Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage


Did you know the Hebrew root word for marriage is the same as mess? Okay, maybe not, but it wasn’t a stretch to believe, right? This is the podcast for Christian married couples who are in the middle of a messy moment. They need to laugh. They need clear, practical advice. And they need to hear from someone with an actual degree in this thing. Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley are those people. They have reached millions of couples through their counseling practices, books, events, and work at Focus on the Family.

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Recent Reviews
  • bugdrg
    Poorly done!
    When I first started listening I was excited, but now, it seems it is just Greg and Erin talking to themselves, hoping someone is listening. Way too much about themselves. Over and over and over! Not nearly enough marriage encouragement or tips. All about them and their issues. Sounds like they may need counseling! Unfollowing.
  • Jazzy peteet
    My 1 year of my marriage
    Am first on this postcast and just finished the chapter on the book omg! 🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️ love it! I going to help me focused more about my marriage!
  • AllisonM77
    So real and genuine
    I love listening to Greg and Erin because they share their struggles and stories where they have not behaved the best. It makes them real. I absolutely love this podcast!
  • Vhuss83
    Love this podcast!!
    Greg and Erin bring such valuable topics and conversations to the table and we absolutely love their heart for marriage and family. We highly recommend this podcast! Scott and Vanessa M. BKF
  • Rhonda Stoppe
    The Happy Marriage Help You’ve Been Looking For!
    I cannot recommend this podcast enough! Greg and Erin are engaging and offer thoughtful, practical and biblically sound insights to help you and your spouse grow deeper in love with each other. Whether you’ve been married a long time or newly wed do yourself a favor and click that subscribe button - you don’t miss an episode!
  • Praying4yuuh
    I love listening to this podcast one of my favorites! I donated to receive a free book 3 times only got one book waiting for the other two still..
  • FitnessPro6520
    Relatable, encouraging and Biblically sound
    Thank you so much for taking the time to produce such an incredible show! I love how you both share stories from America to make it seem so relatable to what my husband and I go through! It brings so much guidance and clarity for us both and we appreciate how generous you are giving away your books for donations.
  • Kaia volley1
    Very relatable
    Listened to all of the shows. The content is so relatable and encouraging to where I am in my marriage. Giving me new perspective and approach to improve my situation. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Look forward to hearing more.
  • Country907
    Very Good!!
    Heard about the podcast from Unashamed. Very good speakers
  • [Melissa]
    Love it! Thank you
    Just stumbled upon this podcast after listening to It came at the perfect time!
  • RDK Sr.
    Real and Approachable
    Greg and Erin are so encouraging as they share from their own experiences and keep us focused on Christ.
  • PineapplePandaBoi
    So good
    I love Greg and Erin! Their insights are really valuable. Thanks!
  • dwnielle
    So excited to listen more!
    Thanks for putting out such enriching podcasts!
  • SoccerSlayer31
    Love it!
    Greg and Erin have incredible insight and wisdom to share! I definitely would recommend this to all married folks!
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