PhotoWork with Sasha Wolf


Sasha Wolf, author of PhotoWork: Forty Photographers on Process and Practice, continues her conversations with friends, photographers she represents, and photographers she has always wanted to speak with.

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Recent Reviews
  • Can’t Stop Listening!!
    What An Inspirational Podcast for Any And All Photographers!
    What an incredible podcast. I recently found this podcast, and I’ve been listening to it every day! It truly inspires me to get back into my photo work, and feel like I’m not alone in the struggles of process and deciding what direction to go in with my work. If you’re into photography at all, you will love this!
  • June and Niko
    Best photography podcast out there!
    Very informative podcast sprinkled with humor. I have discovered new photographers and expanded my own photography practice listening to Photoworks. Having been in the New York photo industry for almost two decades as a photographer, photo producer/agent, and photo faculty, I feel at home listening to Sasha and Michael. Sasha is a great interviewer/host - always thoughtful yet asking complex questions. And I love that Peanut is part of the intro as I’m a huge dog lover. Always looking forward to the next interview!
  • smrandol
    Premier photography podcast
    If you are looking for a podcast that is smart, honest, engaging, and witty then PhotoWork is for you (also be sure to check out Real Photo Show with Michael Chovan-Dalton). Conversations are insightful and leave you feeling inspired, wanting to go learn more about the work/photographer.
  • Fstop0
    Great audio quality
    Great conversations & very personable humor.
  • ceil n
    MCD the GOAT
    my favorite photography podcast! sasha is a fantastic host who does a great job of facilitating deep discussions around photography. thanks to everyone on the photowork team for putting this together this!!
  • mattshureen
    Great photography podcast
    An engaging and warm-hearted podcast that anyone with even a modicum of interest in photography-as-art will find something of value in. Michael and Sasha seem like lovely people and they bring on great guests with many valuable insights and perspectives. This review was written without ChatGPT.
  • 508RSingh
    Long overdue review
    Sasha and Michael host lovely, interesting and important conversations with people from the photography world. Highly recommended. Great podcast! And buy the book!
  • Fartim
    Sasha, Michael, and all guests deserve all the praise available for this series. In a world where it’s so easy to feel disconnected from people, listening to these conversations grounds and inspires me. Living in rural Vermont, this series has become such a conduit for me to connect , at least in one directional flow, to the community that I cherish, and have so much respect for. This is without a doubt one of the most venerable repositories of photographic knowledge available to the public. The fact that these conversations are free is astounding. Please donate and share.
  • LensZen
    Great Show
    Fun to listen, great interviews and insightful commentary about photography!
  • HJ88!
    Essential Listening for Photographers
    This podcast has become an essential part of my artistic practice where I find inspiration, deep thinking and the joy of discovery in how other people making great work think and work. Thank you Sasha Wolf!
  • rodolpho gazpari
    Best photography podcast
    I love this podcast. Sasha and the notorious MCD do such a good job. So interesting to hear amazing artists and others involved in the photo community talk about their craft. Sasha has such a great interviewing style. Super accessible info for photographers of all levels.
  • AshDyePhoto
    The first review I have ever written in my life.
    I was fortunate enough to come across PhotoWork at a point in my life when I had a job that allowed me to this to podcasts…while at work… After almost 17 years in the service industry this was truly bizarre to me, but it gave me the gift of time and Sasha and Michael have given us the gift of this podcast. I like this podcast so much I googled “how to review an apple podcast”. As a fellow photographer I had an embarrassingly small amount of knowledge about even the most prolific of photographers. PW not only allowed me to hear about process and tribulations from other working creatives, it taught me so much about the history of photography and who and what has been inspiring to others in the field over the years. It gave me so many names to google and has led me to discover some truly moving work. This podcast is such a create source of inspiration and comfort. You can really feel the care abs intention put into each episode. I do wish there were more guests outside of the world of photo academia, a place and culture I feel very, very removed from. but I am endless grateful for this show!
  • J6545
    Best Podcast for Photographers
    Sasha is an excellent hosts and asks great questions to a diverse group of artists, editors, and photographers.
  • GormAndersHansen
    If you’re an artist, photographer or simply interested in the visual arts/photography, Sasha and Michael and their team have with this show created a wealth of a stream that continues to inform and inspire. Also, if you haven’t already, check out Sasha’s book ‘Photoworks - 40 Photographers on Process and Practice’, you should. It’s an awesome and fascinating insight into many different approaches to the medium. As a photographer myself, this show has and continues to address a lot of the thoughts, including the doubts and the insecurities related to a passion/profession (or whatever you call it) that one can often find oneself trapped in a bubble, not knowing how to proceed. Thank you Sasha, Michael and team as well as all the great artists featured on the show, I remain grateful ❤️
  • Starko333333
    My go to photography podcast
    Plain and Simple: this podcast keeps me inspired
  • UW_TC
    Best Photo Podcast Out There.
    PhotoWork is a unique and not to be missed hour-ish long conversation with some of the best photographers working in the book and art world. The conversations are inspiring and informative and Ms Wolf is obviously a capable interviewer as well as a huge fan of each artist that sits by her microphone. I only wish that the images discussed could somehow accompany the podcast.
  • Robert Kalman
    I find Sasha’s interview style and questions to be most informative and thoughtful. She elicits answers from her guests that speak to the creative process, and I find that to be remarkably engaging and intelligent.
  • look!!
    Photo works
    One of my favorite podcasts! Each episode is insightful, the guests are engaging, the conversations vital and meaningful. Often touching on education, creativity, organizational skills, the visual and the emotional. In simple back and forth conversations- how the various artist went about organizing a body of work, approaching a gallery, pulling together a book project etc
    Great Guests
    Top-notch guests, combined with the easy, conversational style Sasha brings to the table, make this my favorite photo-interview podcast. I often finish episodes inspired to go out and make new work — just like the best crits.
  • manuerudesu
    Inspiring, refreshing... a must
    Every single episode is a unique jewel that leave me with insights, not about “photography”, but about being a story telling, human, passion for the craft and all sort of inspiring insights. It’s a must!
  • Mr. S. Rose
    Extremely thoughtful
    On a long drive recently I binge listened a bunch of episodes and was blown away by the intelligence and thoughtfulness of both the questions asked and answers given. It is definitely helpful as a photographer in clarifying my thoughts about my own work but as well gaining insight into the working methods of an extremely talented group of artists and in some cases thinkers.
  • HumAlong
    Be careful with this podcast
    If you love photography and want to better understand the craft and business, you may find yourself binge listening to a bunch of episodes in a row late into the evening. Great interviews with artists who are incredibly generous with sharing the ins and outs of their practice. Really fantastic.
  • Luke787889
    Absolutely amazing podcast!
    I am so glad that I discovered this Podcast! Highly recommended!
  • GirlTakesPhoto_
    May I Have Some More, Please?
    If you’re into photography, the creative process, inspiration and motivation, the business of making images, great conversation, plus humor, check out this podcast!
  • maml21
    The best podcast about serious photography!!
    There is no other podcast or documentary out there like this, exquisitely curated list of artists that so genuinely talk about their outstanding careers and opinions. This podcast is always my best companion while editing, and I hear the interviews over and over, and each time I get new jewels. I was scared there were not going to be more episodes, but thank god you returned!! Please continue to brighten our days! PD: get the Photowork book too! You won’t be reading the same things you hear on the podcast.
  • Drawgrlfan
    Essential for Photographers
    A must for photographers of all levels and just as worthwhile for artists in other fields. Though a great companion to the book, this podcast has strong legs on its own, and it’s easy to imagine it running indefinitely. I listen to certain episodes more than once because there’s so much to learn. Sasha’s passion and authenticity are palpable, and the same can be said of Michael. Thank you so much for such a meaningful gift to the creative community!
  • tmeehleib
    Totally addictive!
    This podcast is so interesting and informative and completely engaging. I love listening to guest photographers, photo editors, and curators discuss their trajectories and work. Sasha is a fantastic host. I’m always waiting for the next episode!
  • hudson_naturalist
    This is the photography podcast you’ve been waiting for. Thank you Sasha!
    Sasha’s genuine interest, respect and appreciation come through in every conversation. You don’t need to be into photography to learn and enjoy this awesome podcast.
  • kweinsteino
    The best!
    Great interviewer, great guests
  • katrika
    Fantastico, grazie!
    I have been an amateur photographer forever and I am always looking for opportunities to grow along through lectures, workshops, books, exhibits etc. and your show makes me feel so ignorant but at the same time excited because of all I learn!!! You make photography reachable, understandable and I get so inspired. Hopefully this will someday translate to a meaningful project for me. Greetings from an Italian living in Miami! Ciao
  • Gary_Walker
    PhotoWorks with Sasha Wolf
    PhotoWork offers a wide range of subjects for photographers, incorporating topics that are informative and engaging for both the amateur and the professional. Host Sasha Wolf addresses vision and process with her guests, but also explores photography from the ‘business’ perspective, including the artists’ relationship with galleries and museums. Wolf’s experience representing photographers brings added insight to the discussion. PhotoWork with Sasha Wolf and producer Michael Chovan-Dalton have become good companions on my journey to learn more about contemporary photography.
  • Amester1959
    This gets my vote for best podcast, hands down
    What an intelligent and fascinating podcast. Sure, it definitely helps to have an interest in and passion for photography, but PhotoWorks goes well beyond the usual tips and tools for shutterbugs. This is conversation at a deep level about what drives us to express our creativity, find our inspiration, work through the stuck times, keep going when it feels like whatever it is we’re doing isn’t working out the way we planned. Sasha Wolf is a brilliant interviewer and her guests are the cream of the crop in contemporary photographer. Five star rating.
  • Meghan_16
    One of the most interesting Photography-related podcasts available
    This is one of the most important photography-related podcasts available today. The interviews are tight and do leave you wanting more. I imagine many of the photographers are new to the audience (e.g. I didn’t know about Jaqueline Bates). And, it’s obvious that this is a labor of love for the host. It’s been interesting to hear her grow as a host over the thirty episodes. It’s quite the challenge to balance offering her own useful commentary/take on what the photographer mentions while still letting them have space to help direct the conversation. A great listen overall!
  • DRConstance
    Love interview with janet delaney
    So intriguing interview. Personal and insightful. Her work is amazing!
  • SonicSoci
    Can’t stop listening
    Love this podcast. I found it after buying the book. I’ve listened to 19 episodes in the last 3 days.
  • ELeitz
    Filling a big hole in my heart!
    The book, the intimate conversations...all of the work Sasha Wolf is doing is critical and thoughtful and so dearly needed in the photo world. I think no matter what type of photography you do or aspire to do, you'll learn so much in this space. Thank you so much for making this great series, Sasha!
  • KariGrimsby
    Sanity inducing
    I just listened to the Jason Fulford interview twice. Since photographers can’t gather for heart-to-heart discussions as often as I feel the need to, podcasts like Photo Work provide a close second to that.
  • Why Cats
    Not just about photography
    This pod uses photography to dig deep into the creative process of, really, ALL artists. Sasha explores the impulse, emotions, and journey that all serious artists face as they reconcile identity, balance temperament, and strive to maintain their vision. Michael and Peanut are on the bus, too, and it’s always a great listen.
  • @j.jason.chambers
    I love this podcast!
    If you love art and photography this is an insightful and enjoyable podcast. I enjoyed Sasha Wolf’s PhotoWork book and this is a brilliant extension of the book. Give it a listen!
  • Jamie h 12855
    Wonderful discourse
    these kinds of shows/ content are really invaluable to me. inspiring really. thanks y’all
  • Sarah Stellino
    One of the best
    One of the best podcasts out there in the Photo/Art world. I really appreciate Sasha’s insight, and I love hearing from all of these really accomplished and talented artists. Thank you for all the hard work you do to create this podcast!
  • mhession
    This is such a valuable podcast for anyone interested in art and photography. The conversations are relatable, unpretentious, and insightful.
  • Hound Dog 44
    Insightful podcast with amazing guests
    Sasha Wolf is a great host who interviews some of the most interesting photographers working today is this excellent podcast. A+++
  • Photo_Ed_Here
    Favorite Podcast
    Intellectually incisive and emotionally engaging, if you are someone interested in hearing artists speak honestly about their practice, this is the place to be. Sasha is a masterful guide. Love.
  • jdjetton
    Super engaging
    I have decades of experience in fine art photography. This podcast opens up the door to what we as artists are thinking as we devote our lives to this curious medium. Sasha gets to the heart of it with every interview.
  • magic_eye_
    A good one
    Excellent and engaging photo podcast - thank you Sasha and Michael for your generous time and knowledge. Looking forward to more.
  • nortlornor
    Essential listening
    Congratulations, you’ve found possibly the best podcast on the whole internet. The PhotoWork book published by Aperture is a wonderful resource (especially for those of us who have eschewed the MFA route), and these warm and engaging conversations are a deepening continuation and expansion rather than merely a supplement to the book. Anyone who has sat through an artist talk or panel knows that the quality of conversation is highly dependent on the wit, intelligence, and sensitivity of the interviewer. Sasha has all three in spades, along with a tremendous love for the work and the people making it that comes through palpably. Her rapport with her guests is wonderful, as is the camaraderie between her and co-host Michael Chovan-Dalton. Stop reading and treat yourself to this wonderful archive. An absolute delight—highest recommendation!
  • jahill3
    Don't Miss
    One of the few podcast I never miss and certainly the best of the photography podcast. Always interesting and I always learn something. Thanks Sasha and Michael.
  • Trifling S
    I loved the book, it gave me direction right at a time I needed it. The podcast is just the extension of the book I needed as well. Thank you Sasha and Michael!!
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