UnHerd with Freddie Sayers

Freddie Sayers from online magazine UnHerd seeks out top scientists, writers, politicians and thinkers for in-depth interviews to try and help us work out what’s really going on. What started as an inquiry into the pandemic has broadened into a fascinating look at free speech, science, meaning and the ideas shaping our world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Name Provided
    Very Impressive!
    Mr Roberts was a very impressive interviewee!
  • M Haloossim
    Ethnic riots in Britain
    What you and your guest failed to acknowledge , is that although the Moslem minority is only 6% of the entire population, the radical and fanatic segment of this population are trying to change and influence the British culture and their way of life. There are many peaceful and hardworking Moslem immigrants, but those who teach and promote violence against the country which has given them refuge must be booted out. Thank you! Mark H
  • 62es175
    Iain McGilchrist!
    ! A most interesting conversation . I’m halfway through The Master and His Emissary and I love i! A very unique , informative, book. Thanks for the introduction Freddy. This is my favorite podcast with out a doubt
  • agaze89
    Sir Richard Dalton was outstanding
    Thank you for introducing me to Richard Dalton. He came across across eloquently as level headed, wise and forthright in his observations about current & past world military conflict's. Would love to hear more from him.
  • S. Hartford
    UnHerd has a way of making sense of the info-scape that somehow manages to balance all the ingredients — intelligent, accessible, fair — without pandering. I’m a huge fan.
  • JoeMac7345
    Pompous and self-righteous
    The same superciliousness that marks so many of the writers on UnHerd is on full display in this podcast.
  • nucuplmnjuyh
    Yascha Mounk
    Your boy was full of himself. But he’s hardly a liberal. Maybe that’s what you wanted. Did you know about the rape accusations?
  • john stLouis
    I enjoy the spectrum of your guests.
    A very good and balanced interviewer. I find you a good interviewer and I’m interested in other alternate news media especially as AI ramps up. Enjoyed your interview with the author who got cancelled. Just keep writing. Don’t listen to these people. Publish your own stuff. Publishers are just swaying to the whims of the woke crowd.
  • Ann.rn
    Love the show
    Great voice for podcasting, excellent subject material and interesting guests.
  • Hatzal
    Prof Kennedy
    Didn’t Claudine Gay plagiarize her dissertation among other published documents. Dosen’t that mean she doesn’t have a doctorate? Not only that, it was her opinion that calling for the genocide of Jews is okay depending on the context. What the Dickens! She is not qualified to be the line leader for recess. Prof Kennedy came across as being even more incompetent than Claudine Gay. This podcast was shocking. Kennedy’s arguments and solutions on offer for equity were so illogical they suggest he too was over promoted. Heaven help us if they are indicative of an Ivy League education.
  • Sally and Gary
    What if not Trump but Biden wins and dies
    Interesting discussion about what if Trump wins. But it seems to me that you missed the really big one. What if Biden wins. What if Biden wins and dies on January 1 and his vice president, Kamala Harris? Is now president. Is the American populace really comfortable with Harris, as president? It seems to me that this point has been totally ignored by both the conservative and liberal Press. Does Harris have any meaningful experience to be president? Does Harris have the intellectual capacity to be president? would Harris, usher in Woke 2.0?
  • jom burgundy
    Too many ads
    Promising podcast. Topics are what I’m interested. Far too many breaks for ads compared to other podcasts with similar guests, content, and more depth.
  • Randall Hunt
    Gladden Pappin
    Gladden Pappin must have been tired after all the tiptoeing he did around the fact that he was basically making a case for a Christianity based government. Did the West not learn its lesson from the bloody wars between Catholics and Protestants. I believe it was Christopher Hitchens that said that we shouldn’t forget how Christianity behaved when it controlled the full power of the state. It’s just as bloody as any Middle Eastern Sharia based society.
  • CLR7880
    NATO Mouthpiece
    I’m done bye
  • Milinjc
    Great but enough pro-Israel already
    There are enough halfa*sedly sung songs about Israelis. We don’t need another Zionist podcast!
  • Krews R
    Former CIA Officer: Age of America coming to an end
    Two Westerners: A Brit and an American sitting together and hating Arabs/Palestinians and everything non-western. This organisation is a sham. Stay away from this podcast!
  • ActuaryGuy
    Mearsheimer was so misinformed
    Love your webcast, but this one was terrible. You should have your next guest on to fact check all of his mistruths.
  • Objectivism?
    Israel is the absolute Other.
    Not that the Israeli response to October 7 is not tragic. It is! but it bears the ultimate burden to be morally spotless than America when they brutally attack others in search for ‘democracy’ or resources throughout history. Even Russian invasion of Ukraine escapes moral critic by Mr. Hirschheimer
  • junior chomsky
    Excellent Topics
    I like that you never know what the next episode might be. Fair perspectives are presented.
  • The S.K.P. Machine
    Not Worthwhile
    I’ve read many fascinating articles on UnHerd; so, it was with great disappointment that I encountered the podcast & Mr. Sayers’s pompous ignorance. For example: Trump & Ukraine; Sayers doesn’t seem to know anything the Orange Man did & said in office (his hatred of N.A.T.O. & Ukraine, his isolationism), only the broad leftist caricature of Trump as a foaming-at-the-mouth, contextless warmonger.
  • FI_Bro
    Good content, annoying ad placement
    Freddy, Please fix the ad timing. They pop up in the middle of sentences (example: Nord Stream 2 conspiracy episode) and they’re often much louder than the podcast content. They abruptly burst my eardrums. Other than that, awesome content with a healthy amount of skepticism.
  • Yael Elson
    Ignorant, Unscientific and Entitled
    Don’t waste your time - no groundbreaking open inquiry here! Why bother with a podcast as unmoored from reality as this one? It seems to exist solely to propagate fallacies that allow wealthy narcissists to go through life without a care for others. But with Unherd they can massage their little egos with a false and entirely anti-factual sense of righteousness while doing so. Would give zero stars is allowed.
  • JoannaDonohue
    Great Show
    Many excellent episodes. Mearsheimer is a treasure. Post-apocalyptic historians will marvel at his calm delivery in accurately anticipating our catastrophe.
  • 71925
    Great interviews
    Sayers is an excellent interviewer and not afraid to ask questions that need to be asked, no matter what the topic.
  • Mukkuroni
    Trying so hard to take Russia’s side
    Just seems dumb. Sayers comes across as rather full of himself - but not very thoughtful.
  • UltimateHomer
    Government Propagandist
  • Michael Robert Wood
    Hard Pass
    If you don’t believe that the excess deaths are due to the Covid vaccines, then you have no business being a journalist.
  • sovereigntim
    Russell Brand vs Jordan Peterson
    I lost respect for this show during the segment on Jordan Peterson and his recent shift to being an angry conservative icon rather than a centrist. Comparing him to Russell Brand and tarring Brand as a similar right wing figure is cheap and herd-like in my opinion.
  • no_frills_
    Russian Propaganda
    Filled will all of the pro-Russia talking points you can imagine. I wonder why: Wikipedia Exerpt: [UnHerd founder Tim] Montgomerie worked briefly at the Bank of Englandin the 1990s as a statistician, where his responsibilities included the Russian economy and the study of systemic risk in financial systems.[14]
  • street_sweeper
    Paid by russian government
    Biased, inaccurate and lying
  • dylanator247
    Curtis “Xi” Yarvin
    Thank you for exposing monarchist / neo-reactionary Curtis Yarvin for the absurdist CCP troll that he is. Expressing adoration for the CCP’s authoritarianism ensures he gets zero support from conservatives, libertarians, and anyone with half a working brain on the right. He just killed his own case for monarchy, what a 🤡
  • Investissuese
    Kudos to you for having this guy on :-)
    Yarvin appears to be the son of Dostoyevsky and the father of Mao. Save us from the saviors! The cure appears to be worse than the disease😕.
  • nxavis
    Ideological Diversity ❤️
    Freddie is a superb interviewer and challenges every corner of the political spectrum. I wish Sam Harris’s pod was as good as Unherd
  • Olivemoz
    I don’t know who this guy is BUT…..
    He’s a stellar interviewer. Interesting guests and he asks probative and pertinent questions, waiting for them to answer, and then asks for clarification when needed. Outstanding podcast.
  • aajamurray
    Great interviews
    I’ve watched a lot of Unherd interviews on YouTube. It’s nice to have the option to listen to them in podcast form, too. The interviews are great, so much so that my criticism would be that I wouldn’t mind them being longer.
  • TimmyBoy57
    Fabulous, Freddie.
    Best interviewer around. Fresh perspective. Have been making my son, Fletcher listen. He loves it too.
  • parker-1
    Are you sure your a scientist?
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