2 Be Better


We are the 2 Be Better Podcast. Chris and Peaches read emails, answer questions and have hard discussions to help you on your personal growth journey. We are not licensed for anything but we have lived through a lot. Join us. Lets grow!!

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Recent Reviews
  • SH234224
    Sometimes I can make it thru a whole episode, other times they are talking about women on dating apps calling them ‘things’ because Chris doesn’t find them attractive to his standard. Just weird behavior. Its becoming more and more common for me to shut the podcast off within 15 mins. I liked the different perspectives, but the delivery is giving mentally unstable non professionals. Feels like the quality has gone down.
  • Chef Thompson
    We love y’all
    Me and my wife love all your content thank yall for being real
  • Chronically single
    Love this show!
    As a chronically single lady, I find this show insightful and thought provoking. I look forward to applying all that I’ve learned and sharing this show with my next potential partner. Thank you for all the time and effort y’all put into this show!
  • Esparza1985
    Absolutely amazing!
    My wife and I absolutely love this podcast. Extremely helpful insight and advice.
  • yourmomsdream
    I started watching y’all’s clips on Facebook and it has helped a lot thank you !
  • carolinaallen1
    Thank You!
    Thank you for doing what you do, you are helping so many people take accountability for their actions and becoming a better person for their partner.
  • Bubbabeare
    Thank you for spreading your word !!!!!
  • Alex Bynum
    This podcast is giving me LIFE. Its oxygen in todays world. Thank you both so much!
  • TrueCrimeandRealityTv
    12 minutes
    Did you forget to cut the first 12 minutes of random talk about rental house prices, stickers and shipping off packages? We don’t need to hear all of that. Chris is sounding more and more aggressive, a lot of it aimed at Peaches. Yikes.
  • PrivateTomlison
    Turn Table
    Your podcast has made me relook over my life, my relationship, my faith. Thank you for being the good humans you are. Thank you for giving uncommon opinions and really making people mull over their lives. I will forever be grateful.
  • Colquhoun630
    The world needs to hear this podcast and share majority of the opinions and perspectives that are covered because with how the world is running as of today, it’s headed for disaster 1000%. If something drastic doesn’t change for the betterment of how this society operates and egos or pride continues to take priority over growth it is not looking promising!!! Awesome job!! I love this podcast and will continue to tune in, keep up the good work!
  • ksmety
    These two are frauds. Subreddit: 2bebettersnarks
    These people are not who they claim to be. They’re definitely not qualified to give advice when they themselves show a toxic sub/dom and call it a “traditional household.” That’s pretty apparent. Peaches can’t stand on her own two feet and Chris walks all over her. Oh and Chris cheated on his sick wife to be with Peaches and has cheated on Peaches as well. Also does peaches know marriages are public record? Cause her husband is not Chris lolol.
  • Springadam
    Audio issues
    Love the podcast but the volume is off. I have to turn it up all the way to hear but the commercials come on screaming loud
  • Gingersnap941
    5 star show (but)
    I’ve been locked in with this show/podcast since the very beginning. Not only do I respect what you’re doing for us men, but also relationships as well. I also am from Charlotte county and know you from other areas in your life. What you are doing here, Is not only great but needed. In this new age world that seems to frown on being a man, well a true man at least. It’s nice to know that a platform exists for people that still believe in having core values, respect, and discipline. Keep doing what your doing my friends. As I said previously, this platform is not only appreciated but a necessity. From helping with personal growth, to strengthening the relationship with your partner. Keep fighting the good fight sir and ma’am. Almost forgot the but …….. why so many commercials??? Not sure if it’s just this episode or not. But it seemed like every time I started really getting into the conversation. Some other voice brought me out of it. I know the bills need to be paid and all. I’m personally just hoping that it will not be the new “norm”. And if so maybe you find a different way to place them maybe longer commercials making fewer interruptions? Just a suggestion thank you.
  • Im_jellybelly_509
    Best Podcast Ever!
    I’m engaged with my first child on the way and this podcast has helped shed some light on my relationship and how I feel towards things, thank you both for helping and sharing your knowledge with everyone you guys are truly a blessing!
  • Joe746894
    Be wary of these two
    These people are frauds. They have only been together for a couple of years, at most. Chris cheated on his first wife with Peaches and has also cheated on Peaches. He admits to being a cheater. Chris is controlling and condescending to Peaches, who caves and submits to whatever he says. He has a daughter 2 years younger than Peaches. Notice that Chris always finds fault with the woman, never the man (and of course she always agrees with him). These people are the furthest thing from being qualified to give marriage advice. Please anyone who is listening to them, be wary of their advice. They have a power imbalance in their relationship and he is abusing that power. Don’t let him monetize his abuse (and her submissiveness) by listening or following them.
  • SeanD605
    Interesting but ultimately disappointing.
    I found this podcast like most others, on TikTok. I have a partner with BPD, and after being exposed I thought this may be an interesting perspective that may even help me in my own relationship. You know what, it definitely delivered. There’s a lot of good relationship advice and interesting perspectives on here that I plan to implement. So thank you for that. The thing that ultimately turned me off was just the older millennial rise and grind stuff. To be specific, it really got irritating for me in Ep 41, where one of the hosts slaps you with 2 minutes of “anyone who has 3-4 hours a day to dedicate to….” I’m an avid gamer personally both console and tabletop, but regardless of the hobby in particular as it can be applied to any, the insinuation is that spending time in your hobbies is somehow childish and lazy. There were other instances of this kind of mindset, and while it’s absolutely fair for them to have that perspective, for me it was just not the taste.
  • HoppEreview
    Good content, annoying ads
    I have been listening to the podcast for a while now and just now decided to leave a review. The content of the show is really great but recently with the addition of ads it’s becoming frustrating. I don’t mind them doing ads, make your money, but the placement of the ads cutting off conversations is really bad. It kills the power of of what the person speaking is trying to get across when the editor throws an ad in attempting to make it like a cliffhanger. It’s not. Stop doing it. The audio mixing has also went down in quality and in relation to the ads, it’s very annoying. The podcast itself is mastered quieter now and when the ads come in they are 5 times louder. As someone who listens on earbuds, it is jarring to say the least. Enjoy to show but be warned, those ads come in hot and often.
  • kaycehill
    Always forward
    My husband and I have been together for almost 11 years. We have an incredible relationship but self improvement is always necessary. You guys have really helped us be better for each other. Thank you for everything you do. Longtime TikTok follower new to the podcast 👍🏼
  • SlumKay
    Thank you, for everything.
    This podcast came to me when I needed it most. I appreciate everything you both do. I can’t wait to see where this podcast takes you🤍
  • MeganLKing
    Aahhhhh!!!! Episode 41
    Don’t take it personally. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happen. Needed this today!! Love y’all! Thank you!!!
  • Rheuxucntnriaoxnf
    It just doesn’t sit right with me that two random non professionals are giving people relationship advice. They are not professionals but think their word is end all be all
  • Ravergirl717
    I love these guys!
    I found you on tik tok and then started listening to your podcast. It’s so helpful all of the relationship tips. And I could listen to you all day. I love your laughter Peaches🥰
  • Gus0207
    Just wow.
    I’ve been rocking with y'all from the first tiktok you posted. I’ve never resonated and been so conflicted with stand/view points simultaneously until this podcast. You guys make me question myself and I need that. Together in conversation, like a double sided blade, you’re cutting open things I and others didn’t know needed attention, growth, or healing. Thank you both for that. As a borderline the kind of conversations you guys have are essential to everyday survival for me. I throw your content on literally anyone that will listen to me for longer than 60 seconds. You are changing lives. You are good. You are important. Please keep the content coming. Peaches you are pure gold and watching you learn to love him daily gives so many people hope. For borderlines that there is someone like you for all of us and people who are learning to be with a borderline that there will be peace. *inserts a standing ovation* XX- Sloan_Slizzle
  • Hailboyd
    I listen to this podcast DAILY. These two really helped me hold myself accountable for being a better person.
  • Stephanie DeSantis
    Longtime TikTok Fan
    Longtime TikTok fan, finally came over to subscribe and get full episodes. Love the honesty that you guys pour into each episode. Thanks for sharing yourselves so openly and creating a space for like minding couples to feel validated in their principles. Love you Peaches 🧡
  • hhshaisbobsbis
    My husband and I have someone to listen to that we both can actually understand and make our marriage better. We have been working on our marriage for a few years and it has been great. We still have our ups and downs but hearing both of you giving out advice is very refreshing. Communication is key and y’all NAILED IT in this podcast.
  • PanchoPunch78
    I found you guys on TikTok and immediately came to the podcast. It’s absolutely refreshing to see another couple that is strong and grounded. I grew up with years of physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse all under the age of 15. My wife and I have worked very hard to battle through all of our trauma, hers is nearly identical to mine, and have fought to build a marriage that our kids and peers could look up to. Listening to you guys make me feel connected to other like minded people and I’m here for that. I usually listen in my truck but I’m going to start listening with my wife at home some too.
  • no_sinking
    It was truly a blessing to find both of your accounts/podcast on tiktok a few Months ago. I can’t tell you how much your audience appreciates your time, wisdom and words. Coming from a broken home, I was never really taught communication of emotions and definitely never taught to take the time to see others point of view. Since listening to this, my boyfriend and I have grown so much together. I’m working on getting him to listen more as well but honestly? Even with just me listening, I’ve learned and evolved so much and I’m truly so grateful. Please continue doing this work because as a 21 year old woman, Peaches and Chris speak to me about the things I’ve wanted and needed to learn throughout young adulthood. Accountability, trust, trauma, mental health, and so much more has been spoken about on your podcast and it always seems to happen when I need that advice the most. It’s truly like getting advice from the mother I never really had and from a father figure who’s just coarse enough to make you respect his voice and truly listen to his words. I truly love this show and I thank you both sincerely from the bottom of my heart. You’re both definitely changing the world & I hope you both see it 🫶🏼
  • Jelly12fish
    Love this podcast!
    Hi Chris and Peaches! I came across you guys on tik tok and at first was triggered by most of the things you talked about. After taking the time to reflect and listen to more your podcast has helped me to recognize when I need to take accountability and has overall helped me grow individually and my relationship flourish.
  • Fiatmama
    Pleasantly surprised
    Hi you two. I don’t have a TikTok account. I found out about your podcast from my son’s Instagram page. He was telling his friends about your podcast and how great it was. I decided to check it out to see what my son is into. Mind you he is 28 years old but he’s still my baby. I listened to a couple podcasts and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I am a conservative 63 year old Christian woman and I raised my kids in the church. It blesses me to see a young couple that has conservative values and views marriage in a traditional way. It’s what I want for my own kids. You two are blessed to have found each other. Your communication with each other is easy and not forced. Do you know how hard that is to find? I have been single for 30 years because I will not settle. I want to thank you for your truth and honesty. I’m a fan. B
  • VBParadise
    So grateful
    I first came across you guys on TikTok and was so grateful to find like minded individuals who truly put in the work on being better individually and together. I am always so thankful for your perspective and tips for better communication. I’m binging all of your content and got my fiancé to listen to the check in episode and cannot wait to implement them! Keep up being great role models of good people here to make the world a better!
  • Say it don’t spray it
    Love this!
    I’m on episode 29 and this one hits hard because before I have made the choice to take something someone said in my own perspective. I’ve been working by on this for a while now. You guys mentioned is it anger or sadness….but to me anger = hurt, sadness or fear. So i feel if someone is angry there is something alway deeper to that anger. I appreciate you guys and your marriage. I look up to it. I try and get my husband to listen to it but he’s not a “podcast” guy. Also a suggestion, for the emails what if you receive an email that you’ve already addressed just reply to them witty the podcast they can listen to. I do like the beginning format. Again thanks for all you guys do!
  • Sam67835
    Self appreciation
    Not only do you guys put out the difference you give many positive outlooks on how much life can as difficult just as fun. I'm encouraged by the words you guys put out there! Thanks for also wanting me 2 be better. 💙
  • saqredmoon
    I can’t say enough how much this couple HAS IT TOGETHER. More people need to LISTEN & LEARN. Not listen and JUDGE. If you are someone that wants a better relationship by learning to respect your partner and yourself. This is the podcast!!! #Respect #RelationshipGoals. #KeepingItReal. #ToBeBetterDoBetter. #Chris&Peaches. #RealLove.
  • R3yna420
    This podcast is 100% worth listening too. I have learned so much from listening to these people and am thankful that I found such a gem.
  • Megapetgirl
    Thank you
    Helped me so much with my relationship
  • amberjcool
    Started with tik toks. Stayed for the podcasts. 😀 love this refreshing take of marriage and life.
  • Blue_Eyed_Beauty1991
    You just gotta listen
    So I started off watching y’all on TikTok I would watch every video and scroll and repeat lol. I absolutely love y’all and your marriage! The respect, communication, trust! I have never listened to a podcast before but I got locked out of my old TikTok and with some intense I fount you guys. And I’m so thankful I wish yall would/could do daily videos but I’ll take what I can for now!
  • Wisconsinhunter
    Seen you guys on TikTok. Started the podcast and definitely going to be changing my life to be the best man I can be for my wife and kids!
  • Valeriej98
    Finally a couple that I can say I look up to!!
    I started following on TikTok and then I moved to listening to the podcast and WOW, these guys are amazing. I have begun listening/watching on YouTube to better support them too. For awhile I had the mentality of “I can do it myself” but after listening to this podcast & seeing how they interact with each other made me realize that it’s okay to want someone to be by your side & do it all with and this is exactly the kind of thing I’m looking for. I’m single now but will be taking lots of key points from all of this and applying it to my future relationships; romantic and platonic. Thank you for all the hard work you guys do, it means so much!
  • K.warner36
    1st and only podcast I have ever listened too.
    I have never listened to a podcast before. I was scrolling through Facebook and saw one of my friends talking about a self-help podcast about relatable self help and problems within a relationship and I thought I’d give it a listen….now here I am a week later listening allll day long.
  • messy -Jessie
    Wow, big changes already!!
    I just missed these guys by a couple months. Now the changes I’m making since listening came too late for me to save my marriage…However, I am seeing the things that I’ve done and said that need to change in the future. Taking the steps recommended by Chris and Peaches is changing my life for the better. I’m working on me now so I can help a future s.o love and support me the way I need in order to love and support them too. I’ve even been inspired to get back to working on my own Faith and trust in Gods plan. Your time and effort are being utilized. I’m cracking open “Stop walking on eggshells”(on a wait list for Buddha and the borderline) now and I’d be lying to say I’m not terrified to see myself from the perspective of the people I’ve hurt. Going through it to get through it. Thank you Chris, Peaches and everyone behind the scenes for sharing you so I can heal me!!
  • Jas1498
    Life changing
    Currently 25 and going through a divorce, you guys have instilled a lot in me that I want to carry to my future. Been watching for about over a month now. Still not nearly done (caught up with) your content but so lucky to have found you and to keep learning. I have passed your podcast on to a few friends who also say they are enjoying you guys. Keep it up. Please 😌
  • Kilonne
    Gaining growth through your podcast
    Hi!! I’m a newer listener and think that you all are rock stars. I’ve been in my relationship for over a year and as I’ve grown as a person, I wanted to grow in my relationship. Listening to your podcast helped me start making little changes that has improved my relationship. I have a lot more growing to do and am excited to listen and implement your advice. Thank you for sharing your world with us and helping me be an even better person. Take care of yourselves and stay awesome!
  • JLDFL1
    Great, but…
    Great topics but there is a lot of silence which makes this hard to listen to. Also when emails are being read sometimes it’s way too slow.
  • TaylorM14796
    Real talk
    You want a happy healthy relationship, listen to the podcast.
  • biomed guy
    Great content.
    Very relevant and informational content for the real world, thank you.
  • Tiff-ers
    TikTok to Main Podcast
    Came up in my FYP a couple times they mentioned having a podcast and now they are pasty of my weekly go to podcast to listen to. I almost ALWAYS take something away from each and every podcast
  • JStrength
    Best Podcast Ever!!
    I stubbles upon your tiktok several months ago. Since then, my fiancé and I have used your podcast as one of our weekly connection times. We sit down all comfy on the couch, listen, and discuss. I have also put my mom onto your “show” ;) and she absolutely loves it! She is in the dating world in her mid 40’s and this has brought so much piece to her mind knowing that so many things you guys talk about aren’t just in her head from things in her past. It is also helping her overcome those thing and grow out of those past pains. I myself have also been able to use terminology from your conversations in my own relationship and it continues to help our relationship flourish! I pray for you both and your family and that you all have constant blessings returned to you! You are spending your valuable time blessing the world and so many relationships!! Thank you so so much for all that you do!
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