Editor's Picks from The Economist


A handpicked article read aloud from the latest issue of The Economist. Published weekdays from Monday to Thursday.

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Recent Reviews
  • mojofro
    Hate the new daily format
    There are SO MANY daily podcasts that I’m literally drowning in them. This one used to be unique & only once a week, which made it easy to digest and efficient. Literally subscribed to get access to it when it went behind a paywall. Now it’s overwhelming my feed like every other podcast ☹️
  • Gaurav Vaidya
    A great way to listen to Economist articles
    I used to make it a point to listen to at least all the Leaders in every Economist issue on their “Economist in Audio” podcast, but I don’t have time to do that any more. But between this podcast and the Economist’s Intelligence podcast, I feel like I’m getting brief but detailed glimpses into what’s going on in the world. I hope they set up a podcast just for Leaders at some point, but until that day this is a great substitute!
  • Vance Ginn
    There are few sources better than this podcast on hitting key economic issues across the globe.
  • Caleb WM
    Double plus good propaganda
    Tune in for today’s truth from the mouthpiece of the deep state
  • Goligolé
    Listening for example, to the article :”Will the Women of Iran Win”, one would be forgiven, if they thought it was written by a member of the NAIAC council (an IR lobby group active in the US since early 2000’s) I was deeply disturbed by the invalidating slant and spin given to what is decidedly one of the most important movements happening in the region since less than half a century ago. Doesn’t matter if the Economist is indeed commissioned to write articles like this or whether it’s due to their natural bias, the direction they’ve taken, I’m sorry to say, has decidedly cast an ugly shadow on the the entire publication.
  • jlduan
    Too biased
    Too biased.
  • -Real-Reviews
    Sensational content - TOO MANY ADS!!!!
    Please get rid of your excessive ads and padding throughout all podcasts, especially this one. Thanks
  • LondonBizOwner
    Hysteria, not journalism
    I am a woman and the Economist’s reportage on abortion, read by a woman with breathless hysteria, was not only alarmingly biased but poorly researched and uninformed. Perhaps the reporters at the Economist should have listened to the All-In Podcast on the subject, or should have consulted the US’s actual current abortion laws, which are on par with North Korea, not the EU.
  • Elf boo
    Poorly written full of prejudice
    Not worth a minute of your time
  • Nestor Literato
    Impressive Reporting
    I have taken The Economist for years. The articles were well written and, surprisingly supported by data and facts. The readers on the app are very good reading material that for some find challenging. The Economist has a center right orientation which may be interpreted in the US, especially after the recent administration ‘s distortion of speaking and writing with a contemptuous attitude to experts and facts. Decades ago experience in the college market showed a steep drop in rigor over time both in textbooks, demands of professors and student interest in learning. I believe I see the results of that period of relaxation of standards in politicians and in many other college graduates in the business world. Stay the course Economst.
  • -RioVista
    biased one sided British elite viewpoint
    dont waste your time. basically British CNN. This is just a liberal opinion podcast from the elite British class .....basically a trump hate propaganda machine
  • 541red
    Broad scope yet nuanced with information leading the essay. Enjoyable.
  • Heylookatme I'm a good person
    Regrettably Left leaning
    I used to subscribe to the Economist for its lack of bias. That’s has obviously and unfortunately changed.
  • 07969
    Is this a side show?
    I am surprised that The Economist can’t seem to get a good reader for its podcast. It’s very difficult kit to follow unless you’re sitting down and listening. The voice seems electronic? So many better ways to do this which is a shame as the information as always is compelling.
  • happeial
    Come for the fabulous accents. Stay for the analysis.
    But seriously, this is a great podcast for important and timely information. Good range of topics and ideas, with the Economist’s trademark depth, salience and dry wit.
  • can'twaitforbond!
    Aged perspective
    The takes and perspectives contained within sound more and more to me like the gasping, desperate death throes of the unrestricted economics this paper advocates for. Take, for example, the November 28, 2019 episode, which leads with a story about “new data” which supposedly somehow claims to show that income inequality has not risen since the 1960’s! Amazing stuff, that! That was a leading story! At that point, I found myself stepping back and asking how and why a long respected arbiter of fact has sunk to the level of publishing unscientific drivel that attempts to gaslight the entire world off the truth that is plain as glorious day in front of all of us: the system, as currently constituted, has been completely broken by the greed and corporatism this paper has dutifully carried water for under the guise of “better outcomes for all”. Perhaps this review says more about my changing views than it does about The Economist, but WOW these views sound out of touch, especially in the current political-economic climate
  • Plane nuts
    Love their prospective
    I listen every week for their prospective on world affairs, business and the economy. I may not always agree but I do find it enlightening.
  • Sagedrum
    Just shows how out of touch the Brits are with US Politics.
    The Economist has no business informing us Americans about our politics. Their editorial commentary is laughably out of touch with the American reality day to day.
  • 미친엎을
    Too much advertising, so annoying
    They added advertising in the contents so annoying. It ruins their good article and good voice of narrator.
  • Colinalcarz
    Things are slipping
    What is going on? Today the announcer got the date wrong, the regular drop day had changed, the lead in from the slate to the actual article is longer while the number of articles “sampled” has gone down. My favorite podcast now sounds like it is being run by interns instead of the consummate professionals with which it won my heart years ago. Fix it!
  • ScarlettV
    Really enjoy except...
    Love the content of the podcast. One request- can you play the music just for a few seconds instead of while people are speaking? It’s just distracting, unnecessary, and if I don’t miss words, I have to actively try to hear them.
  • smq6477
    I am very grateful for the analysis presented by the economist.
  • BoscoVeloski
    Excellent Weekly Summary
    I always look forward to this. The highlights are important, and summarized in very rigorous language that demands careful attention. It's alwayys worth it!
  • Andrew in Honolulu
    Great analysis each week
    I’m a subscriber but enjoy listening to the weekly podcast a day before the paper reaches my Hawai‘i mailbox. The stories are read in a quick pace that honors my limited time. Keep up the great reporting and engaged reporting from an international perspective.
  • Jim Grefig
    Worth a listen every week
    Informed commentary
  • Seito123
    Fantastic and amazing, can't live without it.
    It's extremely generous of the economist to give us the best of the best in audio format. Always listen to this while cooking and walking my dog. Can't live without it now
  • Kalebbn
    Amazing and free!
    An exceptional podcast that gives you the free editors pick each week read to you by people with great voices. I really enjoy this podcast.
  • Saj in ny
    so insightful
    so insightful
  • jONoSHU
    This podcast is always a highlight of my week. Literate and informative.
  • Cragman8
    Excellent insights on timely topics
    I listen to these podcasts every week. I think they are great. I don't always agree with them, but they are well thought out, intelligent editorials that present facts as well as analysis and opinion.
  • GrandAdmiral
    Still doesn't work on mobile devices.
    Still doesn't work on an iPod Touch. Very frustrating. I've tried contacting Apple and the Economist, but no fixes.
  • JM3RR24
    Confirmed crashes on iPhone
    Please fix this.
  • Bob Moskal
    Not working on iPods... again.
    Editor's highlights plays fine on a PC but only the first 7 seconds or so play on the iPod. Listening to it on a PC is useless-- I could just read the magazine! This same thing happened in April. PLEASE FIX.
  • Shipley Wu
    Doesn't work on portable devices now!!
    Now all editor's highlight can only be played on computers.....They CAN"T be played on ipod/iphone/ipad now.... Please fix this as soon as possible!!!
  • randar62
    Please add Chapter Markers
    It would be very very helpful if you could add chapter markers to the Editor’s Highlights podcast.
  • dlk710
    Mostly good, nothing bad
    The content in this podcast does not need any justifying for it's importance, relevance, or thoughtfulness. I mean, it's selections the editors of The Economist deliberately picked! The only drawback is that it doesn't provide the depth of coverage the print or web edition does, hence "Editor's Highlights." But it is great start to filter through the print or web edition for articles relating to one's interest. I also like how the weekly podcast is available as one download (with six articles in one file), and as each highlight as a separate file. This allows me to manage the content easier (I just play the one file with everything). But with individual files per highlight, I can suggest specific portions to people without having to share the entire week's work. -- Speaking of, where's Feb 17's full file? (BTW, I'm not an idiot, so I realize why these are just quick highlights. And it does it's job well, because I usually end up at the economist's website exploring at least one highlight they mention each week.)
  • Eric B
    Great Addition to Anyone's Podcast Library
    The Economist provides one large audio file with several articles or individual articles for download. It's great to be able to listen to a magazine's articles.
  • hella33
    The fair voice of the world
  • Enitaplap
    Just went from amazing to terrible
    The Economist has once again made another terrible decision in splitting up each article from their weekly update into separate podcast episodes. This podcast should be one weekly podcast download so that people who subscribe do not miss podcasts or be forced to manually go back and download all of the separate episodes and then manually delete those episodes. This only adds extra time to the process that I don't have.
  • Fdos
    The economist - dont leave home without it
    Amazing! You guys could sell the complete áudio edition through iTunes lime hot cakes!
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