The Endtime Show | Endtime


What if you could understand Bible prophecy? You can gain peace and understanding about end time events by listening to The Endtime Show!

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  • itsallaboutfamily
    I keep hearing several people talk about Macron being the possible anti-Christ but, unless he becomes the next pope and starts wearing the pontifical tiara; I’m not seeing anything that gives him the number 666. I believe the AntiChrist will be a pope. Frances being the first Jesuit pope combined with the times we’re living in, is looking more and more likely, in my opinion.
  • TrustngHim
    Way too political
    Interesting podcast, but way too political, which is disappointing.
  • Magamiller
    Spot on
    Finally a show that helps the us interpret The Bible prophecy & revelation with current events. God Bless!
  • dressedwarrior
    Btw...PLEASE check out Dr Mercola before you subject listeners who may not know. He's gone rogue, is consulting an actual psychic who told him he's "Jesus". He's even fired his employees including his own sister for her "faith". Be careful.
  • Kjanus93
    Decent but
    The show is good and has a lot of insight but they also teach a lot of things as facts that can not be proven to be factual they have their interpretations that’s fine but they shouldn’t present certain things as factual when those things are not factual they are only opinions and their interpretation
  • 🍏iPhone
  • Starshollow281
    Open line needs to go
    open line is THE WORST!!! Accidentally listened to one of those shows. Please don’t do this anymore. These callers are so strange and also you guys sound like you hate this aspect of the show by the lack luster responses. I honestly don’t blame you. It really is awful! It’s bringing the whole podcast down.
  • Sal #one
    Open line
    I love the show but think callers stop the show’s momentum and they are difficult to hear and understand. Open line Friday is fine, but I would like limited callers Monday through Thursday and more of Dave, Vince, and Doug. Just my two cents. I love this show!!!!!
  • Donnett.
    Awesome. This is good program and I love it.
  • drsxoxo
    I am so grateful and thankful I found your podcast about 5 months ago. I love how you all explain things for those of us that are not educated or well versed in this part of the Bible. I truly appreciate you backing it up with scripture. Thank you for all that you have done and are doing. May God bless and protect you!!
    MAY 14 ERROR
    Gentlemen. I’ve heard some stretches in interpretation on this show, but you both took Sen. Lindsay Graham’s words waaaaay out of context. He was clearly comparing the gravity of Israel’s fight for their security. He was NOT intimating a nuke war. Come on guys. Unnecessary hype. Some would say fear mongering. Irresponsible.
  • ThaddeusT
    “and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.” ‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Jesus will remove His Bride BEFORE…
  • brianooch
    Ok that was fun!! I listened a while
    White supremacy doesn’t sound like a guy with the swastika screaming racial slurs. This podcast is exactly what racism sounds like. Keep up the scary work!! Ok I’ll be moving on..
  • kscroggins
    There’s nothing else like Endtime Ministries
    This program is something I look forward to almost daily. My grandfather used to get their magazines and teach me about prophetic endtime events. When I found their podcast, I was excited! I find out more truth of world news and how it aligns with the Bible prophecies from this ministry. I even have it playing for my children on our way to school, as my grandfather used to shared their magazine articles with me long ago. I truly appreciate Endtime.
  • Manjo2020
    LOVE this show!
    Our family loves the truth of this show! We never feel pressure to buy or send money, but what a great place to help if you so choose! We listened for a very long time prior to supporting End Time Ministry. Then one day God put it upon us this is a safe place to support. The clear messages and deep insight to finding verses throughout the Bible to help find a clear understanding has been so inspiring. We love this show
  • BoogerEater51
    Too much begging
    Sign up for this and that. Attend our college , blah, blah , blah😕
  • Iamshanna18
    I absolutely love you guys!
    I’ve followed Endtime for years. I adored Bro Baxter, and I really just enjoy listening to y’all so much! Y’all are so informative. Thank y’all so much for all the time and work you put into this. What a blessing y’all are!
  • MsDesl1980
    truth is supposed to hurt
    Bahai is unity of all religions.
  • Gold cqt
    Contradicting what the Bible says
    He says the Bible doesn’t say we will receive a mark in the right hand or forehead in the Ellon Musk conversation. Revelations 13:16 clearly says we will have a mark in our right hand or forehead. Not sure why he is contradicting something very clearly in the Bible. Revelation 13:17 goes to say we can’t buy or sell without the mark.
  • Cincitycincy
    Most Accurate
    In terms of podcasts, this is hands-down my favorite. As opposed to the generally gloomy tone of end-of-the-world podcasts, they provide scriptural support for all of their claims. And unlike the majority of podcasts, which promote the heretical teaching of pre-trib rapture, this one teaches the correct doctrine of a rapture that occurs after the Tribulation Period. Def give them a listen, if you haven’t already.
  • Hotdawgz
  • Seraphim R. Bauer
    Interesting viewpoints, but rough to listen to
    My only criticism of this podcast is that I can’t bear listening to this host for more than a few minutes at a time. The reason for this is that for many long stretches throughout every broadcast, the host sounds like he’s just talking at his audience rather than speaking to his audience. He sounds like a condescending know it all, who ties biblical prophecy with current events in a very exacting and matter of fact way as if his view of scripture and prophecy and how he ties it all in with current world events are unquestionably true. The host also lacks a proper conversational style of tone and sounds like he’s lecturing a group of rebellious twelve year olds. It does not make for a pleasant listening experience.
  • javabd
    Poor doctoring and hermeneutics. Satan is really working on overtime to share false news and lies with ministries that forget the wrath was paid for at the cross per rev 3:10 and 1st Thessalonians. The blessed hope is the basked hope to mid and post trib rapture ministries. Thankfully I will be in heaven when the tribulation begins. Lord Jesus open the eyes of the confused and lost in these last days as deception occurs. Those that feel we are in the tribulation= unsaved or poorly studied scripture. Where are all of the cosmic woes, where is the antichrist, the Ezekiel 38 war against Israel, why is the church is still here and not absent and the Isaiah 18 war hasn’t occurred amongst A TON OTHERS. Who are the 10 kinds? Where is Babylon? Restrainer ie the Holy Spirit in the church is still here so the man of lawlessness can’t be revealed 🙏 FOLLOW BEHOLD ISRAEL, END TIME HEADLINES OR PROPHECY WATCHERS FOR BETTER TEACHING
  • 165kkjj
    Tribulation saints
    When the gentleman asked you about the tribulation saints yesterday, why didn’t you tell him that they are the ones who receive salvation during the tribulation? … instead of acting like it’s the church?
  • Dancin & Kissin the Kitchen
    Why tho
  • ju510teal
    Much needed information
    Thank you EndTime Ministries for your consistent voice in our world today. The content that you provide is Biblical, inspirational, and compelling. I know have a better understanding of Biblical prophecy. I look forward to the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! God bless you all and the work that you do… Thank you!
  • Ed....PR.
    Thank you.
    God Blessings to everyone of you and those around you. Bible Prophecy Knowledge is very important, letting all of us know the past, present and future works of the LORD. Thank you and be blessed.
  • hezek111819
    Let them talk
    3/18/22 Jerry called in and spoke about having both parts, you quickly cut him off. Let the people talk. It may help someone
  • Ga2Pa
    Best Bible prophecy teachings available anywhere. You won’t be disappointed!
  • vijo22220
    Seems gimmicky
    I have really tried to listen to this show, my dad loves it and goes on and on about how great it is. I’ve been listening off and on for a couple of years now and I just can’t figure out why they would wait until the peace agreement is signed to go door to door in Jerusalem? If they are passionate about the Jews coming to Christ then why not go door to door now? They push for people to go through their JPC so they can go door to door.. idk.. it just seems like a politically charged gimmick to propel their college. Politics aside, I also disagree theologically on a couple of things (I do not hold a pre trib view , etc) BUT I do like their pushback on the mandates and the craziness of the culture that is infiltrating the church.
  • Jaxon Spencer
    Have recently noticed that you have been re-uploading older episodes! Yikes! I still love the show but yikes! I don’t know what is happening in your life but i hope that it will get resolve.
  • chosenonecg
    Thank you
  • Zelda63301
    Love this show
    I recently started listening to this podcast, I love it, so much relevant information. I also signed up for the prophesy college
  • CurtisJInfla
    To Much Begging For Money Now
    Used to enjoy this podcast. There’s two new guys that have been on lately. Not a fan. I understand it costs money to produce this and to run their operation. However. It’s almost five minutes into the latest podcast and they are still going on and on asking for money. Huge turn off. It’s become like many other religions programs. One big platform to ask for money. No thanks.
  • Candle Anthony
    Thank you all.
    I am so excited to that we are living in the time of the end of this age. Love you all.
  • Skhill1963
    Brother Baxter is a gift from God
    I love his videos, the website, endtime plus is great , for 13.00 a month you get everything that Brother Baxter has ever done and it is so awesome. You will learn what God has in store for us in the near future. It is going to be so amazing. The way Brother Baxter teaches it’s so easy to understand Revelations, which tells us what’s going to happen at the end of human government. God loves us and wants us to know what lies ahead, He wants us to be prepared. If you need to know how to be saved, baptized in the Holy Ghost & how to walk in the spirit, “It’s all right here” once you get into this you will love it’s so interesting 🤔 Since Brother Baxter has passed, I have been so thankful for all of his teachings. They have changed the way I see the future. When a Christian passes away, the Holy Spirit dropped this in my spirit one day, they just left early for the wedding, see you in a short bit Rest In Peace Pastor Irvin Baxter . I will never forget the awesome touch that God had on your life.
  • Secret78Agent
    Thank you!
    I have learned so much from this podcast, thank you!
  • Hadakiss
    So grateful for this podcast!
    My husband and I fill our minds with the good news by playing this podcast while at work. Can’t wait for the next one! They just aren’t long enough! So hope filled and encouraging! Keep up the good work! Very informative and a blessing!
  • Summer KY
    Great Podcast!
    I listen to ET every night on my podcast. I went to see Irvin up in Indianapolis in the early fall a couple months before his passing. I am thankful I got to see him speak in person. I have learned so much over the years through this ministry. I have finally been able to understand the book of Revelation. Thank you ET!
  • Theshawna32
    Irvin Baxter dies of coronavirus
    Irvin liked to blame others for things like pandemics. He said adulterous people were to blame. I wonder if he was adulterous. Maybe people that spread lies should wear masks without making up lies. Karma
  • pat elliott
    End of Age
    Great and true ministry. Voices to be listened too.
  • Donna7000
    I’ve learned so much
    I’ve learned so much from pastor Baxter and pastor Dave. Love the program
  • Deej2323
    The Lord revealing truth!
    Thank you for amazing revelation of truth! God bless both Irvin and Dave
  • 😀😂🙃😗😜
    Lesioned to a par of one with my dad and got hooked
    I love this and think it’s a great idea and I love to play this while working in the hay fields and love to learn about the lord and the Bible thanks I will follow for as long as I live
  • Dr John 59
    Long time listener
    I have been listening to Irvin Baxter for more than 15 years. I have learned so much from him not because he has told me things I have never heard before but because he has been able to explain and greatly increase my understanding. I started with his series “Understanding The Endtime”. I have enjoyed learning from him and Dave Robbins. I recently joined his new platform, “End Of the Age+”. There is a tremendous amount of material available to help you understand God’s Word. May God continue to Bless everyone at Endtime Ministries ...
  • Jrippee
    Yes there is a silver lining
    That’s what it’s all about. I wish all of Gods people could hear this. Thank you Jon Rippee
  • Buggy Sprint
    Too much advertising lately
    I LOVE THIS PROGRAM..... but the amount of time spent on advertising is too much. The last podcast I listened to had 9 minutes of advertising before the real material started. After personally talking about the holy lands, a prerecorded commercial for the Holy Lands immediately followed. I understand your passion for visit ing the Holy Lands, and I’m sure a visit there is life changing. There are many of us that will never be able to visit, for my family we can easily afford it but medical issues make it impossible. We appreciate your ministry but please don’t loose sight of what is important. Jerusalem bible college is available to all listeners and much more valuable for its life changing ability. We love you brother.... but it’s starting to sound like an infomercial.
  • Fltrker
    Long time listener.
    Love Irwin and how he has deciphered and chronicled the last day prophesies. I never can wait to see what his take is on the latest currant affairs. Dave is great also. But Dave, please quit snorting up phlegm during the broadcast. Thanks.
  • Sparky5565
    End time ministries
    Less TV at night and more ET minisreis podcasts. God richly bless you for reavealing the many mysteries in Gods word.
  • #Thunder00#
    The Best!
    I love this ministry. I refer everyone who is curious or confused about current events to this podcast.
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