Apologia Radio


Gospel Driven, Hard Hitting, Culturally Relevant

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Recent Reviews
  • Philip Heard
    Solid Theology
    Highly recommend if you are interested in a solid Christian worldview.
  • AZ_DaveB
    Grace and love…
    Who believes Christianity is about legalism?
  • Noticing 📺🐑
    Trump ‘24
    Trump ‘24
  • 1689 reformed
    Love it
    You give a great reformed view of what’s happening now.
  • Ajobean
    You’ll be arrested
    If you go to the mills, you could lose your freedom. Find another path.
  • Thermalkat
    Those giving one star reviews obviously don’t really listen to the podcast. It’s a good show, only stop saying “like” so often. I disagree with Postmillennialism but they’re still solid guys. And Durbin looks like he could be Nicolas Cage’s kid brother, no? Thanks.
  • Carrie1496
    Spreading Misinformation
    Misrepresents Catholicism. If Jeff doesn't know he shouldn’t comment, he has no idea what the Pope actually said about Gay Marriage blessings, and thinks we believe in our own works meriting heaven. I have even more, he says “Mary Co-Redemtrix” and doesn't even understand what that actually means. He is purposefully spreading misinformation. That’s pretty low.
  • Hipshack
    Misleading.. beware the hypocrisy
    You can’t be a Trump supporter and a Christian at the same time as they cancel each other out. These guys are ignorant-evil magats parading as a Christian show. They couldn’t be further from Christ’s teachings.
  • Janice Fahy
    If your God is not wise enough to lead you AWAY
    From a man like Trump, your God is probably Satan.
  • Kayla in WA
    Love it! Great info!
    Thanks so much for taking time to do what you guys do! We love it! I have questions 1. With your end abortion now ministries can we get connected with the adoption side of things if we would like to adopt? 2. Where can we find the documentary you guys talk about? That you guys were just about to release? I can’t find it Thanks so much!
  • SharkNateO_
    A brilliant Reformed approach to theology, apologetics, and cultural issues. God bless your work.
  • Kimsoemwi
    Too graphic
    The episode about the Israel attack on by the Hamas was too graphic, which was unexpected. Also, so much small talk before discussions begin in general.
  • londoncalling797
    rotten fruit
    these guys are so mad - there’s no empathy for anyone in them
  • Apchicago7
    This podcast lacks biblical scholarship and compassion for the human experience. It is the right wing authoritarian version of Christianity that is produced to support modern political talking points. It’s biblically inaccurate and cherry picks and nitpicks doctrine and the Bible to fit the narrative that suits their personal agenda, which to be fair, is exactly what apologists from every faith background/religion do. It’s dishonest. Also, some stuff in this pod is laughably ignorant due to the lack of ability to critically think about anything. Please, let’s use our brain power and really think about these talking points. Then, I challenge anyone reading this review to read their Bible cover to cover. Note all contradictions. Then think about why there are contradictions and what it means about the accuracy of the Bible and it’s translations and how different apologist groups use different verses and translations (and not others) to defend their personal beliefs (not God’s). You don’t need this podcast. All the answers are quite literally found within the pages of the 50ish modern versions of the English translation of the Bible.
  • zipporah the hipporah
    Love it
  • 2222111114444332112334
    I love Yeshua
    Jesus is Lord!
  • TDogforChrist
    Great channel!!
  • Ldchil1
    This is real light in our Dark world! When you watch the news and wonder how we will ever survive, THIS proclaims how we reForm reVive and reStore!
  • Judah A. Grubb
    To Jeff Durbin
    Hello, Apologia Radio. My name is Judah Grubb, and I have always agreed with your stance on Scripture and Reformation. I’m a Reformed Baptist, also post-mil if you want to get really deep, and out of all the things that you guys have said, I have never once disagreed. Jeff Durbin, you probably don’t remember this, but I was a kid that came up to you and said that Texas is in the south. I’m also Noah Grubb’s brother. I believe you know Noah Grubb. If you ever want to get in contact with me, just ask Noah Grubb for my email. Keep building the Kingdom of God!
  • maseyboycross
    Do not listen to the haters, this podcast is spectacular and does a fantastic job of furthering the Lord’s Kingdom?
  • The Rasmussens
    Not afraid to speak TRUTH
    Thank you for content that is deeply rooted in rich theology + biblical truths. We need more people, more churches, and more pastors like you all! Thank you for being real + showing the importance of spreading the true Gospel.
  • JG77777777777777
    Latest Episode
    This last episode is so good. You guys explained everything so eloquently and seeing it now, how could you unsee it? I don’t think I’d fully thought through the pro-life and abolitionist arguments. You guys are spot on. God bless you 💛
  • WisePeace55
    Bigotry cloaked in religion. It’s so sad when people claim to speak the word of Jesus and all they do is preach hatred. No empathy, no attempts find a common ground, just dismissal and disrespect. Such a shame for people who have a platform to use it in this way. It’s God’s job to judge, not ours. Love thy neighbor.
  • Blood veiled
    Inefficient Info
    I love the content when they finally get to it but I stopped listening to this podcast because you have to listen to at least 30 minutes of random chat on basically nothing until they actually start talking about the featured topic. It just feels like a waste of time. Maybe if there was a time stamp of when they started the real conversation, that would suffice.
  • lalaM89
    Love this podcast I watch you guys on YouTube also and y'all are speaking Gods truth no sugar coating just straight up and that's what I like to hear keep up the good work thank you !! Makes me want to join and make my own podcast
  • AbbyM97
    A must-listen!
    Wow, what an amazing podcast that is bold, fun, loving, and preaches God’s truth! These people are real and make me want to follow Jesus more. Thank you for your faithfulness to address the wickedness of the world and point out our need for God.
  • BearcreekAZ
    Sye Ten Bruggencate
    “You can’t call me a fornicator unless you believe in the Calvinist, Christian God; and, you do believe in the Calvinist, Christian God because I said you do, but you still can’t call me a fornicator. Finally, even if I am a fornicator, that doesn’t disqualify me from ministry because I’m not a pastor or an elder of a church.” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • Jay224Ant
    Don’t listen to the haters
    Most of the negative reviews are either: nitpickers about the most minimal things, whiners about the fact these guys believe in God’s sovereignty and that Christ’s Lordship applies to everyone on earth, or “Christians” who want to compromise with the world and “weep with those who weep” about not being able to murder their unborn babies. Glad to see the great majority of reviews are positive! Though I have to agree sometimes their into is way too long lol, but still great stuff nonetheless once they get into the topic(s) at hand.
  • A. Sandman
    Often attacks straw men
    This may seem an odd statement to some given that Durbin et al. seem to throw that one at others often, and yet ironically it seem to be proven true all the same for them as well. Let me be clear—these are true brothers and sisters in Christ, and they preach a true gospel. They do many good works that we should all rejoice over. However, their rhetoric is a problem as is their frequent equivocation. They use simplistic plausible arguments that in the end over generalize, and they do so with great confidence and rhetorical force. This may give the appearance of accuracy from conviction, but the latter does not necessitate the former. Ironically again, with the deep concern they have for not looking like the world, they seem to have mirrored it with that tactic. The best example I can give is in the show they did with John Frame on “Escondido theology”. Whether you agree with Two-Kingdom doctrine or not, their treatment of it was one of the most ridiculous misrepresentations I’ve yet to hear on the topic or any topic. This should shock and disgust us. That is either negligently lazy or willfully deceptive. It is not becoming of a Christian minister or anyone with a public platform. This is because the distinctives that Apologia holds up so high have become the driving force of everything they do, and not in a healthy way. They have misunderstood the Great Commission in some ways and made their eschatology the ruling paradigm for why they do whatever they do. Not only that, they could argue with a fence post about the size of a grain of sand. There is a time to be silent too, not only a time to speak up. I appreciate in many ways their motivations and assume them to be pure. But in the final assessment they seem functionally driven by their culture war far more than anything else, despite their claims to the contrary.
  • theredn
    It's a good Christian intellectual show but the intro is waayy too long.
  • Thewop33
    Daily Routine
    Make this podcast part of your daily routine. The pursuit of God is one of motion, pressing on toward the goal that is Christ Jesus. This podcast will push you and never allow you to be stagnant in your faith.
  • 🎤Ryan preach it!
    Not your average Christians
    This podcast was interesting till.....i realize they are your kind of worldly christians that talk nonsense for a long time, and then after all that talking they dont even say anything representing the bible. Just a few things about God then thats it. Very disappointing theres no glory to glory around here. Sadly in these days you will have people that need to fit into the world to gain the world.
  • Martanian Simpleton
    Thank You Apologia
    God has opened my heart to standing bold for the gospel in love through Apologia. I’m a public school teacher who lives in Salt Lake City and I oftentimes would remain silent when members of the LDS church would say, “We believe in Jesus too.” I got tired of being silent. God taught me through Apologia that his word alone is the foundation for which we can stand bold in faith. I don’t need to be good at arguing or counter arguing or learning every depth of every religion to stand for the Way. God defends himself through His word. Nothing can stand next to it. All I need to know is Gods word. I refuse to teach “billions of years” and Darwinian evolution in science class because it is religious indoctrination. Thank you, Apologia, for teaching that no view is neutral. You either stand on God’s word, or you do not.
  • hello123446789
    Excelente 🤩🤩🤩
    My absolute favorite podcast! I was reading through some other lower reviews and many say they are arrogant, they banter, and they don’t reference scripture enough. But I think these people probably only listened to one episode because literally every episode they start out reading a passage of scripture that applies to the subject at hand. And also reference other passages throughout. As for the banter at the beginning of the show, I don’t mind it, I think it is often funny and interesting. You can definitely tell these people are best friends off and on camera and love each other dearly. But I could see someone just wanting to hear the meat of the issue without the banter.As for them being arrogant I can see that a little bit in some instances but I think overall they try their best to speak the truth in love! After all they are not perfect. but I think they strive to represent themselves and the Bible accurately! Abortion abolition ministry is outstanding I am so thankful that these guys are stepping into the public square and being bold about the holocaust of the unborn. Uncompromising!!🔥🔥🔥 Also their intro is AMAZING!!! 🤩🤩🤩 Douglas Wilson’s and James white’s quote are fire!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Conclusion- good podcast. Must listen.
  • EnviousEnd
    Great podcast. Highly recommend you give it a listen.
  • Carlos Rivera
    1st time listener and now a subscriber
    A tell it as it is podcast for these tumultuous times.
  • Mt.6:24
    Jesus’ most neglected teachings...
    More people & podcasts are talking these days about the things Jesus taught (in the 4 gospels), but there are a few of his teachings that almost never get serious coverage. Several references (EXCLUDING the “rich young ruler”) are made in Luke about selling all of one’s possessions & giving to the poor and then this teaching is shown to be taken seriously by the time we get to the book of Acts (end of chapters 2 & 4). Another powerful & often neglected paradigm-changing (IF taken at face value) teaching of Jesus is found in Mt. 6:24; Lk. 16:13-14). This has been called the “Two Masters teaching”, one being God/Love and the other/opposite one being money. What would Christianity look like, both inside its confines and to the world at large, if these teachings were given much more serious consideration and application? Take a leap of faith and dive deep into these teachings! ✌🏼
  • That guy85
    Always something learned that’s biblically accurate
    Pastor Jeff
  • Cajun4Liberty
    Self absorbed and Pharisaical
    This fella Durbin uses alot of “I” in his talks and sounds pharisaical in his rants on abortion. Did Jesus call the woman at the well a cheater and adultress? Did he excoriate every sinner in the synagogue or in the countryside? No, their own sin through the Holy Spirit convicted them...He offered them life. You call these women murderers...words are supposed to have meaning...stop bloviating and assailing folks’ character and acting shocked that folks who are not followers of Christ vote against matters of His law.
  • ⚡j man⚡
    5 stars
    Soli deo gloria
  • noshane
    Bold, but...True?
    In a world where mainstream Christianity is compromising and conforming to the world, I appreciate the boldness I hear from them...BUT, I completely disagree with most of the theology presented here. I challenge everyone to examine the Scriptures with an openness and childlike faith, free from the presuppositions of theological constructs. I also sense a spirit of arrogance toward anyone that disagrees with their views, whether inside Christianity or not. The stench of pride should not be anywhere near a Christian. That is a dangerous place to be. Blessings Brothers.
  • anderson2004
    Really Good!
    Love this podcast! Keep it up! Listen to the podcast cast before jumping to conclusions on what you think! See so many do that when you read reviews! There are always biblical and can talk straight truth! So good!
  • aallen554
    When they get to the topic it’s worthwhile
    I fast forward 5-15 minutes and sometimes the “banter” between hosts is finally over and they’re on to the topic. I don’t care to hear about their weekends and their inside jokes. I want the issues .and once they get to the issue at hand it is generally quite on point. Definitely biblically based folks.
  • frozenangel19
    I am truly disappointed. I’ve listened to a few of your podcasts, and I enjoyed them and felt like my faith was being strengthened. That being said, KEEP THE POLITICS OUT. You will find that people who love Jesus with all their hearts disagree with your political take. I didn’t come here to hear about politics, I get enough of that elsewhere. I came in order to learn about the gospel.
  • p.murdock96
    Stop. And listen.
    This podcast is full of great truths and tough, God fearing men who don’t back down from those truths and will confront the culture that goes against them. I’ve read through the comments here. What many don’t understand is the Bible does not call us to be weak door mats to society. It calls us to preach the truth and confront the sinful society. Many have an issue with how boldly, or how fiercely these men confront sin. They want them to be “nicer”. They want them to be more “gentle”. Understand that these are, from my own witness, some of the most loving and caring men you’ll ever hear. They are gentle and nice where it is called for. And when it is called for them to be warriors, that they are. If you want a Bible centered, society confronting, strong, podcast to listen to, that is what you’ll find here. Don’t be overly sensitive. Read your Bible and ask yourself if that’s really who Paul was. Or David. “Sensitive”. Psssh Give this show a listen. And grow in strength.
  • playa1978
    Mince words? Never.
    These folks don’t play around when it comes to being honest about the scriptures. There’s no time to be gentle and timid when we are losing Christians to the culture everyday. Thankful for this team and what they’re doing to end abortion, evangelize Mormons and discuss real topics that Christians need to think about. Keep bringing the 🔥
  • Whitley McQuiston
    Highly recommend
    Full of biblical truth and sound doctrine. Grateful for this ministry.
  • Giselleee_e
    I really enjoy listening in my free time !
  • veritas18
    Used to be a fan
    I was really excited about this podcast when I first found it a few years back, and was relatively new to the reformed world. I loved Jeff’s apologetics and strong stance on abortion and even donated to their End Abortion Now campaign. The content has gotten considerably worse, but honestly the worst part is their tone towards people who disagree with them. It just drips with arrogance. I’ve seen others point this out to them on social media and it they always cry “tone policing”, which is a great way to not listen to criticism. The nail in the coffin for me was seeing the way the hosts and elders in their church behave online. It seems the hosts believe they have the corner on biblical truth and how to engage with the culture, and so anyone who disagrees is mocked. I would not recommend this show.
  • Amh212610
    Can’t Listen Any Longer
    Arrogant Christian who forgets that you can have strong theology while also weeping with those who weep.
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