The Agent


2022 Webby Award Honoree, Podcast Documentary Limited Series and Specials.The Agent is the remarkable true story of Jack Barsky, the longest-surviving known member of the KGB illegals program operated during the height of the Cold War. Barsky hid in plain sight in America for 10 years, all the while leading dual lives on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. On one fateful day, he was confronted with an impossible choice.The Agent is a production of Imperative Entertainment in association with Windjoy and is created, written, produced and edited by Jason Hoch. Narration by Alden Ehrenreich. Executive Producers are Jason Hoch, Jack Barsky and Alden Ehrenreich. Original score by Jasha Klebe. Sound engineering and additional editing by Shaine Freeman. 

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Recent Reviews
  • *Birdbrain1974*
    THE BEST!! I want more!
    This is my favorite podcast ever!! Great story telling and producing. I could listen to Jack Barsky tell stories all day!
  • Govintor
    This is a great story if you like spy movies
    The way how the Jack’s story was written remind me the other film tinker taylor soldier spy. But this guys went above and beyond wondering if there is a movie. His life was a very wild and active. Excellent podcast
  • Lantern Shadow
    Deep Dive
    This took me down a rabbit hole it was difficult to get out of. Check out the Alex Fridman episode on him and his book. Beyond amazing.
  • blessed mama of one
    Quite entertaining
    I was put off by the voice used for commentary at the end of each episode as well as the repetitive and long recap at the beginning of each episode. That said, this is a very entertaining podcast. Good job. Please continue your work.
  • Ydtta
    Just Engaging
    I couldn’t help but binge the whole thing. Just a fascinating story.
  • theschnecki
    A fantastic binge
    Great story telling.
  • arjuna72582
    One of the best productions
  • jarbradbury
    The Agent
  • T-Hub90
    Excellent Show
    I don’t think I’ve ever binged a longer-series podcast as quickly as this one. The storyline, first-person commentary, and narration were all superb. Bravo!
  • Regerdergerder
    This was an amazing story expertly told. All the drama of a spy thriller, but it actually happened. I wish there were more episodes. This has stayed with me for a long time.
  • JKoros
    What a story!
    You can’t write fiction as good as this real life story. Excellent narration!
  • george_angeles
    Im not a big on podcasts . I mean on fiction . When i educate myself , main point is to read . And many people are listen to audiobooks and then say i read this and that - nope - doesn't cut for me . Those short cuts . (Pun intended) reading is a job its in its way a learning curve . Im reading now three books juggling between them , cold war stuff this year, my fav subject. And finding this podcast is an amazing gift for Christmas! I feel fully immersed into subject matters . The storyline is better than any movie - and the length - thank you ! Ive skipped for 2-3 days movie time gladly trading it for cup a tea protein bar your podcast and a stare into night abyss outside the window . Thank you for “time enjoyed wasting…” ! georges_angeles
  • 0dds
    Not enough about actual spy work, too much on affairs. The next-episode previews, commercials and intro are very annoying.
  • ekyles
    Russian "experts"
    They has a Fauci-style "expert" on Russia who literally confused and the names of the premieres and obviously was lying / making stuff up. I am not even a history major and knew the order of succession.
  • kjhwill72
    Excellent show. I listened with my husband and we both enjoyed it.
  • podcastbinger22
    Story is fascinating
    I binged this whole series, super interesting guy. It blows my mind that someone can do so many horrible things yet end up having such a privileged life.
  • Al-Russ
    Faded at the end
    Very interesting in the beginning but faded and got repetitive towards the end, cool information but not groundbreaking
  • redwolfhopw
    Great show…but why….
    Love the show, why do you run a commercial/intro fully 8 minutes in the middle chapters? Do you think after 6 chapters I’d forgotten what I was listening to? Or is that done to benefit your Alzheimer’s affected listeners ? Still a great show, just an odd marketing technique….
  • DJ Splash
    Must listen
    Excellent story telling. I was never bored. Intrigue abound. Thanks for your work.
  • Pardiddy
    Poor performance
    The story is interesting and I’m thoroughly curious about what happens but Imperative entertainment and the show’s producers/additional narrator is too frustrating to continue. Instead of moving on to the next episode, or even silence, I’m thrown into a preview of another show. The secondary narrators all sound like AI. Pretty frustrating.
  • The Duke of Hearts
    The best and most genuine spy story out there. Jack is one in 100 million.
  • Lionessinflames
    What a wild well told story but..why come public now?
  • 00000!00000
    It’s a good story I just don’t believe it to be true . Good story though
  • MissSR13
    Fascinating and compelling.
    I loved this story. Jack did some careless and destructive things in this life. He’s the first to say so. This podcast - and Jack’s honesty - really allow the listener to experience a tiny bit of the intensity, the struggle, the victories, and the losses of this man’s unique life experience. Loved it.
  • oldjohnhall
    Jack Barsky sounds like a terrible person tbh. Not cuz he’s a spy, I’m cool w that. But because he’s this crazy narcissistic douche who thinks I care about his personal life—I don’t. That’s the problem w this podcast. It’s a very cool subject ruined by its lack of direction. There’s NOT A DROP OF ESPIONAGE ITS ALL ABOUT HIS DUMB BORING PERSONAL LIFE STAY AWAY IF YOU LIKE INTRIGUE CUZ THERES NONE OF THAT HERE
  • Flbnd
    A Grand Slam of a Podcast
    This is easily in the top five of all the podcasts that I have listened to. The content is incredibly intriguing and very easy to follow. I can’t recommend this podcast enough.
  • klimperton
    Absolutely intriguing story. A phenomenal perspective into history, cultures, and the mind of someone who’s life was shaped by the most unusual events.
  • Christ___
    Fascinating insight
    This is a heck of a story that you just don’t get to hear. Thank you!
  • Lord Newcomb
    Needs to be a television miniseries or movie
    I served in the U.S. Army in the 1980s on the East German Border in the Fulda Gap. We had encounters with Soviet Military Liason Mission (SMLM). I thoroughly enjoyed this. It takes me back to the heady days of the end of the Cold War. This needs to go to TV or the big screen. Get it to Netflix ASAP.
  • Kbhailey
    So Worth the BINGE/ MORE MORE MORE
    This pod cast is probably binged more than any other! Story, casting, framework it is related in , all made it worth the hours of listening!! Then dealing with the fact “ it is ending soon!!” Thank you so much!!!
  • la hermanas
    Fabulous Listen ‼️
    The ads were a bit over dramatic very annoying. But the podcast was great am going to get the book. 💕
  • KimmySue3
    Fascinating podcast!
    I've really been enjoying this podcast. hearing the story of going from a regular person, to a spy and then what he has to do to get into the US and disappear. No you won't hear spy secrets but as you listen, imagine how your life would be uprooted, imagine scenerios where you have to play it cool when your not! I just love it.
  • Fluffster Normalpaws
    Binged the whole series within 24 hrs. Fascinating & very well-presented. Most interesting aspect was to hear about Jack’s emotional evolution as he got older. His frank honesty makes a compelling contrast with his previous life of subterfuge. P.S. Really interesting to read all these reviews! Different perspectives, but all make valid points.
  • random38482047-0;7
    The documentary could’ve been told many fewer episodes.
    There was a lot of repetition in each episode. The story was fascinating, but in the end I didn’t like Jack Barsky.He didn’t take responsibility for any of his children until Chelsie. It was pretty obvious that he was egocentric and selfish.
  • NYC131313
    Sounds like a German
    Agree with the commenter who states the obvious, this man has a strong German accent mixed with a New York accent, like many immigrants. No Native American would ever believe this man was an American. Very little is believable without addressing this obvious lie. What did this man actually do? It sounds like wakes around malls, museums, got a second degree, had a bunch of sex. Sounds great, but when does the actual spying happen? I’m seven episodes in and the worst this guy has done is commit identity fraud.
  • paigesandpaiges
    I absolutely loved this podcast! I was hooked from the beginning and it stayed interesting to the end! Some people have complained that there weren’t enough details about his “spy” work… but this isn’t a Hollywood film! Obviously he can’t share sensitive details that only the government should know. Also, people who are upset that Jack was purely self-serving in making his decisions… you can’t become a spy unless you’re able to lie to people constantly, regardless of the pain it causes. That’s the point. Anyway, ignore the haters! This show is amazing and provides a fascinating glimpse into the KGB world and life of an ex-spy.
  • Vols Fols
    mixed emotions
    great listen. confused on how i should feel about the situation.
  • CamaroGirl
    Loved it!
    Great look, the only thing that could have been better was I felt the ending was a bit abrupt.
  • skeenp
    Absolutely gripping
    Couldn’t stop listening and highly recommend this podcast!
  • JacketyBoy
    The Agent
    Jack Barsky, hiding in plain sight, a compassionate, genteel man, risked his life for years. He does a great job of reliving & enlightening ALL of us to the outrageous & real-life spying going on all around us (and the World). Moscow lies; sends him a radio message; “Order of the Red Banner”. “You’re cover has been blown. You’re in severe danger”. Logic didn’t work. Never does. The KGB doesn’t hear from Jack. .. RIVETING. Can’t wait to get my book.
  • Cynthiaer
    Amazingly good!
    What a wonderful story. Brilliantly narrated. Loved it!!
  • Phxonhip
    Thank you for sharing
    Your life story was told wonderfully. Stayed up all night binge listening.
  • kd^
    Excellent, informative story telling which kept me on the edge of my seat... literally!
  • ac1967
    Interesting but lacks details.
    Fascinating life but lacking in details of the “spy” stuff he actually did.
  • runners3
    The Agent Wins
    Good story, well told. Very interesting for a child of the 60s but I’m disheartened by the fact that this man got away with both spying and defecting and both governments bent over backwards to assure his comfort and that of his families. Jack really pulled one over on everyone. Jack defrauded his wives, his work, his government / especially the immigration system. Also, we never heard what secrets he stole. Major hole in the story.
  • Popupslayer123
    Loved the honest, behind-the-scenes look into this world. Narrative techniques were brilliantly done.
  • peggyreavey
    The Agent
    The agent himself tells the story and he describes a world I don’t know and am very curious about. Other voices on the show are knowledgeable and they share what they know through experience. I am tired of opinions and chat and PERSONALITY. This is a guy telling what happened. More please. Absolutely superb.
  • Sylvia_ABC
    Great podcast. Interesting topics and very well produced.
    Very Good
    I truly enjoyed this series. Very well done. A true binge worthy pod cast
  • Audralou90
    Very Good
    I really enjoyed it. Jack is a complicated character, and there were moments that I felt no sympathy for him as our protagonist. Other moments he was acutely insightful about his life. The production was a bit hinky, there were a couple times it almost sounded like sound clips were looped or repeated.
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