Radical with David Platt


Radical with David Platt is a podcast that highlights sermons weekly from teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bigmoriver
    Love hearing Pastor read the word
    He seems to love truth and not afraid to say it like it is. Sin in the camp, I need to listen to them again. Loves how he reads the word, then says. “Hey I am not making this statement Jesus is!!!”.
  • Blessed CSR
    I am the vine
    Absolutely the most powerful, informative, life changing message about the true Vine and we, the branches! Pastor, your passionate gift of teaching is anointed by God! I also listen every day to Pray with
  • Billyfennegan
    Encouraging but challenging
    David preaches from an attitude of absolute humility. It is not about him but about the truth from God’s word, not always easy to hear because it might not be comfortable. But it is truth! Being a Christian is not about taking the easiest path or being approved by the world, but is being radical to what is most often so commonly approved. Thank you for putting this out into the world.
  • रुपल
    disgusting and disgraceful
    this podcast is absolutely disturbing and disgusting. people like you are disgraceful to your religion and community. hiding behind religion to push your hateful agenda and beliefs is not what Jesus would do or agree with. people like you brainwash innocent children and people into believing your lies and hateful rhetoric is not making them better people but your creating more violent behavior in people with the hateful one sided narratives. if Jesus were alive today, these same people would shoot him or hang him for standing up against hate, violence and racism.
  • skdlovescats
    I need the word daily!
    This is easy to listen to, sparks a love for God and his word and blesses me.
  • ~Julia Oostdyk, a HUGE fan😊❤️
    This is everything I want to hear! I feel like He is the Lord my God!!!! Keep up the good work, David!! ❤️📖😍 AMEN! 🙏 ~Julia
  • T.A2021
    Good, but a bit too radical
    This is solid teaching, but is it too radical in places? I thought I was radical, but not compared to David’s stuff. Well done sir. anarcho-spiritualism.com
  • thomasonspeaks
    God is doing something here!
    The message here on this podcast challenges my faith and my convictions. Love this Podcast!
  • AmiyahKay
    Love, his faithful preaching.
    He is an amazing pastor. A true pastor. Sure he has mistakes just like every other human being, but he stays true.
  • Hi1234567890111111111111111
    Solid Gospel Truth
    Always get challenged by David Platt and his humble, reverent attitude.
  • conchitabandres
    One of my favorite pastors sharing God’s word boldly
  • Apinney
    Just a pilgrim on a journey
    Thank you for stepping along with me and my family in this pilgrimage. Thank you for the encouragement we get each time we open the word with you. This is a hard race to run but your faithfulness in teaching the truth is a refreshing sip from the Everlasting Well along this difficult journey! Be blessed!
  • ShuckleCuff
    Love the message of truth, but could do without the shouting in the background.
  • Zach2Boss
    Thank you
    It’s amazing to be able to hear the Bible preached by a truly passionate Gospel pastor here in a completely different location. Thank you for preaching the word and for being used by God for my growth, while I’m here in Nashville, TN. Your podcast has been a blessing to me.
  • Manycheers
    Favorite podcasts
    I enjoy all of David Platt’s sermons and books, it is biblical, encouraging and convicting. You can tell David’s joy and passion in and for Christ and it is contagious! These are my go to sermons for car rides, working out, or anytime.
  • Chikabee102
    I wish I could give more stars.
    David’s love of God can be heard in every word he speaks. He is well grounded in the word, and I have yet to hear anything that does not pass the test of scripture. His sermons challenge you in your comfort, encourage you in your walk, and educate you in your seeking; pointing you to scripture every time. No fluff here. If you like his sermons, you’ll LOVE his secret church podcast. I no longer binge watch shows, but I am guilty of binge secret-churching. (You’re welcome for the new verb.) Also, check out “pray the word” with David platt. 3-5 minute deep dive into a scripture, followed by prayer. Great way to start your day as you’re going about your morning routine.
  • JesusizLordJesussavesGodwithus
    Great to listen to as you read the Bible
    David platt is one of the best pastors in the country. You will like this podcast if you like to read the Bible.
  • Recovery Joe
    Not for those wishing to cruise
    A nice marriage, with nice kids, at a nice job equals a nice life is not what this is about. I have seen firsthand how living the Gospel as David presented it years ago st the Church at Brookhills created a desire to change. This desire led to actions of my family members to take steps of obedience to The Lord. This in turn has fueled my daily desire to do likewise. Grateful to see this continuing at MBC and this podcast
  • Andrew Bartosik
    David Platt humbly preaches an honest gospel. Whether you are comforted or challenged, you can trust that what you are hearing is biblically accurate. I hope that you will listen to these valuable teachings, not for the sake of becoming a Platt fan, but rather that you may hear the word of God and be given thy the opportunity to respond however you would.
  • Luke from Delight
    Accurate Biblical Teaching
    David Platt seems to grasp what God is saying throughout Scripture and communicate it extremely well. I am grateful for his ministry!
  • hdhaktgjsufbejdbwv
    Great pastor serving a greater god
    Great pastor serving a greater god and he will exalt god in his sermons. His name will be lifted high. What more could you want in a sermon. God is the greatest thing so the greatest thing we could have is himself!
  • krisdenny
    I love the raw Biblical honesty of Platt regarding marriage. Having my marriage raised from the dead 4 years ago, I realize full well the power of Jesus' truths in our life. Without them we would have failed. The world needs to hear what he is saying and what Jesus taught. He unpacks it so well you can't NOT understand it. Thank you @davidplatt
  • SMLJackie
    Freedom found
    I found such freedom in this teaching from David. I attend a great church with great teaching, but that daily quiet time is taught so often & is not a strong point for me. Thank you for the re-enforcement of my hearts belief that Jesus will use me anyway if I am obedient and available.
  • Queen_esther
    I love the clarity and passion Platt has for proclaiming the the true gospel and helping believers grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. My words do not do justice to describe how thankful I am for this Podcasts and all of Platt’s other sermons. I was feeling convicted lately of my apathy and lack of courage to share the gospel to people. I’ve been struggling with guilt after losing a close family member from cancer and thinking I should have shared the gospel with her more fully and clearly. I would encourage you reading this to please listen to “Mission Precision: Gospel” episode. Platt gives a precise, on-point explanation of the gospel, which does not shy away from the severity of our sin, the sufficiency of Christ’s work, and reality of hell.
  • browndawson98
    The Amen-ers
    Love the sermons, it makes a busy life where sometimes I can’t make it to church feel more rounded. Although.. based off of the couple of podcasts I have listened to I have determined that your “Amen-ers” aren’t actually listening. You should definitely call them out for it. David: “I just drank water” The Amen-ers: Amen! Ameennn! *David literally says or does anything* The Amen-ers: Yeess, Amen AMEN!
  • Alexis Susan
    I love the clarity, the passion and enthusiasm that David always conveys. He sticks to the Bible, keeps it real and views thing with a refreshing simplicity . Thank you Lord for his vision and ministry. It’s a blessing.
  • lh06040502
    Most in-depth, informative Christian podcast I have been able to find. David doesn’t sugar coat Christianity or Jesus, and gives us truths we need.
  • Shjakkcjsjzmdjkskfjrjd
    Love the podcasts and the sermons but might stop listening because of that one woman who keeps on saying amen extremely loudly after every single sentence, needs to chill a little
  • always smiling :)
    Great sermons!!
    It’s worth your time to listen!
  • jwil17583
    David Platt is my go to. I’m always convicted and constantly growing when I listen to him. He has such a passion for the Lord and His Word. It’s Bible and Christ centered. My relationship with Lord is much stronger. I love love love it! David is a great teacher.
  • Macaira King
    Great quality!
    David Platt is easy to follow throughout scriptures and during sermons. He often gives very refreshing perspectives on scripture that will leave you thinking. He also never comes through too load on the recordings. The quality of the podcast is always excellent.
  • ChrstianHam8
    Holy Spirit inspired
    David Platt has become my personal favorite preacher of the best news found in Christ Jesus . Thank you brother David, the Spirit through you has stirred up the Spirit in me . Blessings.
  • Bangarang Rufio
    He’s real and humble. Love how he shares the gospel and returns the mind to truth through the Holy Spirit
  • xxxxxxxxccxcc
    The real reason for the season!
    This is a scripture based, to the point discussion of who and what Jesus is and how He is so vital to each of us.
  • Ash C in the City
    Must Listen
    This is the one podcast that never disappoints. Every time I listen I am always glad I did!
  • ChatandCatch
    Fantastic straight up bible teacher. Passionate pastor calling people to follow Jesus and go tell the world.
  • Bdrish
    Best teaching sermons out there
    David’s sermons are centered around the Word. You will be challenged, encouraged, convicted and grow in your faith and understanding of God’s Word and His character and what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ.
  • CabMo
    Powerful, Bold, Biblical, Truth
    Love it love it love it! This podcast brings honor and glory to His name. It speaks truth and encourages my soul.
  • A kitty cat
    Great teacher Pastor. You’ll love it
  • Michael the Kool Cid
    I loooove this podcast!
    I love the speaker's heart and his biblical focus. Laser spot on!
  • Bometcalfe
    Praise Jesus
    Great preaching that leads me to worship Christ and serve His bride. I share these podcasts regularly with my small group and other volunteers at our church.
  • Kdl555
    This ministry has been a huge blessing in my life. I am thankful to God for David Platt’s teaching. Thanks in part to this ministry I have decided to follow Jesus with my whole heart.
  • Joshua Sun 26
    Biblical GOD-centered Christianity
    Love Platt’s teachings that are true to the Bible’s focus on GOD and HIS great commission. He’s very funny and a great speaker. Been so blessed n encouraged by these sermons. Praise GOD 😊🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
  • Tha Naterr
    Sunday Sermon Everyday!
    God blesses me every time I listen to what he says through Platt. I’m a big fan David and his LOVE for God!
  • RobMesa
    This is a Must Listen
    This podcast has greatly been used by God to radically shift the course of my life. Through these teachings, we are shown a biblically faithful picture of the great God who is all-satisfying and deserving of all our praise. As we see the greatness of this God and His perfect love for undeserving sinners, David Platt accurately leads us to see how the only thing that makes sense for us to do is multiply the image of Christ by making disciples of all nations. Thank you for faithfully teaching His word. By God’s grace alone may he continue to use this podcast, and more like it, to impact the nations for the glory of Christ.
  • Sechrest6510
    One of the best!!
    Gripping sermons. Humorous, true to life, and convicting.
  • Cmaal
    Raw Biblical Teaching
    So grateful at how honestly you present the Gospel. I have grown closer to the Lord because of how he had used you and your willingness to obey him and preach the way you do. Until I heard you peach I thought I was a black sheep for how emotional I would get over people not hearing the gospel, and to know there are people out there doing something about it has been such a blessing to me! Thank you to the Platt family for serving the Lord how you do and everyone involved with this podcast and ministry!
  • Talent33
    Love it
    Thank you David for your biblical teaching. I always start my day challenged, and this time changes me heart for the better by the grace of God
  • B Mardis
    Biblical Truth with Eternal Consequences!
    David Platt is a passionate teacher of the Gospel. This podcast is a great resource, subscribe!
  • Troybeckman
    Gospel truth
    Platt is humble and speaks with humility and truth in a world that wants none. He is an amazing teacher and worth listening to all the time. God has truly blessed his teaching!
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