmoi
    C’est génial
    Je viens de découvrir ce podcast et puis j’en ai écouté plusieurs. Je trouve le format et contenu interessant et facile à écouter avec une duration supportable Merci et bonne continuation Sheri
  • Elenovember
    Nice and easy short story
    I downloaded and saved still listening. I hope and wait more and more from your interesting short story.
  • Schmoofly
    I’m utterly charmed by this podcast and slightly worried he may leave us one day
  • miss_shayshay
    Please finish le petit prince!!!
    Your first two chapters were so well done..please add more!!
  • Buenamy
    Excellent Podcast
    Thank you for the sweet stories! I love seeing a new episode on my podcast list. Each one is a great lesson and I notice something new every time.
  • App is totes ameze
    Missing your good stories
    Please give us more stories- we miss the stories you tell. Hope all is well
  • oahuorbust
    The speed, the learning and layout is perfect for language learning. I especially like that you say the review in English so I can translate out loud before you say it in French and see if I got it right! Well done! Keep it up!
  • Shamik23
    Le Petit Prince
    I’m begging you to continue reading this to us. Thank you for you time and voice.
  • Gretchen57
    Love this! Very helpful! Keep making more!
    Found this and it is a perfect listening podcast for post-beginner but pre-intermediate french students. (C’est moi!) The length of each story is perfect and the addition of reading it back at full speed at the end is also helpful. I really feel each episode is worthwhile and I grow a bit with each one.
  • Great for that
    One of the better podcasts for learning French
    I listen to a few different podcast to try to improve my French listening and vocabulary. Found this one yesterday and think it is the best one yet. There is immediate reading from French to English so you know the meaning immediately. The words are simple and spoken slowly making this podcast perfect for absolute beginners. The stories are also charming and funny. I am looking forward to more from the maker of this podcast! Merci beaucoup!
  • BB&CC.
    Great Podcast!!
    Just listened to Podcast #6. Loved it. Learning a lot! Merci.
  • Baunfaun
    A gem
    The stories are initially told in French, easy enough for an intermediate student to understand completely. Then, when the narrator translates each sentence, he says them first in English, so the listener is able to formulate the French translation before he says it. The stories are short and engaging, and the narrator’s gentle humor and lack of gimmicks or vanity set this podcast apart from the others. Each episode is like a little gift.
  • Artemis16
    A great way to learn French
    I love that each episode is short, but you can learn lots of vocabulary about the episode topic. He has a very soothing voice and listening to him helps to improve my pronunciation. I especially love the episodes where he reads French poetry. Thank you for producing this wonderful podcast!
  • redlapin
    Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau
    What a wonderful way to introduce french poetry. This is one of the best french apps for french learning. Thank you !
  • JenHade
    French through Stories
    What a gift this Podcast is to those of us who are learning French! The episodes are simple, short and engaging and your voice is so pleasant. I have shared this podcast with a friend and will share it with my French class too. Merci beaucoup 💗
  • AMetricFan
    Fantastic way to review or improve vocabulary!
    I discovered your podcast very recently; I am binge-listening and remembering a lot of French vocabulary that I had forgotten. I love the short stories with a touch of humor. Thank you for making these and freely sharing the French transcripts in the notes. It’s extremely helpful!
  • afayn.
    Loving this pod
    I’ve listened to a lot of French podcasts but this one is particularly good for those beginners who are trying to expand their vocabulary and also learn to hear and understand French. I love the he tells the story slowly in French, then translates bit by bit in English and French and also provides a transcript in French!
  • gabbym
    Very helpful
    I’m really enjoying this interesting and useful podcast. Thank you for making these!
  • givberishisnottaken
    First rate
    Everything about this is just right from the narrator’s pleasant voice to the low key music to the variety of content and the perfect pacing. His method of interweaving the translation with the clear pronunciations is the ideal method for rapid success. Merci beaucoup !!!
  • AIB009
    I love you! More please
    These are great! Please keep making these, you are talented!
  • Kendall Jam
    Love it! Please keep making more!
    Thank you for doing these podcasts! I just started teaching myself French a couple months ago, so I find your podcasts great! What I find most helpful is hearing the words while reading the transcripts you provide. This, for me, is most valuable and I tend to learn better when I read and listen at the same time. Merci beaucoup !
  • MichelleBCN
    A sweet and simple way to improve our French.
  • Flavi USA
    Well Done!
    Pleasant and intelligent!
  • CIOPeps
    Listen! You will be happy you did!
    This is not your typical “french for beginners” podcast! It is refreshingly charming and fun. FYI, each story is told in french first and then in english. Good podcasts thanks for creating them!
  • gooseluvsapps
    Fabulous French Language Podcast
    This podcast is great for beginning french language learners in that the host speaks slowly enough for beginners to pick up and understand the conversation while also using more advanced words so there is something to learn beyond the basics. His voice cadence is enjoyable to hear and the topics and the way they are delivered does not feel like a kindergarten french class! Moreover, he translates the story to English during each podcast and the french text for each episode is written in the episode notes! The topics are enjoyable and it is NOT the normal beginning french conversation style language learning! I would enjoy listening to this podcast even if I were not studying the language! Definitely worth a listen!
  • Old Bag Hiker
    French Through Stories
    Very interesting and great for beginners!
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