P*****o Time

Stand-Up #21

we're mexican

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  • Jb77777777777787
    Do you think you’re too smart?
    Do you feel like you are too smart for your own good? Have you become burdened by genius? Want the thoughts to stop? Check out my friends Jake and Thomas! I can promise you, you will leave each episode dumber than when you started.
  • Jtisbeast
    This is a lit situation
    Yessir it is
  • McDonald's second account
    Turn this up
    I can’t hear you in my car when I’m trying to force my girlfriend to listen to these
  • Michael John ?
  • tomatoBhutan
    an intellectual’s comedy podcast
    this feels like having the flu
  • CleverRecords
    Two guys snickering about how many times they’re bringing up Minions. Can’t get that anywhere else.
  • debobebfo
    Learning Disabilities + Texass
    Listening to these morons struggle to get through a sentence is hilarious.
  • EE Poison
    The boys are back in town
    Awww yeaaaah
    best show
    my close friends jake and thomas are finally podcasting
  • krogdog9
    Show fell off - Jacob is awful
    He has not interesting stories anymore. Just repeats the same 3 or 4 stories. -He used to be a pill-addict dirtbag, but he’s not anymore. Now he’s bragging about like a $60k salary all the time (lol). -His family was religious growing up, but he’s not anymore. He still whines about it all the time. -His deadbeat dad was white trash, but he’s not anymore (because he died). He still talks about his dad’s funeral all the time. -His interests are good and right, all other interests are weird and bad. He just talks about how his friends used to shadowbox in high school all the time, which makes him an MMA expert. Jacob got more boring and dominates more of the show. It makes no sense.
  • Sportscenter_star
    This is
    For the boys who change their own oil in an apartment complex parking lot when your lease strictly prohibits doing so
  • rabbeseking
    very sleepy guy vs guy who talks a lot
    Ultimate Podcast
  • 420CC69
    Genuinely funny
    If you’re looking for a comedy podcast that doesn’t feel stale or forcing to be funny you’ve come to the right place. If you’re looking for bits that the hosts can mess around with for 20 mins. Boom you’ve found it.
  • cpierce892
    Pinky in the air, thumb in the butthole
    Sometimes when I sit down to pee, I poop. Conversely, sometimes when I stand up to pee, I also poop. Someone relate to me and tell me that’s normal please
  • abdal haq
    haven't laughed like that in a bit. probably need a third person. 👌'preemo
  • hill3959
    Good guys
    When they talk about different kinds of cigarettes or how much things can weigh it’s the best show in the world
  • KayTeeEmmmmm
    Top notch
    If I could give fifty stars, I would ask if I could give it one hundred stars
  • sehoyan
    good podcast
    i love listening and making $32,000 a year. and that s on foenem!
  • sillylilguyheehee
    I am convinced my death will be dropping weights on my head laughing to these two doing AAVE
  • mcarr294
    im getting pounded into dust
    been listening for a couple years, ten years. these two are crumps.. dont appreciate the country
  • Mr Billy Butthole
    Thomas is so funny
    I wish Jake would let him talk more ;)
  • alex[h2wf]
    they’re tryna make me smarter
    im drinking a “molson ice” “molson ice” is an iced molson. it is either made by ice, with ice, or iced after being made
  • Dosumin
    It’s good
    I listen to this show at work
  • 6969696969$$$$$
    I can’t hear anything cuz they mix it at -30 db. But I love the pod
  • N8er816
    This podcast taught me how to eat a whole
  • tabularza
    There’s something almost intoxicating about listening to 15 episodes
    And that’s on that!!
  • isellfruit
    I feel normal
    Dude I’m so normal listening to this every day has made me so approachable and cool
  • Not imad
    This podcast is scary. Not for the faint of heart
  • ColeFromTexas
    This podcast inspired me to keep my 9-5, drink 3 Bud Ice 40s a day, and increase my red meat intake.
  • Alllnicknamesaretakenf-me
    Pretty good
    Great show for guys who like going to the store to get snacks and also OxyContin
  • Your pal 7128
    5 Star Boys
    The robot song kept me from calling it quits 👍
  • guyarria
    Great show
    I’m a programmer and I work in a lab, but I dress like a dog because I got hugged by my dad.
  • Newbie Nick
    This podcast inspired me to become an alcoholic for the past 9 months.
  • Oldtown Garry
    I can’t listen to the pod Monday-Thursday because it makes me want to quit my office job and go back to landscaping and chain smoking all day. Big fan of the guys and the pod.
  • bifbo
    Mexican seal of approval
    These white boys are invited to the carne asada
  • ybs2000
    A review
    A recovering opiate addict recalls traumatic events from his past and is occasionally interrupted by a caveman
  • L.V.R.B.Y
    The spiritual successor to King of The Hill
    The two representations of the average Texas man, Jake and Thomas, discuss different intellectual, spiritual, and philosophical ideas in order to give the listener a look into the mind of the dumbest most inbred group of people in america (Texans).
  • æmbər
    the boys are back in town
    fyi my dad is a bald ex-construction worker ex-trucker 70 year old retired backwoods PA guy and my entire life his favorite dogs have been pomeranians, the mf just loves sentient hairballs. anyway this podcast is pretty good, i liked the story about jake washing a guy who could have been dying from an overdose
  • notgaynotgayplsbelieveme
    Arthur Bleefold
    Thank you for sharing this great man’s story
  • jackc30000
    Run run run with my back to the wind
    Sweet goodbye kisses to my robot friends
  • yakub mode
    This is what its all about
  • kevmiller139
    Jake is awful
    Thomas is hilarious but he can’t overcome how terrible Jake is. I can’t listen to him very long
  • chuckle shuck
    Hard labor bulls
    Crushing it
  • Weemus Man
    good work guys
    each episode is funnier than the last. two guys who have truly come from humble beginnings making something special and lovely ❤️
  • anarcho cripple
    Nose whistle
    Bits are great. Your whistling nose and fits of yawning are unbearable
  • e babay19119
    Funny guys and great show BUT..
    it’s a lil quiet. could u pls work on the audio if it’s possible. If not, I understand.
  • Tingly Nips Grandpa
    Penis Exploded
    I Can Tell Off The Rip That This Is A Podcast Exclusively For Big Dogs Only And I Busted And They Don’t Even Sell Bleu Chew 💯
  • Jjjnathan
    Now you’re in Fort Worth
    Metroplex wisdom
  • oneLazySamurai
    Along little doggy
  • charlie dirwin
    Bootleg Cumtown
    Imagine Cumtown but even less effort. This podcast is a must listen and exactly what the world needs right now. 9 out of 10 stars would definitely have sex with this podcast.
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