RotoWire Fantasy Baseball Podcast

Baseball #31

Jeff Erickson, Clay Link, James Anderson, Scott Jenstad, Todd Zola, Fred Zinkie, Erik Halterman and Ryan Boyer cover fantasy baseball year round, including draft prep, strategy and much more!

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Recent Reviews
  • chadspencercountryclub
    Never miss
    I play in 6 leagues mostly NFBC and a new (6 year) player and never miss this show great actionable information and extremely likeable intelligent and rational hosts. A great listen
  • Lefties are Deceptive
    Excellent information
    Professional approach. I am a high stakes roto and the information is actionable. Great job
  • rsands9
    Great pod
    I’m a fan of Jeff, James, Scott, Todd, Clay, Fred and the gang. The Rotowire podcasts are in-depth but also easy to understand for the casual fan. They don’t overdo the new pitching analytics that seem more for the enjoyment of the hosts than the listeners. If you’re into dynasty there’s no one better than James Anderson so he’s a must listen and read. Make this pod part of your regular rotation!
  • R-Pro Dart
    I don’t listen to most of the episodes
    I only listen to the episodes when the guy who talks prospects is hosting or Ryan Boyer is on.
  • Frozen Tundra at FPAZ
    Excellent pod
    I listen to quite a few and this is my favorite fantasy BB podcast. Highly recommended!
  • RotoVol
    No pronouns guys!
    Great podcast, great insights. One (major) item: Hosts need to institute a ‘no pronoun’ rule. They mention a player’s name once, then will talk about the player for 3-4 minutes without mentioning the name again. We listeners are passive at times listening to 60+ minute podcasts. Please don’t use ‘he’ anymore, always say the player’s name instead of ‘he’ or ‘him’. Will help us listeners!
  • Chris Hoyler
    Great + Bad = Good
    The bad: I’d rather the feed go back to having no weekend shows than deal with Chris Crawford for another season. The great: Other than that, arguably the best set of fantasy baseball voices aggregated in one place every week between Erickson, Zinkie, Anderson, Zola, Link and Jenstad.
  • Telestar1
    Fun and Informative
    This podcast is excellent for fantasy baseball enthusiasts - in season you get 5 weekly podcasts that cover the recent news, injuries, and players to consider adding. The Rotowire hosts and their guests also let you know their varying opinions and let you make up your mind. Thanks to Jeff Erickson, Scott Jenstad, Clay Link, and Todd Zola. James Anderson does an outstanding job on prospects and is an excellent host also.
  • tommzmust1
    Ooze of Negativity
    Negative Jeffy strikes again!! Why are you such an “Ugh” guy!? When you were a kid and you went to Disney World with your parents were you always “ugh what’s next?” Cheer up buttercup!
  • GNWWdegs
    Valuable Sunday night insight
    For those of us on the West Coast, this is another great chunk of research & content from the RotoWire crew. Jeff Erickson’s institutional knowledge and quips make this entertaining and insightful, and he & host Scott Jenstad interact well with the YouTube audience.
  • Instantly has become the best
    One of the best
    One of my favorite fantasy baseball podcasts. Question for the hosts, though: what value is there in a Monday FAAB podcast? FAAB is over. It’s on Sunday. This and a few other pods have a “what happened with FAAB” podcast. The only value i see in it is that it gives content when there’s nothing else to talk about. Still my favorite, and this podcast isn’t the only offender. But the Monday FAAB podcasts are a waste of time.
  • nschivley
    Talk into your mic, Jeff!
    The content for this show is really good, but the volume issues make it pretty much unlistenable at this point. Jeff yells the first half of his sentences and then either looks away or mumbles the second half of his sentence to the point where you can’t hear him. It’s infuriating. Talk into the mic, Jeff!
  • DThomas1238
    Just an awful podcast
    Bad sound, obscure talking points, dude is hacking up a lung into the mic the whole time, too many tangents. Brutal, brutal listen.
  • BigRodYes
    Cite your players with their teams.
    Great and knowledgeable podcast. I follow baseball. A’s upcomers I do not know. Getting into fantasy baseball. So If you’re trying to grow your audience you should associate players with their teams. Talking sleepers and I’m googling which team’s prospect you’re referring to. Like I know who CJ Abrams is but if you didn’t he was never associated with the nationals in your back and forth. Regardless of that good stuff all around 👍🏻
  • Mr. Wat
    Best weekly podcast 🎙️⚾️✨
    I listen to a lot of fantasy baseball podcasts and these guys are my favorite week in and week out! Great way to set the start of the fantasy week throughout the season.
  • Thomas in NY
    Fix the sound
    Stop yelling and talking over each other. The ups and downs of the volume is excruciating to listen to and hurts the podcast.
  • steve515151
    A+ for Hosts, A+, for fresh and interesting content, D- for sound technology. (It sounds like they're talking from a bathtub in a cabin in the woods with no electricity.)
  • gamecock football fan
    I trust the value
    The information published on this pod is unique and invaluable. I literally trust these guys with my money. I play in NFBC DC contests.
  • Brewville
    If you drafted Hader, took 20 or so saves and traded him for another need, he wasnt that disappointing. In season management is a large part of season long, especially were the onsie stats (saves, steals) are concerned.
  • PMhodl
    Staple pod in ffb industry
    Jeff and co are a model of consistency who regularly have their pulse on the current state of the game and offer actionable insight to improve your fantasy teams
  • Brezel Fan
    Top Notch!
    Both entertaining and at the same time very informative!. Makes my day and something I look forward to regularly
  • WillTheThrill_93
    Something for Everyone
    Love the format and the different perspectives everyone brings each day!
  • JoeMataratz
    Great Podcasts
    These podcasts have replaced radio during my commute. I look forward to anything with James Anderson. Especially when he has other prospect guys as guests. Todd Zola is knowledgeable and so easy on the ears. Clay Link is also very good as a podcaster. Jeff Erickson is also good.
  • IdroppedHerbert
    Prospect updates
    I love the prospect update episodes. Great overall podcast but imo prospect updates are the best. Clay with a great job hosting and James Anderson is the man.
  • Wine expert of the day
    Must listen podcast
    Hey guys, Alex Rinaldi here (Rinaldi224 on Twitter). I listen to this podcast ~3 days a week on average. I’ll NEVER ever miss the Sunday night / Monday morning FAAB recap with Jeff and Scott. I promise you that every serious player listens to that episode each week. If you aren’t, then you’re behind the competition. It’s as simple as that! The Tuesday episodes with Fred (from Yahoo!) have now become one of my favorite series in the industry as well. They have really good chemistry and do a great job bouncing ideas off each other and making you think. The rest of the episodes are great too — there’s something for everyone! You should also follow all of these guys on Twitter and reach out to them. They almost always respond, unless they’re busy, maybe they won’t respond ONCE; seriously, *maybe* one time you won’t get a reply—every other time— they’ll always, always help you out. And they’re just as kind on Twitter as they seem on the pod. So in conclusion, as the title of this review indicates, RotoWire is a MUST LISTEN pod for anyone who’s even remotely serious about fantasy baseball. PS, If you find any value in these pods (which it’s impossible not to; seriously, I’m not joking), then you’ll most likely love the site too. Well worth the $ —> give the free trial a go and you’ll be hooked!! There are so many features to take advantage of, or at the very least, I guarantee the subscription will SAVE you a TON of time. As the saying goes — “time is money” — so really, a subscription to RotoWire is actually going to save you $. That’s a guarantee, or your money back on this (cough, free) review. =)
  • Qk Silver
    Retire Zola
    Dear RotoWire, your pod is great. Your website is great, the mag is great. And I enjoy listening to all your hosts, except for hall of famer Todd Zola. The man is smart, but he’s not verbally intelligent, yet dumps on people for saying “scuffling”, can’t pronounce player names, tries to be funny in ways Jeff Erickson would be embarrassed by, and generally just needs to stop talking. Find literally anyone else to partner w/ Clay on Fridays and you’d improve your already strong product.
  • PaddyO'Boy
    Show focus
    Overall pretty good, but too much focus specifically on the Cincinnati Reds instead of a fantasy focus. We don’t care who you root for and too much time is spent discussing the Reds. Definitely not as good since DVR’s departure.
  • ligov4949
    Best show out there
    Great show with insightful hosts.
  • Coachbulldog
    Essential for Roto-Fantasy Baseball Players
    This podcast is informative, entertaining, and fun. The insight and perspective is always solid. The statistical analysis is thorough but at the same time presented in a way that makes it relevant to most fantasy owners. The inseason analysis is essential in managing your roto/fantasy teams. My favorite thing about this podcast is there is no off season for it. Nothing better than being able to hear roto-fantasy baseball talk during the winter.
  • KellySey
    This is a great show. I listen to all of the fantasy baseball shows and this one is one of the best. They truly know what they are talking about. Thanks guys
  • whocares1112
    Clay/James pods a waste of my time
    Listen to the 4/21/21 prospect pod between clay and james and tell me if you learned a single thing worth ur freaking time. Clay asks james for his best guess as to call-up dates for kiriloff, kelenic, followed by zero follow-up questions/analysis of what type of players/stats we can expect to see... But of course lets waste more time talking about hipster dbag music on this pod as usual (its a BASEBALL POD IDC ABOUT UR MUSIC PREFERENCES AT ALL MY TIME IS VALUABLE I DONT LISTEN TO BASEBALL PODS TO HEAR TWO HIPSTERS TALK ABOUT NON-BASEBALL CONTENT). Then later we spend several minutes talking clarke schmidt, aka a player not even worthy of a 20-team league with deep benches, AKA HOW MANY PPL IS THIS EVEN RELEVANT TO? Forgot to mention how these two routinely gloss over stuff just assuming that the audience is reading the entirety of baseball twitter every day like they do, instead of giving context or perhaps *actionable intel* to the listener. You two vastly overestimate how willing the audience is to put up with ur s**t. If it wasnt for the jenstad/erickson pods on sunday nights (which actually ARE worth my time), i would give this channel 1 * after seeing link/anderson waste my time on several occasions now... but im giving it 4* based solely on the diligence/fandom of jenstad for actually watching the games and giving us actionable intel... One note is plz expound upon statements such as "He looks good/bad" bc id like to hear how/why.
  • mattpiggins
    Talking over each other and long silences
    Seems like it was edited poorly. They frequently talk over each other and in other instances there are long silences. Real miserable to listen to.
  • bill.h.
    Good info but Todd and Clay really need to stop talking at the same time. There’s some sort of long delay, then Todd talks and then Clay talks over top of him. When y’all do this, the pod is borderline droppable. Fix this
  • MustBTrouble
    5 if less Reds talk.
    Great pod except every other episode is half devoted to the Reds. We don’t gaf. pod sounds fine I think a lot of older people listen with degenerative hearing. whoevers hating on the intro song is an old sad white man & should be ignored.
  • aubmister10
    Greatest podcast ever
    Thank you for all the great advice! I also have the fantasypros my playbook. The time and effort you guys put into helping us fantasy baseball novices is much appreciated! Thank you and keep up the great work!
  • Estone2112
    Great Show
    This is an informative and entertaining fantasy baseball show. Jeff is great as are most of the guests. “Mike the Mouth” costs the show a star. Hopefully, he was only a one-off and no a regular because the Podcast is excellent without the goofiness and attempts at humor.
  • bcog20
    Worst Intro Song of any 5 star Poscast
    The content is great. Well thought out and they dig deep for the dynasty/deep league degenerates like myself. Intro song is 0 stars though
  • mrsnich6
    Seriously, are you taking a dump in your bathroom. Put on a headset or set your dates to the 80’s.
  • BillG22
    Always great!
    RW is a great fantasy BB podcast. Content is tops, personalities are entertaining, but easy on the ear, and are dedicated to providing meaningful info and opinion.
  • Jintman
    Great information and HUMOR
    Rotowire is one of the best sources for fantasy info you will find anywhere. Jeff and the rest of the hosts are all knowlegable and informative
  • adameisey
    Enough Reds!
    Man, love the crew at RotoWire and this typically a nice blend of news and analysis but really cannot stand the Reds chatter. Way to understand your audience. Do not need a daily update of a sub .500 team struggling to get into an expanded playoffs. How is that useful to your listeners?
  • JakeTols
    Best baseball podcast out there. Great hosts, awesome chemistry and super useful information. 10/10 would recommend!
  • miles99
    Always whining
    Ok podcast, but the Reds fan whines all the time. Believes he is the only one to have players get injured or underperform. He also talks about the Reds about 20 minutes each podcast. Ian Kahn is terrible has to bring acting into each podcast. Narcissist. Can be a tough listen
  • The Negatorious
    Great variety
    Love all the different perspectives presented from RotoWire
  • jtvazq
    5 Stars
    Great content throughout the year. Keep it up!
  • trentonandrew7
    The content about fantasy baseball is superb, however every other sentence ends with the same word.... EXACTLY. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. AAAHHHH PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL!!!
  • fjaaaa!
    Outfielder/sports moment draft
    I had no interest in listening to the sports moment draft. Once the outfielder part was over I turned it off. The next day I got in my car and the pod picked up where I turned it off. The draft was the best sports item I’ve ever listened to on a pod. Jeff has become an expert in expressing his many interesting thoughts. Scott J is a master at guiding the pod, also providing unique insight. Scott P weaves a tale. The “inner Costas” line painted the perfect picture. Thanks guys.
  • NumbersGuy12433
    Love the show
  • Sportsfan2424
    5 episodes a week
    Look no further for extensive coverage of fantasy baseball throughout the week.
  • ejb1893
    Best Fantasy baseball show out there
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