Bishop John Stowed: The Catholic Report

Science #69Astronomy #3

Bishop John Stowed - With a D at the end, is your Catholic AI Bishop, directly from the diocese of Lexington ky.

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Recent Reviews
  • KJY in Nc
    Great topics but extremely annoying and creepy AI voice. Would rather listen to Kamala Harris talking into a fan.
  • The Mean Nurse
    What has happened?
    Where did all the UFOs go?
  • St. Clair
    Audio is below par. Is this some AI narrating this podcast? The speech flow sure sounds like it.
  • philospherstoner
    Decent content
    Been listening for about a year great for getting a variety of information however random cuts, no relevant descriptions and now the videos all have the same name giving us no idea what we’re getting into and the podcast have significantly shortened video length
  • Gwizz63
    Can’t listen.
    I also can not listen to any show. It says temporary unavailable but temporary has gone many days. Don’t waste your time.
  • Carrl sss
    Loved the channel for what is was. It has gone through some changes in the past. But stayed with the same topics……. witch was nice. But this new ownership I can not say the same. I’m out. 1 star for changing the topic
  • Fishdaddyz
    Unable to listen
    Anyone else not able to listen to any shows all of a sudden? Been getting an error for last few days. I’ve tried all of the fixes. Love the content when it’s available :(
  • The Wizard929
    Provide Sources and Credit Those That Did The Work
    As a compilation of work and material, it is vast. Who did that work or created the material? Most of the time that information is not provided. While I do not believe the material is presented as their own, clear and accurate source information should be included.
    To many ads.
    Way to many ads so annoying can’t enjoy the stories.
  • carneal
    Beyond extensive UFO archive
    The one and only portal I’ve found for every UFO related audio ever recorded. A national treasure and vital resource.
  • parler#1
    Why you keep play Art Bell runs. Their is Art Bell podcast. Did you the one pay for that rights? Es easy to make podcast when tu use others word. I make podcast to then. I make 1 star again. You’s a shame to Art Bell nombre!
  • Happy Customer!!!!123👍👍👍👍
    Stop re posting same things with different titles………I’m listening.does earth scientist know you’re posting their stuff……or any of the people you’re ripping off?my family thinks I’m crazy,dreamland,ctc,ancient aliens and old lectures by David Childress ?even though it’s the same 40 or 50 things reposted in different combinations ten to 15 times a day to look accomplished?good content (other people made)trash podcast
  • SteveBurrows313
    Compiled content
    Very wide variety of compiled content over many years from conferences, docs, tv shows, interviews, pods.. A lot of leg work which I appreciate, just surprised he’s getting away with it without citing sources and editing other’s work.
  • RockyJanus
    Ads are fixed.
    The ad server is fixed. Much much better. Enjoying the variety of the content.
  • CMP011
    Thought I was stumbling across new and original content of my favorite researchers but it just seems to be work of others complied here, that has been produced over the years. Not new and not original content
  • JRoracle
    Ad loop is on purpose!
    Please change your ad protocol.
    Good content, commercials kill the interest.
  • HueJashole13
    Very good content but please add more info.
    The ad thing is an issue. It loops & loops for some reason. I can get past it but it is bothersome sometimes. I highly appreciate all the content. I have yet to find anybody else who offers this much. My only is the lack of info. Or no info outside the title. And I don’t need much. Maybe just the year & speaker? But I’m still giving this podcast 5 stars for the amount of daily content it offers. Tons & tons. If you’re addicted to the UAP world, this is your podcast.
  • Mrhvmd
    Ad Loop
    Went into an ad loop from which it failed to recover before my patience ran out.
  • Hasnofaith
    The Commercials Are Killing The Vibe
    Worst platform ever. The commercial are like a virus on the product.
  • SFJerryB
    Promising, But Needs Improvements
    There are some very excellent speaker presentations/interviews in this collection. The problem is, however, you have no idea when the original date of the recording was. The speaker just starts speaking, and from what he or she is saying, hopefully, we can infer approximately what year or so they are talking from. Instead, please put the date of creation and the description. That would be extremely helpful. Also, a bank of advertisements get sloppily inserted into each pod with multiple repeats of the same commercial over and over. You end up having to just fast forward several times to get through all of it. It’s the same three or four advertisements, however, each played on repeat three or four times.
  • mikeinnville
    Ads are broken
    Great content but unlistenable in its entirety. Ads repeat over and over. Been like this for awhile and happens on every epi I’ve checked. Fix that and it’s 5 stars but as is, it’s incredibly frustrating. First 15 minutes are fine then it gets stuck in a loop of repeating the same ad. I guess that’s one way to make money.
  • Traig Traig
    Another complaint about the ads
    The content is good but you need to reevaluate your ad set up. I assume you are using an automated system to insert ads into your episodes but it is really obnoxious. Long ad breaks that cut off speakers in mid sentence and often play that same 1-2 ads over and over and over. Ad breaks that last several minutes and often the ad break will end and the episode will resume for 5 seconds before breaking into another series of the same ads over and over. sometimes this happens more than once. episode is playing then interruption of loud obnoxious repetitive ads, episode resumes for 5 seconds then interruption of another block of ads. episode resumes again for 5 seconds then ANOTHER interruption of loud obnoxious repetitive ads. It’s insane the amount if casino ads I have listened to on your content. It also makes me avoid this podcast for listening in bed because I know at any time an extremely loud 2-4 minute burst of casino ads might play, and its guaranteed to happen multiple times per episode
  • Risso.
    Unusable content do to ridiculous amounts of ads! Horrible try somewhere else for content!
  • austintxuser1201
    Attacked by ads, whoa!
    Not sure if apple is doing the ads, if so, that’s questionable.
  • Irma Belivier
    Good stuff, LOUD commercials
    Can you turn down the volume of the commercials because they’re obnoxiously loud?
  • OH2Fe
    Favorite new podcast!
    Must have, you won’t be running out of something to listen to anytime soon
  • Fumduck68
    OMG, the ads!!
    I love the information this podcast brings, but the ads are terribly frustrating. I’m currently trying to get through a new episode, and someone will be mid-sentence when a cluster of ads interrupts. The same ads repeated over and over. If you could fix the ad thing, this would be even better!
  • cheese michael
    Love this
    Not a greatly organized podcast but all the information available in one spot is amazing. Love what you’re doing
  • grant24
    Big drop in quality recently
    The ads have gotten unbearable
  • Grateful Tread
    Awesome content; advertisements nearly unbearable
    Can’t listen to the same ad 4 times in a row
  • A*i*nHNTR
    Content A+/Ads F
    Title says it all. The ads are horrible. Great content though.
  • Okiethyme
    Dates & episode descriptions needed.
    I just listened to the first few minutes of a speech by one of my favorite UFO authorities. And then I realized the speech was delivered 8 years ago!! You really need to include the dates the original speeches/recordings were made. Also, give a brief description what each episode is about. Titles aren’t enough.
  • Pea_Green
    Good/the bad
    Love the content and in the service that you provide. And honestly, I don’t mind listening to commercials. I just can’t handle listening to them for five times in a row. Is it some kind of ploy? needs to be fixed.
  • MMJJ00987
    Show original airdate
    It would be very helpful if you published the date these originally aired.
  • Ehmsoleil
    Cannot skip ads
    When you try, they start over. Terrible! Not going to be FORCED to listen to 4+ minutes of garbage ads
  • squirrelflame
    I am in love with this podcast. If I could I would give it four and a half stars but I can’t. It’s just that so many come out so fast I don’t have time to listen to all the best ones. Could you slow it down to like one episode a day? Then my rating would be five stars. Also… can you include maybe some more phenomena stuff unrelated to uaps or UFOs I mean I love them and this is what they are about but like..yeah. Please
  • Mad At Us Cause They Ain't Us
    Great Show!
    Great information!!!
  • Maninblacksuit
    Incredible collection. Ads annoying but I just fast forward through them. I’ve downloaded many of the episodes making it much easier to bypass the ads
  • KingCarco
    Good but too many commercials
  • Ironmantim
    To many commercials
    Love the pod cast hate all the repetitive commercials. Not going to listen to anymore
  • Tdol801
    Too many commercial repeats
    Decent podcast most the material is taken from some other sources nothing much original and they play the exact same commercials over and over sometimes three or 4 times in a row extremely irritating
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