Dangerous Memories | Tortoise Investigates

News #46News Commentary #10

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We’ve covered everything from extraordinary tales of deception to suspicious deaths to one mother’s decades-long fight against the police. 

Our journalists cover a wide range of stories but there is a thread that ties them all together – in every series, you’ll hear us going deep on a story, taking our time to investigate, guided by the public interest and the truths that, as journalists, we think need to be uncovered. 

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Reporter: Grace Hughes-Hallett

Producer: Gary Marshall

Additional reporting and production: Imogen Harper

Sound design and original composition: Tom Kinsella

Theme music: Far Gone (Don’t Leave) by Pictish Trail

Podcast artwork: Lola Williams

Executive producer: Ceri Thomas

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dukejen04
    Very good. Missed some nuance
    Very thorough, great interviews, and overall a very good job of WHY some of the texts seemed to the perpetrator seemed different than those to their friends and their experiences. As a woman, I’ve been through this— the biggest concern after a sexual assault or a coercive encounter where there is a power dynamic is fear you will upset the man. I wrote texts to placate and try to make sure I didn’t upset the person. I wanted to act normal and hope they still liked me because it makes you feel vulnerable when you go through something like that, and angry men or men who feel like you “didn’t enjoy it” treat you badly or put your job, life at risk. It’s a sick dynamic, but as vulnerable young women with men in power who take advantage and put you in a position where you fear for your job, your comfort, your future, you don’t ever want to make them mad, or even make them hate you for not being “grateful” — a powerful man’s ego is like a toxic plant that has to be constantly cared for, watered, spoken to gently. This is far worse when it is a famous person and a huge age gap.
  • Deeghoulie
    Season 13
    Wooooowwwww this most recent season is so good. A very balanced examination of patterns of behavior from Neil Gaiman. I was SEATED the entire season. I think the exploration of consent in these episodes is such a crucial conversation, especially when age and power/influence are taken into account. Really well done.
  • Enigel69
    Pointless “investigation” of a very serious topic
    Season 13 is a terrible piece of journalism, in my opinion. The only valid piece if information is that Neil Gaiman is a slimy old rich guy. Other than that, what’s the story?!?! Women of age had unpleasant sexual experiences with him. Welcome to the real world! Some experiences will be (highly) unpleasant and we all do things we regret. As long as nobody was underage, threatened or coerced how is this a story about sexual abuse?! We, as a society, are still struggling to make men understand that NO means NO. Why are we discussing the fact that, “I had a wonderful time yesterday” somehow also means NO when the man is rich and famous?! Not saying those women were not upset by their experiences, they were, but it wad their own bad choices that led to that, and we all made bad choices at some point and we were all upset (yeah, even in therapy sometimes). However, blaming it all on the slimy guy is just wrong. Adult women not taking responsibility for their own bad/painful choices is not the image one wants to promote.
  • amy z-east hampton
    I subscribed…
    … so why do I still have advertisements?
  • Eee116675
    was really enjoying all of these investigative series - listened to dangerous minds, pig iron, hoaxed, dr anti vax, and sweet bobby. all really interesting nuanced stories. then i listened to the tavistock series and was honestly shocked it came from the same media company. some really bizarre interview subjects are engaged with uncritically, while others badgered into oblivion. the “my kid isn’t trans just fat” mom was…..sheesh…. not really adding any valuable perspective there, and it’s pretty embarrassing include that in the dialogue presented. the host seemed to care way more about the affect of gender affirming care on the parents than on the kids themselves. just really strange choices all around. the sound bite of the host fretting that her show would be irrelevant if the center closes was so….cringey. why include that? obtuse takes all around shrouded in “just asking questions”. i had subscribed to tortoise because i was enjoying all of these series a lot, but after that listen i have a very icky feeling i can’t shake - will be unsubscribing.
  • MD2509
    One star for manipulating listeners
    The show was good. Giving one star for putting the final episode behind a paywall, which is unbelievably manipulative. I am disgusted.
  • Camobalamo
    Pig Iron
    Just finished “Pig Iron,” reported by Basia Cummings. I have been jumping around the seasons and this was the 3rd, and by far the favorite season, so far. What a heartbreaking and fascinating story. As emotional as it was at times, I didn’t tear up until the closing quote by Christopher. Excellent choice. What a superb ending to such beautiful reporting. Thank you.
  • Ella Dye❤️
    Ooga booga
    Gdychvjvjvuftdhbjjguysrstvjbjhigitydtdgxhvjjguftdtxfgchvjvjihhiugyfdtdrsrfxxfgcvbbvbnbnkbjkojihfttdseawwaszdxfcvbnnbnkkppklkkjiuhgyfttfdtdrsraeeaawwawzdxcxvhhjihuuhhghhghgugftdrdreewweawwawaqqaweaseszszdzdxffxcgcgcgtddrrsseawttfyggvjbkbbknbjjuytutiuouoipklklm booking n noon bjcgrdugnljhyfxfxfcggjjhjovudhugjfjfjfjfjcjfjfjfjfjblnlnlnohigyftdtdrsraeawarssrdtdydyfugkbnnjljoouuuyyytrytdfgxcxc.xzzsasaw
  • heavens no
    Well produced pod but…..
    They expect all this contrition from this random German guy. Meanwhile the American gov and the CIA sold weapons to Iran and Iraq during this same conflict at an industrial scale. I guarantee not a single one of the americans feels a shred of remorse, nor did any of them suffer any consequences. Not even oliver north.
  • miranetsolutions
    Irresponsible insinuations
    If the Amber Heard episodes were framed as part of a study in online influence, etc, I would’ve been more prone to listen more. What I heard walks a very fine line at almost accusing the jury of misconduct by insinuating that they were swayed by social media and NOT by the evidence presented to them in court. Very irresponsible. There very well could’ve been bots from both sides attempting to try the case by media, but we also have to individually take responsibility for how we interpret and ingest the information presented to us online.
  • AKALadyDisdain
    Season 10 is FASCINATING
    I don’t think I’ve ever written a podcast review. Maybe one. But I’ve been talking my husband‘s ear off about this all week. Absolutely fascinating and not what I thought it would be. Crazy how much influence the Internet has on our perception of reality. And that money and power can still triumph through broad influence, in subtle and insidious ways. INCREDIBLE JOB!
  • Cnejati
    This show is a Bot
  • Xinaeve
    Oh rm red is
  • angrylf
    Totally ignores relevant info
    Amber Heard’s unconvincing testimony doomed her in court regardless of what online campaign was waged. Ultimately this series is frustrating, misleading and kind of silly because this isn’t addressed upfront in the first episode. It’s like they’ve taken Heard’s side from the start so you really can’t take it seriously. Good production values but poor reporting and analysis.
  • supportwomen4real
    Much needed podcast and great investigative journalism.
  • Al&frank
    Good lord, people! This ISN’T JD vs AH redux
    Can’t believe the stupidity of previous reviewers who miss the entire point of this (section of) the show: that the era of facile manipulation of public opinion is here; that it’s far too easily done by paying off crooked Russian lawyers, online product reviewers, troll farms or even malign state actors who want to stoke division; and that actually it’s dirt cheap to do relative to potential rewards. Those of you relitigating JD & AH are, in fact pawns of this game and thus lending credence to the central hypothesis of the show. Try listening again
  • dead_not_sleeping
    Phenomenal journalistic investigation
    Also gotta love there are ppl repeating the same talking points as bots and NPCs in the reviews for this show. People gaslighting themselves for free in the year of our lord 2024
  • Specarmi
    [Who Trolled Amber?] Interesting but absurdly biased
    I should have liked this podcast. When I was watching the trial play out on social media it did feel like many of the posts were inorganic. This show gives some convincing evidence that some of it was, and covers some interesting side stories along the way. However, I don’t think the question is just “did bots make negative posts about Amber Heard?” but, more importantly, “did bots convince people of something untrue about Amber Heard?” Among the many childish, trolling, and stupid posts about Amber, there were some convincing bits of evidence against her. Ultimately, I was convinced both her and Depp are bad people. If that evidence was completely fabricated, I’d like to know, but the show almost entirely avoids discussing any specific claims against Heard. The host repeatedly insists they won’t “relitigate the trial,” but this just comes across as an excuse to avoid confronting the more damning claims against Heard. Instead, they spend a lot of time painting her as an incredible rising star. Ironically, it seems like this show must have been made by Amber’s PR team.
  • EmLovesEveryCat
    A must listen!
    An incredibly important, well researched podcast. Really makes you question who is driving the public narrative, and more importantly, why.
  • cinderelochka
    Law student here who is disgusted by the heard season
    May I remind you, Tortise producers, that the depp v heard trial was broadcast to US ALL…. those who watched it, in real time, NOT fragmented on TikTok or filtered through hateful lenses on either side, know exactly who the victim was here. It is indeed MR DEPP. The jury agreed. You were there too, right? By the sound of this show makes me thing we watched something different? Just baffles me how dangerous it is for MSM to continue to peddle this false narrative that Ms Heard spun for YEARS. WE ALL BELIEVED HER. don’t forget that either. What a Shame and waste of my time this listen was. Ms Heard is no victim. Please research the FACTS.
  • imtifflish
    Both Can Be True
    Did Amber get trolled: YES! Was she an abuser: YES! Both can be true. This podcast was eye opening and well presented, I really enjoyed every episode.
  • CSMomof3Boys
    I was home from work with Covid and watched the trial. Johnny Depp is a strange character, but harmless and likable. Amber came off as fake, unhinged, and terribly unlikable. What she did in that bed was beyond disgusting. She deserves her reputation.
  • fieldglass oh my
    Glad i didn't.....
    Watch the trial that is better than this.....😂😂😂😂
  • CordeliaReagan
    Almost never misses
    Had to stop listening to the season on trans healthcare because it honestly felt like the whole season was debating the existence of trans young people and adults and I just couldn’t take it lol trans people have always existed and will continue to exist. That said - every other season is so on point. The latest one about Amber Heard truly hits the nail on the head. It’s impossible that such a deluge of weirdness and hate could have come from actual people online, it’s uncanny what happened and I’m so glad that Tortoise is reporting on it
  • Cjkim76
    This podcast is rubbish. First, it’s forgotten that MANY Americans actually watched the entire trial online. Watched as Amber was terribly fake-crying with ZERO tears. Watched as it was proven that her photos were doctored. Let’s say there were bots. Do not discount the jury AND the viewers who watched the entire trial unfold from seeing all the evidence laid out. It was a no-brainer. We were NOT confused but was a woman I was so angered that a person like AMBER tried to bucket herself with actual true victims. And I find it ironic that leverage is actually being used that a tabloid like the Sun won against Johnny. Where the owner of the Sun has history of dishonesty from the royal family and also has a relationship with the judge who tried the case in the UK. SHAME ON THIS PODCAST for being a part of the coup of Amber Heard.
  • MishiBurg
    Gonna defend Manson next?
    Amber Heard was not a victim, and this is not journalism. It is biased. If you want to defend women who are doxxed or otherwise attacked online, there are plenty of legit subjects.
  • mjsaysbye
    For all the women who aren’t believed 💗
    Great investigative journalism! I’m happy that there are now podcasts like this that are shedding light on the vitriol hatred amber heard experienced and what it means going forward for other victims.
  • molly stoffel
    Great investigative work and analysis
    Who Trolled Amber is absolutely fantastic. It’s terrifying how easily bad actors, if they have enough money to throw at it, can shape public opinion through social media manipulation, astroturfing, and online disinformation campaigns. Really glad someone is doing this investigative work and looking at the impact of information manipulation, inauthentic social media activity, online conspiracy theorists, disinformation/misinformation, and the troubling ways truth can be manipulated.
  • Calix79
    Too much of host.
    Potential to be a great podcast exposing what happened to Amber. If only the host stopped making it about his thoughts and feelings. Less of him and more storytelling please.
  • Mizerella
    All conspiracy theories with No Proof
    Host briefly mentions in one episode he is working with Heard and her team so it makes total sense now why this podcast is so biased. This really is just a a couple msm reporters getting together complaining about how the public was able to see the trial for themselves and didn’t accept the medias attempts to spin things
  • Suzie's thoughts
    Amazingly informative!
    This podcast opened my eyes to the power of internet bots and trolls! Social media is global and the power to be influenced is staggering! This is a must listen for anyone who wants to understand outside influence on world wide politics! Listen before it is too late!
  • KenEdelberg
    No one trolled her
    Amber was the abuser. There was actual evidence to back that claim up. Just the tertiary overview of what I heard from episodes of this podcast, I would like to know all who funded this podcast. I watched the whole trial and Amber failed to prove that Johnny was her abuser. What was proven was that Amber was the one who was abusive in the relationship. Show us your evidence.
  • Koliebug
    Voicing opinions about people who actually watched the trial who didn’t watch the trial
    A podcast host who didn’t watch the trial opining on those of us who actually watched trial and believe AH lied. Investigating a topic should include watching the complete trial. The trial is available online and should have been used as the core fact finding proof.
  • Featherfidler18
    Rewriting history?
    I watched the trial, and my opinion of what happened was solely based on the evidence presented at trial. I don't feel like this trial hurt the me to movement at all, it showed that men can be victims also. This podcast is presenting Amber's evidence as if it were all true and we know it's not. People hated her because of her personality not because they all love Johnny Depp. Was somebody paying for bots ...maybe. Did she lie about abuse? Absolutely. Do people get really upset when somebody lies about abuse? Absolutely.
  • jipjopflop
    Great podcast
    Love the in-depth exploration of the propaganda against Amber Heard. Next you should explore the unrelenting vitriol against Meghan Markle!
  • Caron Bryan
    Who Trolled Amber
    Bots? This would’ve been good had you listened to the whole trial. It’s fake? Ambers voice said it all.
  • laallison
    I have enjoyed everything up until season 4. The Tavistock host amplifies a lot of harmful opinions under the guise of “just looking at both sides.” She seems to be letting her bias show a little.
  • JLSD4
    Some great investigation and some highly skewed
    There is some impressive investigative reporting and production in tortoise media - in particular with Alexi. However, some of the reporting is done from a pre-existing opinion that is resistant to being changed and educated. The narrating reporters’ opinion is quite obvious, and interviews are highly skewed to one side. I think Tortoise can do better than this.
  • GrumpyGryder
    Can’t make this stuff up
    The story called Sweet Bobby is incredible. This examination of probably the most gullible person on Earth is surreal and Kirat’s interviewer showed great self restraint in not reacting honestly to her pathetic tale.
  • Spadalsky
    Who’s healthier now
    People that didn’t get the vax are not dying of heart attacks at an enormous rate
  • Deb n Hank
    Season 7 - terrific
    As an American listening to the Giuliani saga, I finally see the threads between magnificence and desperation. Excellent work.
  • Samantensen
    Season 6 - strong anti-police bias
    As entertaining as the story-telling is, this is not an example of proper reporting. Reporting should represent a holistic view of an issue, including the points of view of both sides and working hard not to color in the gaps with interpretation. This season sorely fails on that level. It’s good storytelling but not good journalism. They use the sincerely awful missteps, mistakes, and outright lies of the specific officers of the time to leverage a blanket indictment of all policing in the country today. Almost nobody in policing today had anything to do with Nikki’s case, but they are held to answer to you despite that fact. It’s narrow-sighted to draw such a dramatic conclusion based off one example, and it’s irresponsible to encourage listeners to take an attitude of distrust with their local police. Most of your listeners have never had an experience with police so should not be drawing conclusions about them now. What about the thousands of positive interactions that people have with police all the time? What does your message do that’s productive and helpful in a society where most police officers do seek to serve safety and aid to their community? Why should they be vilified in this story, which they have nothing to do with? How precisely does this story told this way help communities? You should have taken your opinions to today’s police and given them ample space to respond to your accusations and offered that as a counter-balance to your bias. When reporting an accusation, good journalists will seek out the accused and give them the space to respond and be heard. It’s the responsible thing to do.
  • B689
    Not that good
    Seems to be just giving space uncritically to anti trans arguments. A person who briefly worked a the clinic got lots of interview time. Vut she said she hadn’t even heard of gender identity ol she started at the clinic. Maybe that’s why the clinic wasn’t a good fit for me u
  • OofiOofster
    Real journalism.
    The continuation of this horrible saga needed to be told! I would listen to anything by Alexi. He represents actual journalism & produces quality & unbiased content, real life stories told with empathy & kindness. There are sooo many junk podcasts out there that all belong in the trash. BUT THIS IS TYPE OF PODCAST YOU SHOULD ALL BE LISTENING TO!
  • XanCam2727
    Fantastic Podcast
    Simran Bhogal is a sociopath and deserves to be punished. She will no doubt do it again because she lacks the humanity to care about others and will put her own twisted desires first. Great job telling the story!
  • KateJessie
    It saddens me that people blame this woman. She would go back to her cousin to confirm things regarding Bobby and how many of us might believe our cousin? That’s the game changer here. Without her cousin confirming Bobby loved her and plans a life with her she would have gotten out much sooner. Well done and I hope only for the best for Karet and her cousin should have been prosecuted.
  • sarahbrookeee
    Story could be told in 30 minutes
    First and foremost, Alexi did a really nice job putting this podcast together. I really enjoyed listening to him. I’ll give it 5 stars for his work. That being said, this podcast could have been a 30 minute episode. I felt it was completely overhyped and the catfish wasn’t really that crazy. Kirat was a really sweet, but painfully gullible girl who fell for a catfish for 10 full years. That’s really the entire story. I hope she has been able to move on and heal.
  • quail
    Confused storytelling obscures an interesting story
    The issues of this story in an age of online disinformation and scams are relevant and interesting. It’s also important to recognize coercive control in abusive relationships. I expected this podcast to shed light on these thing and help me understand how someone gets drawn into a cult of two, but I just ended up more confused. The host keeps saying the story will blow our minds, but the content is mostly “Kiran says she was wronged and we are her advocates to insist there is a illegality here somewhere.” There is no distance that allows them to show how the coercive web was woven and dig into how the family and cultural norms assisted the scammer. The host’s timidity in the face of the scammer and the family, as well as his reluctance to examine how Kiran needed Bobby to be real and thus unwittingly assisted in the cruel scam, undermines the story. Missed opportunity.
  • S. Sáenz
    At the end of episode 3 I was screaming, “WHAT?!” Alexi is a great interviewer. Kirat seems so lovely and I’m gutted for what happened to her. This story leaves you with so many questions and lots of frustration. It could literally happen to anyone, no one is above this kind of deceit.
  • willisataylor
    Mid show
    I liked this show well enough. Felt like the male host was constantly asking the subject of the show “didn’t you feel this way about things??” and she would be like “I guess?” Like bro let her tell her side of it. I also really didn’t like the turn the show made mid way through.
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