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Mary in OKCNot my cup of teaLove your podcast but not her.
Ashish Goel, a devoteeInspiration and relatableRick’s podcast inspires me every day - the contents have meaning for my growth and inner peace. His style is talking with people and not lecturing.
DME_SkiRick Archer is An Awesome InterviewerLove the show. Great interviews. My top favorite so far is the January 11, 2024 with David Doyle. I hope Rick and David get back together to continue their conversation. Thank you.
Bird lady22HelloEvery time a new episode downloads. It’s like a little Christmas present for my soul that I look forward to unwrapping!🎄💜
guy in okcToo much wooPsychics, channelers, planetary healers, futurists, parapsycholgists, reiki practitioners, reincarnated people, friends of angels and other higher beings, etc. along with a few “mainstream” scientists, social activists and religious teachers and scholars. Even some fairly traditional Buddhists. Very fuzzy overlap of speculation, exploration, self promotion and maybe some delusion. A lot of shiny happy-looking folks who seem to have ego-driven ideas and projects. I thought Buddhism was about humility. Value? Depends on your own knowledge, biases and interests. A big haystack of perceptions, thoughts and claims.
WasafanbutSo many griftersI keep listening to this podcast, but it’s so hit or miss. So many spiritual grifters are given a voice. In one latest episode the person wrote nooks that seemed plagiarized from older sources like Manly Hall and claims to run an NGO, but the website for it lauds or publishes no concrete recent activities and is just filled with well-crafted statements about goals and such. I’ve had years of looking at works like those by this person and now try to vet more carefully before giving them money. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing—all light and love and God/Higher Power, and vapor ware.
SahjaFor all spiritual seekersI wish I knew about this podcast when it first started or even within the first couple of years, but I am so grateful I have found it now. I have been listening for several months and I am up to the 2013 episodes because I listen to them from the beginning. Rick is an amazing interviewer, he has beautiful respect for all of his interviewees. Some of them he knows, some of them are his friends. And some are well know spiritual leaders and teachers. He does do diligence with his research before he interviews someone so he gets an idea of their personality, and their beliefs, and their teachings. You always learn something. Even when I think this content is not for me this particular episode, I listen anyway, and it always turns out that I learn something useful. I'm not awake 24/7 yet but I definitely have a very strong intellectual understanding and I know that my life has improved greatly since coming across this continent, and starting to do meditation practices. I highly recommended for everyone. Especially those who think they don'thave anything left to learn, because we are always learning. It's never ending. 😉
majic boxThis is a valuable podcastIt took me awhile to fully realize and appreciate the value of the conversation and open my mind to not judge the guests but to listen to them. Please bring on Rupert again.
Hi Bus DriverBatgap artI listen to batgap while I paint in my studio. The interviews give me a recharge of belief in the kindness of people, which I think shows in the paintings. Thank you, Rick!
velodan777Its a non dual spiritually oriented podcast OK?Been listening for years, and this podcast is really the pinnacle of spiritual seeker type interview programs. Approaching 600 now host Rick Archer has a Transcendental Meditation background and personally knew Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (The Beatles guru). Earlier interviews (started 2009) were with people he knew from the TM movement. The show is specifically non dual spirituality oriented (Eastern mysticism derived) Some of his interviews claim advanced spirit knowledge and experiences. Many have books out and Ph.Ds. Rick doesn't censor his guests or argue their views. He may challenge them to expand on what they're explaining, but what they believe is open to the audience to accept or reject. Rick also will take interviews down if credible reports of immoral/unethical behavior becomes an issue or if behavior is such that a past interview appears to have been deceptive. If one is interested in getting an eclectic education on whats out there. This is the place. PS Rick does openly reject fear based conspiracy theories and postures.
3vo!vEAll GoodWalk in Beauty
HardestworkindamePowerfulFor me these days, this podcast is like going to church or synagogue. There are moments in every episode I’ve listened to that make my heart soar the way it does when you listen to an inspiring sermon. At my age, staying grounded in a sense of knowing that there is so much more to life than whatever “this” is…that’s the fuel that keeps me growing and creating. I’m totally addicted to Batgap, in a good way.
LittleSnowBitsExcellent podcastGreat podcast in general, I didn’t know much about this topic before.
LordeFellSometimes interesting guestsI’m consistently baffled by the hosts lack of knowledge about Buddhism. He seems to not understand the basics. For a podcast with Buddha in the title, you’d expect him to quote the sutras, rather than consistently mentioning the Gita, etc. From a Buddhist standpoint, much of what he says exemplifies WRONG VIEW.
BonJardStill goodThis show is still good despite the fact that Rick hasn’t learned much over the years about interview style. He still likes to interject his own story and history to the guests and forgets that frequent listeners have heard it over and over again. I can almost repeat what he’s going to say about being an 18-year-old kid, and living a messed up life. What 18-year-old kid isn’t?? is what I always wanna say. He acts like being on drugs and getting arrested at 18 is unusual. At any rate, if he wants to tell his story to the guest, he should have a conversation prior to the interview because the listeners have all heard it a thousand times. Also, stop interjecting your pet peeves into the conversation. We all know what you think about unethical spiritual teachers and if you want to tell the guests about your organization to prevent abuse, do so before the show because again, we’ve all heard of 1000 times. Still love the show however because he does manage to get brilliant guests to come on and most of the time, he asks good questions.
SapoFishValidating !Just listening to these interviews has opened me so much! They’re not only informative, but life-changing! I profit from gaining validation for things and experiences that some would describe as out of the ordinary.
alaneyogaCan’t tolerate his voiceThe host’s voice is so annoying I can’t even listen to the interesting guests. He sounds very immature. He has no eloquence while speaking, which makes it difficult to listen. His podcast with Kavitha Chinnaiyan could’ve been fascinating, if it was just her speaking. Within four minutes he managed to insult the cover of her book, her religion, and her Hindu culture. He even uses the phrase, ooga booga. He said he’d read her book, “almost in it’s entirety.” Prepare yourself professionally for your guests.
HezGoldieLife changing podcastThis content has given me a deeper and more vast understanding of life on such a macro level that it’s brought peace to my mind like nothing else could have. I am so grateful for Rick, Irene and all of the wonderful guests. I get kernels of knowledge that directly apply to my own life in every episode and those bits and pieces affect my daily life in a very positive way. Anyone who stumbles across this podcast is extremely lucky. After losing my husband at a young age and parenting a child on my own this podcast has helped me find the lessons I’m meant to learn In order to grow and expand in ways I’m meant to in this life.
Wilderness ArtistWhat a great gift this show is!If 5 awakened people walked into a bar…..well, I related to the heart-centered soul! So words cannot express the insights, joy, community that these interviews give freely. What a great gift Rick and his guests give week after week. So much gratitude for bringing light into the world, especially though a platform free and open for all. Raising the vibration of the planet one question or shared thought/experience at a time…..
peacegarden365Food For Elevated ThoughtI feel truly fortunate to have access to this ongoing stream of elevated, expansive thought. My favorite so far is #605 with Chelan Harkin bc it perfectly embodied the stated mission of BATGAP. Chelan -- humble , inspired , breaking into the earth's stratosphere as a mystic poet . Loved the story of her journey , how she struggled in her cocoon, reached maturity, busted out, implored her muse , emailed with a mentor ... and then saw beautiful synchronicity that lit up her current trajectory . Yes, we can all be Buddhas if we stay open to learning and growth, cultivate our laser focus , do the work, and ask for exactly what we want.
Feather 55Words cannot expressHow much I value Batgap. I’ve been listening for a few years now and it has provided me much spiritual sustenance. Thank you Rick and Irene!!!
patiencecatamaracaHost is cringyI love the guests! I would pay money to have a version of these interviews with Rick’s voice cut out. He goes on and on and tries to impress with quoting other people. He cuts off his guests constantly. He is insufferable!!
Cat Mom Vegan PoetAn important spiritual platformI have been so enriched by this show for the past few years and I have learned an immense amount from the various guests Rick Archer has hosted. I am so grateful that I discovered it. Over time though though I have noticed that it lacks diversity, tending to only highlight a rather privileged, elite few - white, highly educated, often female (who Mr. Archer tends to get along well with). As someone who's lived all around the world and who is a kind of radical, I find it a bit staid and old guard in need of resuscitation and relevance. There are still diamonds here but it is important to open your minds and look beyond the status quo lest it simply be 'Buddha at the White Pump.'
visitlynnMy portal to peaceSo wonderful! Thank you BATGAP Team!!
golgikanjiRichRich is perhaps not blessed with agility—but he is good-natured, tireless, and means well. Often enough his guests are interesting and have important things to say. Thumbs up !
Kim🙏🏼So good 🙏🏼Rick is a phenomenal interviewer. At times it may be a bit too intellectual for me, but mostly i enjoy listening, and learn and grow from each interview. The longer format gives the time needed to really delve deeply into important topics. The question answer portion at the end is often the best part. Thank you Rick! 🙏🏼❤️
AwareWolf1311🙄This gas pump must only fill the cars of the wealthy. Never heard so many stories of people who have a entire life of free time and no responsibilities. I wish..
A-BeauGrateful for TheseI like to take long walks and have gotten so much out of these interviews/discussions while walking with earphones in.
yoginicharliniWhat a giftThis podcast was introduced to me by a few friends and I’m so glad I finally succumbed and listened. It’s been such a gift to listen to these wonderful & inspiring people as they share their knowledge and help to guide. Thank you so much for this!
LucyJoy RLife changingThank you 🙏
ThecrabletRay HernandezA big fan Of B at the GP for a long time. And a big fan of Rey Hernandez and his fabulous account of adventures in consciousness. Listening to this great interview, Rick is a cut above when it comes to interviewing his guests; good questions and comments without hijacking the show as many do. I count myself as "awake" and had a "unitary being" experience with 5MeODMT last year and Rey says all those elements are "ONE" - just so helpful. Thanks
andyraufGift to HumanityRick is uniquely qualified to conduct these life-changing conversations with awakening & highly initiated people on subjects related to enlightenment and their own personal spiritual journeys a way that will not only inspire you, but give many hints as to who & where to seek your own further “continuing education”...truly the BEST thing I have found on the internet!
Anirudh.kopparthyWorth your time !How come someone has only 269 reviews only ? one of the amazing podcasts I have been listening to such an incredible and diverse people Rick is bringing to his show. I hope this spread widely.
SolarhippoInspired me, incredible guestsI really enjoyed this podcast, years ago it was the first podcast I listened to. It helped inspire me to have my own show as well.
JaiMex999Amazing libraryI have listened to about 490 episodes of this amazing podcast. The best way I can describe it is as a depository or an archive of a very diverse body of voices of people who are in the awakening process. Most of them provide some anecdotes that help listeners relate to their own awakening process. All of them share the teachings that they learned or that they share with others. Rick Archer is a great interviewer with an amazing vocabulary and knowledge of the subject matter. I’d suggest to just listen to the interviews in the chronological order of when they were released and skip them if you don’t like the person being interviewed. You could also use the website to find the interview you are looking for by topic, tradition, or other categories. The serious spiritual community is in great debt to this free podcast that is also available on YouTube for free. Kudos to Rick, his wife, and all the people who help make this possible.
Matt KeisterWhat a giftI feel so lucky to have access to this, as I’m sure others must as well. Rick does a great job and brings on a nice variety of guests, from no nonsense nonduality folks to those coming from a more metaphysical angle, i.e. channelers. Thanks and keep up the amazing work.
BlazersAxeAn Important Friend on the PathBuddha at the Gas Pump has been a wonderfully helpful resource for me as I have sought to understand and integrate big shifts in my life and consciousness. BATGAP has also really worked hard to have diverse guests and, recently, excellent gender balance. I do wish that the host would give a little more space for the guests to flow rather than feeling a need to "agree" about points or inject his own views time and again. But, the longform format is uniquely suited to bringing out the guests personal stories and spiritual perspectives. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful labor of Love!
Sports123789Enlightening and importantRick provides a gift to humanity with this show. Fascinating guests and love the long format.
Inspiron6000InspirationalGreat guests with varied topics. I think the host stays very engaged and is a great interviewer. He knows when to push the interview forward and when to circle back for clarification and most importantly unlike many podcast hosts, Rick does not overwhelm the discussion with his own agenda. He seems truly curious about his guests and his obvious intelligence enhances the discussion. The podcast is thought provoking and inspirational.
Joy1971upIncredibly Helpful!Wish there were more male guests instead restricting the rules to it has to be a woman one week and a man the next. This is 2019 women stand in there own. If I was a female guest on your show I would want to know that you chose me because I was the best person for that week and not because you had to have a female.
Amber LundeenFavorite PodcastI’ve been listening to this podcast for about 4 years off and on. Never disappoints. I always feel better after listening to it. Plus my book list is forever growing thanks to this show. Thank you Rick for your dedication!
MacJedMy favorite podcastMy life has literally changed from the inside out since listening to Batgap. It seems like through every interview there is a small piece of the universe that is exposed. So many interesting experiences to draw from, as well as multiple paths to spirituality. Rick Archer is a wonderful interviewer and I actually consider him my first spiritual teacher/guide. Thanks Rick and Irene!
Marg108beadsinamalaMs.This is absolutely my favorite podcast. I've listened to at least half (if not more) of Rick's interviews and many more than once. He's a terrific interviewer and has done a real service by providing these fascinating interviews with people from a broad spectrum of spiritual approaches. Highly recommended!
cshaynerunPrasannan JyotishAmazing interview on Jyotish. Prasannan explains the principles very well.
evayoumeRickI agree. Rick is well meaning but doesn’t know much about interviewing It’s a shame.
MariannePestanaInspiring & InformativeRecently found this podcast and so glad that I did! The host has such intelligent questions, and the guests have been extremely inspiring. Can’t wait to see what interviews Rick does next!
Black MagickAlways funI love the variety of guests and topics and how deep things go. Intelligent, funny and always welcome in my earbuds.
ElizaWritesGreat resourceRelaxed and often fascinating, I rush to listen each time a new interview is posted. Rather than focusing solely on big teachers, one gets to hear people across many disciplines describe their personal impressions of “awakening” and how such has affected their lives. Great resource for those who relate yet may have limited access to a personal teacher who might guide through effects/symptoms. I’m tempted to think awakening is becoming a new normal. Dare we hope? :)
christopherslaymakerAmazingThis show has enriched my life beyond any other body of work in any field, what a collection of beautifully liberated hearts and minds.
metariotNew daily habitThis podcast has changed my life. Thank you 🙏🌿
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