Your Move with Andy Stanley Podcast


Welcome to the Your Move with Andy Stanley podcast, where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. Your Move provides practical content on life topics like personal development, relationships, work, leadership, faith, and more. It’s simple. We provide the content and recommend next steps; then it's Your Move! Visit for more content to watch, listen to, and read along with resources. 

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Recent Reviews
  • GarconD00
    In need of new content
    I love this podcast. However, it is in need of new content. For the past year to date, there has not been any new content.
  • Diving.deep
    This podcast has been so helpful to me. When I’m struggling with something in my heart, there seems to be a message designed to help me understand what I have been getting wrong and what I need to do to start moving in the right direction. When I put the advice in action, my life gets better.
  • cshakara
    Love Andy Stanley!
    Andy is REAL, his love for God and people is so apparent in his teachings, while churches have caused hurt for many people, Andy is just what we need right now !!
  • CiCeM3
    Love love
    I love Andy’s teachings. So authentic, practical and truth! Keep at it! It’s such a blessing!!
  • Bernkrip
    Thank God for Andy and team
    I’ve learned more from Andy’s messages than any other preacher. I always like the historical and cultural background given that helps put the Bible in perspective. Keep preaching Jesus.
  • Noworries123
    Definitely Needed
    So happy to see Andy really diving deep and differently to see the big picture and less of the man made religious nonsense. Keep going where you’re directed regardless of people who refuse new information. Thank you.
  • Sf25sucks
    Best podcast in this universe
    Thank you, Andy and Andy’s team for this enriching information from a Mormon guy in Idaho. I am a better and happier human because of your message.
  • Heather hsquared
    Insightful, Biblical, practical
    Love how Andy combines worldly truth with Biblical truth. It’s fascinating.
  • Jcoolit
    Sad drift from Biblical truth
    I am deeply saddened by the drift from true biblical Christianity from Andy. He has become the master of wrapping a bastardized version of the Gospel in just enough truth so as to deceive the masses. However when you peel back his teachings and take the time to compare it to the scriptures you will woefully find a huge gap. While Andy discusses Jesus and justification he omits the concept of sanctification and the call to live a life worthy of the price that Christ paid. It is my sincere prayer that Andy will find his way back. I am praying for him.
  • Fort Worth Weather Watcher
    10 minute talks are wrong format
    I don’t care few the new 10 minute talks on vices. It feels like I’m getting talked to by a guidance counselor. What I come to Your Move to hear is Biblical truths told in everyday language that people both inside and outside the church can understand. Andy has a great way of telling the stories that make sense and appeal to the seeker. Please stick with the format that works and leave the counseling to someone else. Or start a new podcast for that format.
  • Jay the Mountain Man
    Steer clear…
    2 Timothy 4:2-3: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. You will love Andy, if you are woke, never take a stand on issues like abortion, homosexuality, or weird false gender ideologies!
  • JohnnyCornfield
    Great new format
    I really enjoy the new 10 min daily messages in a drink to the weekly messages. I can listen to them everyday on the way to work.
  • SNav2014
    Enemies of the Heart series
    Love the new format. To the point in just a few minutes makes the point easier to remember, or not such a big deal to listen again.
  • keepin up with the Jones'
    One of my favorites!
    Andy Stanley is SO refreshing! These podcasts have been helpful in our marriage and just getting into n the same page. Really useful and relatable! Thank you Andy!!
  • capatincocktail
    Andy is the image of a pastor who’s lost his way!
    Not sure what happened to this man but his messages on contradictive to scripture!! Andy you’re lost brother!!!!
  • jpetersdorf
    You can have acceptance for others but you don’t have to condone a person’s lifestyle. How do you stand behind a pulpit sighting several Biblical scriptures that talk about how God intended for us to live and then preach about how brave and courageous someone is for living the exact opposite of how God’s word says we should live?
  • beachstaab
    Thoughtful and genuine
    A refreshing dose of common sense in a chaotic and unfocused world, this show will not give you the secrets to the universe, but it will help you find your focus and reevaluate your choices. As a worker in the service industry, I’ve found that I rarely have time off on Sundays to go to church, but this show helps me get the important reminders that I need to stay accountable of my own actions and think in a mindful and honorable way.
  • cbroosa
    Amazing episode- great ideas to consider and share
  • TTTTT2424
    Not Biblically sound
    I use to really love to listen to Andy Stanley and his teachings. However, after a lot of things have come to light about his beliefs and how he does not think we need the Bible, only the Gospels, I can no longer listen to him. I believe the entire Bible is the infallible and inerrant word of God and I can not follow a teacher who doesn’t believe that. The Bible is such a seamless story of Redemption throughout the Old and New Testament that it’s such a disservice and dishonor to the Lord to even say that all we need is the Gospels. I’m saddened and my heart is literally heavy that he thinks this and that he is also deceiving so many people along the way.
  • ljkort
    Great content
    I’m not a regular church-goer, but I really like listening to Andy Stanley. His lessons are practical, and make sense! He is very open minded to why people don’t like the church, which I wish more pastors could truly do! It’s the kind of podcast I could recommended to non-religious friends as a way to get started.
  • Sawnee Mt Climber
    I look forward to Andy's practical teaching each week. Truly my favorite Christian speaker and leadership motivator!
  • annesquivel
    Its the dream it truly is
  • Carole 26.2
    Tuned in...
    Pastor Andy tackles the tough stuff and keeps Christ in the center!! I look forward to smart, powerful, no nonsense sermons that strengthens my spiritual walk with God. Grateful! Here’s my addition to this review: it just keeps getting better. Stanley stands on Christ’s word & his courage never waned. Bless you!!!!
  • DrKP1984
    I recently joined North Point Church and Andy Stanley messages have been instrumental in bringing God back into my life. His sermons and this podcast are so applicable to today's problems and my own life. He breathes modern day into the Bible/His Word in clear and simple, yet eloquent, words. I have never been able to so well comprehend the beauty of the Bible and connect with the Holy Spirit. He has been such a blessing!
  • parler rocks!
    Not a member of a big church
    Just remember he said that if you don’t belong to a big church you are selfish and don’t care about your kids. Plus, his low view of scripture over the years is a problem.
  • doczoe
    Relatable, practical, insightful and inspirational
    I love this podcast!
  • PhoenixMusic1
    Thought and heart provoking.
    Really enjoy his conversational, rapid pace taking you through the story with him.
  • Jpbene*
    Real life
    The best speaker I have heard that relates real life situations to the Bible.
  • Wndypen
    Not a Jesus follower? Give him a listen!
    I love the logic with which Andy explains everything!! Never miss an episode!
  • qopnuidsefgesrlo
    So grateful to have a voice in this hard time of life that encourages and points to Christ.
  • LivingRightOutdoors
    Breaking myths, growing deeper, loving more and Follow Jesus
    Andy and staff, First off, thank you Jesus for your families and paths to get here! Second, thank you for the commitment to both believers and non believers. Andy, the vision and calling God has placed on your life, boom, blows the roof off. So much understanding and clearing the muddy water through your teaching and calling. Of course I have to say, “hummmhuh, clear my throat Pastor Craig is still my main man, he shared your podcast, lol.” Not just you two but countless others. Me and my wife sure are blessed to have your content, thank you! Love ya brother!!!
  • Theophilus777NC
    This podcast has impacted my life in a wonderful way! Andy, your challenge about imagining your funeral and what you would want said of you radically shifted my relationship with my sister-in-law. Your sticky statements are household phrases in my home. Your leadership podcast is also amazing—especially the episode with your wife Sandra when you shared parenting advice, which has been a helpful guide! I will say though that my most memorable moments with your podcast came as my husband and I played “Your Move” during labor and delivery as I delivered our baby drug-free. You were right there with us via podcast and focusing on what you were saying instead of the pain I was feeling made labor and delivery so much better! In fact, during the final moments of delivery, the doctor in the room recognized your voice and shared that she and her husband had participated in a small group by you and that they loved it! The Holy Spirit has worked through you in a powerful way, and you have been like a spiritual father in many ways! I pray the Lord blesses you and your wife as you have blessed us!
  • Woodsy2882
    Incredible podcast! I am new to this one, but I have thoroughly enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to so far. I could listen to Andy all day. Truly life changing!
  • Listener2021:)
    Integrity Series… Wow!
    The integrity series was so good. I haven’t listened to Andy Stanley in a while and revisiting his sermons speaks to my heart. I sent it to members in my family because the lack of integrity of people has cost us greatly. People I thought were strong Christian’s have been exposed as liars and cheaters and abusers. Where I wish an episode was spent on the necessary part of integrity being confession to the person who was hurt I really love this series. Truly repentant people usually don’t need a huge sermon to encourage them to confess. Jesus has already put it on the tips of their tongues many times. Depending on the level of denial and lies. Thank you North Point. I pray for Andy and Sandra all the time. I pray that they would remain faithful and God would protect them. Their ministry has changed my life.
  • DlLLlON
    Andy’s teachings are so genuine and practical. In an environment where everyone is so sure they’ve got it figured out and their interpretation is the right one, Andy’s humility and approach is simply underrated. Thank you!
  • 12 of 13
    Andy Stanley’s podcast is fresh, genuine, insightful, and fosters positive spiritual growth.
  • Colorado Counselor
    Always practical!
    I never go away without something to use for my life. Biblical truth made practical.
  • Marajai
    I love your teachings. They are so in depth and relatable.
  • Schill Bill
    If you are skeptical about religion/The Bible/Christianity, listen to this Podcast
    Andy does a great job of not forcing Christianity on others while making a phenomenal case for God, Jesus, and the importance of Christianity. He disagrees with the idea “the Bible says it, that settles it”. It is refreshing to hear him speak about God, Jesus, and life from a healthy Christian perspective. If you have always wondered about God and faith, but have been turned off in the past by your Church, childhood version of Christianity, or hypocritical Christians in the past, take a listen to him. Listening to Andy Stanley might be the breath of fresh air that will bring you towards God in a way very uncommon to most pastors and Churches. Highly recommend!
  • akdiebdbifons
    Very good
    I like these podcasts. They sound more like a Ted Talk than someone preaching at me. I’ll keep listening. Thank you.
  • davekeep
    So incredibly helpful!
    After listening to these messages from Andy Stanley I nearly always forward them to my children - ages 13 to 25 - who I know will also benefit profoundly from this teaching. Andy’s ability to present truth in such a unique and understandable way is a gift - to him and to us! Thanks for this wonderful resource.
  • Serving the Master
    Such an anointed man teaching God’s Word!!
    Andy is just amazing in his ability and discernment to communicates God’s Word in such a way that the average person not only understands it, but can apply in their daily life! I can’t get enough!
  • JRRetz
    So good, but why are the episodes recycled?
    I adore listening to Andy, but finding new lessons and teachings is impossible because the content is like 20 episodes recycled over and over. Is Andy no longer preaching new lessons??
  • MJO 007
    Great but needs variety
    Awesome - both truthful and relevant - but not a lot of new content. For example the current series was also featured twice in the past few years. He has many great series but many don’t make their way into the podcast and they just put a few on “repeat.” This just keeps repeating the same sermons on a two year or so cycle. Mr Stanley is the best but we should hear more of him.
  • Mt.6:24
    Some ideas...
    More people & podcasts are talking these days about the things Jesus taught (in the 4 gospels), but there are a few of his teachings that almost never get serious coverage. Several references (EXCLUDING the “rich young ruler”) are made in Luke about selling all of one’s possessions & giving to the poor and then this teaching is shown to be taken seriously by the time we get to the book of Acts (end of chapters 2 & 4). Another powerful & often neglected paradigm-changing (IF taken at face value) teaching of Jesus is found in Mt. 6:24; Lk. 16:13-14). This has been called the “Two Masters teaching”, one being God/Love and the other/opposite one being money. What would Christianity look like, both inside its confines and to the world at large, if these teachings were given much more serious consideration and application? Take a leap of faith and dive deep into these teachings! ✌🏼
  • pandassoc
    Strong teachings
    Andy Stanley makes God’s teachings easy to understand, without compromising or watering down Biblical truths.
  • D. Mumma
    The Heart of the Matter
    I love these podcasts. They get directly to the point - the heart of the matter. Also makes you think and see things in a different way - from God’s perspective not our own.
  • Auntym1955
    Hands on, life applying messages
    Thank you so much Pastor Andy for being a Jesus Follower and sharing clearly with us, how to be a Jesus Follower too! My 9 year olds grandson Trey and I listen to your podcasts daily, and discuss where God is growing us! Thank you so much for reaching others with The Good News! Love your Sister in Jesus M
  • Lori/SC Teacher Assistant
    Practical way to live Biblically
    All I can say is Andy speaks with such clarity on ways to implement Jesus ultimate command in all areas of my life! I replay episodes, make notes and share with my adult children. Thank you Andy
  • Joe diggs
    Practical Biblical Truths
    Andy provides simple Biblical truths that can easily be implemented in our daily lives that brings freedom and clarity.
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